Requiem For A Doctor: Prologue Part 1 [By BFM101]

This series is going to bring together a lot of elements from previous entries in the Mongola Saga so if you’re not yet familiar with it, I do recommend you read some of the earlier stories, particularly: Breaking The Family Bond, Frederick’s Filthy Fluffy Farm, Favour For A Friend and Carter’s Creature Comforts which this is a direct sequel to. As well as elements from Love Persevering and Josef Finds A Fluffy although those should hopefully make sense in context.

This entry is the first in a two-part prologue depicting the events in the year between Breaking The Family Bond and Carter’s Creature Comforts. Part 1 will focus on Spike’s family after their escape from Josef, Part 2 will find out what Josef has been up to.

Spike woke, as he often did these days, to the sound of whining.

“Mummah gib miwkies nyo.”

It had been a little over a month since Spike and his family had escaped from Josef’s clutches, and in that time things had not improved. They had had to abandon their riverside home once the heavier rains caused the river to rise up, and now they had been squatting in an alleyway, terrified of any human that came near them.

Spike looked over at the disturbance, as usual his new siblings were making a fuss over something. Despite their origins and their hellgremlin father Crimson – who the family had agreed never to tell the foals about – the four newborns had started off quite cute and friendly. There was a pink unicorn filly with a purple mane called Taffy, an orange Earthie filly with a yellow mane called Ginger, a dark-green Alicorn colt with a dark orange mane called Moss and a bright red Pegasus colt with a blue mane called Chilli. Ginger and Moss both proved to be friendly and happy foals who took their feral lifestyle well, staying close to Spike and his sister Rose for protection, and for education.

Taffy and Chilli however, were a lot more boisterous.

“Dummeh mummah wakies, Chiwwi wan miwkies NYO!”

Where Taffy was ungrateful and stubborn, believing that a Fluffy of her pedigree should not have to live in such squalor, Chilli was bossy, rude and an all-round brat at the best of times, as soon as he learnt to talk he learnt how to start demanding things.

Things his parents couldn’t give him.

Spike’s mother Lavender sat up and looked down at Chilli with a saddened expression. “Sowwy babbeh, mummah nu hab miwkies. Babbehs am big babbehs nyo, nu need miwkies nu mowe, need gwown-up nummies.”


Spike’s father Cobalt rushed forward. “Nu make noisies babbehs, nu wan meanie hoomin to heaw.”

Chilli snorted. “Nu cawe, Chiwwi wan dummeh mummah tu gib miwkies tu bestesh babbeh nyo.”

Finally having enough, Spike got up and smacked Chilli on the back of the head. “Dummeh Chiwwi be quy-et. Am nu bestesh babbeh.”

A small lie, Spike knew Lavender had named him the bestesh babbeh last time, it was only by her and Cobalt’s strong wills that they were able to prevent him from turning into a Smarty. Now that will had been broken by Josef, and Lavender was too afraid of naming a bestesh for fear of losing her favoured child to humans. Not that that stopped Chilli from proclaiming himself as the favourite child.

Spike had a feeling that Chilli was overcompensating because Lavender actually treated him marginally worse due to his similarities to Crimson, however Spike was still a Fluffy and couldn’t fully understand these concepts.

Chilli turned round and stared Spike down, the two of them had never gotten along, Spike had tried to welcome Chilli and his siblings into the family as a way of moving past Josef’s torture but the bratty little shit made it impossible to like him where as Chilli flat out hated Spike because despite Cobalt’s and Lavender’s best efforts, the ingrained Alicorn hatred still ran through him.

“Dummeh brudda am jus munstah, Chiwwi nu wisten tu munstahs.”

“Chiwwi betta stawt ow Chiwwi be munstah nummies.”

Spike didn’t want to scare Chilli, but he’d found it was the best way to keep him quiet. Plus he had to admit, he did enjoy it.

Chilli let out a small stream of scardie-pee-pees before composing himself and walking away, still angry and still hungry, he lay down next to Taffy who sneered at Spike and went back to sleep. Spike looked over at his parents, both of them clearly struggling with the demands of their new children. Cobalt took a deep sigh and looked down the alleyway.

“Cobawt gu find nummies, nu wan babbehs hab tummeh-huwties.”

“Spike come tuu, nu wan daddeh be awone.”

Cobalt knew better than to argue with his son, he simply nodded and hobbled his way over to grab a discarded blanket they had picked up a couple weeks back. Spike turned and approached his sister Rose who had Ginger and Moss curled up under her arms, despite some very real traumas and nightmares that still haunted her, Rose took to the big sister role very well and loved her new siblings, even if some of them didn’t love her back.

“Spike gu wiv daddeh tu find nummies, babbehs be gud fow sissy Wose?”

Ginger and Moss nodded. “Babbehs be gud Spike.”

Spike gave a quick hug to them both and them another to Rose, after losing three siblings to Josef they two of them had grown closer as a result. With Cobalt ready and the blanket over his back, the father and son made their way out of the alley and into the human world.

Being lifelong ferals, the two of them knew to stick close to buildings, down alleys where people tended to avoid, or bushes and trees if they were scouting a nearby park. They’d done this countless times growing up, but in the last month, Cobalt’s missing leg had proven to be more and more on an issue, he couldn’t run as fast nor could he walk for as long as he usually did. Spike believed that Cobalt’s amputation hurt him more than his castration did, he’d at least learnt to pee sitting down and didn’t feel the need for ‘good feels’ anymore, but his missing leg hurt his sense of leadership, of being the protector of his family, being unable to provide for them like he used to was the biggest hurt of them all.

Which was why Spike insisted on going with his father now, not just to help him carry the food, but to make sure Cobalt didn’t hurt himself through overexertion.

“Daddeh need tu du sumfing bout babbehs, am gitten tu be pwobwem.” Spike told his father once they were alone.

“Am nu babbehs fauwt, dey jus wan hoomin mummah ow daddeh, wha aww Fwuffies wan.”

“Nu wha Spike wan, nu wha Wose wan.”

“Nu be su hawd on babbehs, neba meet meanie hoomin. Cobawy hope dey neba du. Dey stiww gwoing, wet dem be babbehs wittew bit wonga.”

Spike grimaced at Cobalt’s words, he feared that being soft on them would lead to more problems for the foals later on.

“At weast teww babbehs nu tu make su mush noisies. Am dangewous, meanies and munstahs can heaw dem.”

Cobalt sighed, he stopped for a moment to rest his one front hoof. “Cobawt knyo, am hawd tu be daddeh nyo, tuu scawed tu wook afta babbehs pwopawy. Tuu scawed see Joesep ow hoomin munstah gain, wan babbehs be safe bu no wan babbehs be scawed of bein big Fwuffies. Neba had dis wiv Spike and his bruddas and sissys, aww gud babbehs, neba hab bad babbehs befow, neba wiww gain.”

Sensing the dejection in his father’s voice, Spike went up and hugged Cobalt, feeling his father probably needed the comfort. “Spike am hewe if daddeh need hewp, wan wook afta bruddas and sissys tuu.”

Cobalt returned the hug, thankful for his son for letting him get this off his chest. “Cobawt knyo, twust Spike make wight choosies. Wet’s gu, need find nummies soon.”

Together the father and son walked deeper into the city, they would find food before nightime and bring it back, hoping that the foals would be satisfied for a little bit longer.

As the foals grew up things didn’t get much better, Chilli no longer demanded milk but he demanded other things, he demanded hugs from Lavender whenever she showed the slightest bit of affection to her other children. He demanded food even after eating and when Cobalt made the effort to find more food Chilli refused to eat it and demanded to have skettis despite never hearing of them before.

One time he made bad poopies in the nest and demanded Moss to give him lickie-cleans, thankfully a swift kick from Spike and a face-full of his own shit stopped him from trying that again.

Chilli found a puddle to wash his face off in, the taste of shit permeated in his mouth and he kept trying to spit it out. As he did, he heard Taffy giggling to the side.

“Wai dummeh Taff-ee waughin at Chiwwi?”

“Coz Chiwwi num poopies wike dummeh.”

“Nu Chiwwi fauwt, munstah Spike am buwwy. Chiwwi wan Moss tu gib wickie-cweans, munstah brudda onwy gud fow numming bestesh babbeh poopies.”

Taffy shook her head at Chilli. “Wai brudda keep cawwing sewf bestesh, mummah nu caww brudda bestesh.”

“Chiwwi knyo am bestesh, am smawtesh, pwettiesh babbeh in famwiy.”

Taffy snorted and threw back her purple mane. “Dat am jus dummeh fing tu say.”

“Wai Taff-ee cawe anee-way, yu nu bestesh tuu.”

“Taff-ee knyo, bu Taff-ee nu wan be hewe wonga, nu fink dis am gud famiwy, Taff-ee am tuu pwetty fow dese dummehs, mummah am wun-see-pwace munstah an daddeh hab nu speciaw-wumps, how can be daddeh wiv nu wumps.”

As Taffy went back to preening herself after a hard day of doing nothing, Chilli felt his little brain starting to turn, how could Cobalt be his father if he didn’t have any lumps? Of course Cobalt had explained to the foals that he lost his lumps after Lavender was pregnant, but Chilli was beginning to trust his so-called father less and less these days.

But those thoughts would have to wait, as he saw Rose, Moss and Ginger playing huggy-tag across the alleyway.

From the moment Rose taught her younger siblings about huggy-tag, the two foals had loved the game and would find any excuse to play it. Just woke up, get the blood flowing with huggy-tag, just had nummies, work it off with huggy-tag, time for sleepies, tire yourself out with huggy-tag. Rose loved the game as well, and found that playing with Moss and Ginger eased her mind and helped her sleep better at night.

It was the best distraction she was ever going to get.

Ginger was currently the Tagger and was chasing Moss down the alley, giggling as he tried to zig-zag away from her.

“Ginga gun catch yu.” She taunted him.

“Nu, Moss am fasta.” The little green Alicorn darted left and right trying to get away, Ginger took a leap forward to try and grab him, but as Moss jumped out of the way Ginger couldn’t correct herself in time and landed with a hard thump on the ground.

Moss and Rose gasped, Moss ran over to Ginger first. “Am Ginga ok?”

Ginger stood up, a small trickle of blood on her nose. “Ginga gud, jus huwt smeww-pwace a wittew bit.”

Rose was still unsure. “Dat nu wook bad, bu ni can be suwe, wet Wose cwean boo-boo juice.”

Reluctantly, Ginger followed Rose off to the side to clean her wounds, leaving Moss alone. He was a little sad at first but elected not to feel too down about it as now on his own he could satisfy his exploring curiosity and tentatively took a stroll down the alleyway until he eventually found a small hole in one of the fences on the side.

Curious, Moss managed to pull his little body through the hole and found himself in a small patch of grass and flowers. It wasn’t much to look at but Moss hadn’t been aware enough to remember the grass and flowers of their home before the alleyway, this was the most colour he’d ever seen on something that wasn’t a Fluffy.

As he looked around in awe he suddenly became aware that he wasn’t alone, standing nearby, trying to drink from a small puddle in the corner, was another Fluffy, a cream coloured unicorn colt with a brown mane.

A very handsome colt Moss thought to himself.

“Hewwo?” The colt cautiously stepped forward. “Nyu fwiend?”

Moss jumped to his feet and smiled. “Yeh, wan be nyu fwiend. Am Moss.”

The colt smiled back. “Am Fwint, wan pway spwashies.”

Moss was curious. “Spwashies? Wha dat?”


And Flint jumped into the shallow puddle, sending water flying in all directions, Moss was a little bit scared but mostly very impressed by Flint’s apparent bravery.

“Moss fot wawa bad fow Fwuffies.”

“Spwashie wawa nu am bad, am fun. Twy it.”

Moss felt himself start to shake with fear, but he tried not to let his new friend see the fear as he stepped forward and put a shaky hoof into the puddle.

When he opened his eyes again and realised he was still alive, he felt a new found excitement course through him, and he splashed the puddle with everything he had.

“Spwashie wawa AM fun.”

Flint giggled and the two colts started jumping around and splashing each other, laughing away like the little idiots they were. Flint decided to show off and stood on his hindlegs, Moss was thoroughly impressed and tried to do the same, but not being as practised as his new friend, he fell forward, only being stopped from hitting the ground by Flint catching him in a hug.

The two embraced Fluffies fell onto their sides and onto the grass, both of them still laughing, until they slowly but surely realised how close they were to each other. Moss stared into Flint’s eyes and felt his heart stop beating, why was he feeling this way about another colt, what was making his heart go crazy being this close to him, should he say something and risk scaring Flint away or…

Suddenly all thoughts in Moss’ head vanished as Flint gave him a small lick on the face.

“Fwint wike Moss.” He said softly.

“Moss wike Fwint tuu. Wub nyu fwiend.”

“Wub nyu fwiend tuu. Du… du Moss wan be speciaw-fwiends.”

At only three months old, Moss had a very vague understanding of what special-friend were, he knew that special-friends gave each other huggies and lickies and had special-huggies to make babbehs, but what special-huggies were he had no idea. But looking at Flint, he didn’t even need to think about his answer.

“Moss wan be Fwint speciaw-fwiend.”

Flint cheered and licked Moss’ face again, Moss returned the affection, the two of them so excited to finally have a special-friend. Even though neither of them really knew what that meant. Flint stood up ready to give Moss the biggest hug ever…

Only to be knocked down by a charging Chilli.

“NU!” Moss’ pleas went unheard as Chilli smacked Flint in the face.

“Wha poopie dummeh duin wiv brudda?” Chilli didn’t care about Moss’ wellbeing, he just wanted an excuse to hit the colt.

“Am onwy pwaying, pwease nu huwties.” Flint cowered under the might of the red Pegasus.

Moss tried to get in between them. “Pwease Chiwwi, nu gib huwties, Fwint am Moss’ speciaw-fwiend, Moss wub Fwint.”

Chilli looked at Moss, then at Flint, his face not even bothering to hide his disgust. After a moment he kicked Flint again.

“Yu twick brudda to wike stawwions, Chiwwi gun gib yu foweba sweepies.”

Moss panicked. “Am nu twick, Moss du wub Fwint. Pwease Chiwwi, nu wan wose Fwint.”

With Moss standing in his brothers way, he turned to Flint and cried out. “WUN!”

Flint was aghast. “Am nu weaving speciaw-fwiend.”

“Chiwwi gib foweba sweepies tu Fwint, pwease jus wun.”

Flint was torn, but seeing his brave Moss protecting him from his evil brother, he honoured his decision as ran away, Moss didn’t let up against Chilli until Flint was gone from his view. Chilli eventually smacked Moss in the face and knocked him to the floor.

“Chiwwi nu gun teww mummah bout Moss bein stawwion enfa coz nu wan gib hew heawt-huwties, Moss nu say bout Chiwwi gibben sowwy-hoofies, ok?”

Moss’ mind was frazzled, he’d fallen in love and lost the first Fluffy he cared about in less than ten minutes, he didn’t want to believe that Lavender would hate him for liking boys, but he was too scared not to think that.

“Moss nu say.”

“Gud, nyo come bak tu homesies.”

Moss followed Chilli back to the nest, a little more dejected than when he left. He took one final look towards where Flint had ran off to, hoping to see his special-friend once more.

When it become apparent Flint wasn’t coming, he dropped his head and walked away.

Everything finally broke down a couple months later, despite the families best efforts, nothing was ever good enough. Moss had become sullen and depressed but was too scared to tell his family why, Taffy continued to be a stuck-up bitch about everything and Chilli remained an unruly brat who only got worse once his testosterone hit hard.

While on a technical level Chilli was of breeding age, he was still a couple of weeks off what breeders prefer for the psychological basis of enfies. Not that Chilli or his sore lumps knew that, all he knew was that between his legs were two very sore testicles in need of some release, and the only female Fluffies he knew were his mother and sisters.

That is until he took a sullen walk down the alleyway and caught a strange new scent on the air, the scent of a mare. He looked out onto the street and saw a pretty dark red mare approaching him, she looked to be lost and frightened until she looked up and saw him staring at her.

“Hewwo? Who yu?”

“Am Chiwwi, wha pwetty mawe duing?”

The mare blushed slightly. “Am Chewwy, am wunnin fwom daddeh coz he say nu can hab babbehs.”

“Wan Chiwwi tu gib babbehs?”

Cherry’s baby sensor went into overdrive at the prospect, but while she had run away looking to be pregnant, her old daddy had taught her to avoid feral stallion, if she was to be a mummah she needed a special-friend to help her. And Chilli looked like he wasn’t interested in helping.

“Sowwy, Chewwy nu fink Chiwwi be gud speciaw-fwiend.”

“Who say speciaw-fwiend, Chiwwi jus wan gib babbehs.”

Cherry felt her blood chill as she realised just how imposing Chilli was, she started to step backwards in the hopes of escaping. But Chilli jumped forward and grabbed her.

“NU, pwease nu gib huwties.”

“Chiwwi nu gib mawe huwties. Chiwwi onwy wan gib enfies.”

“NU WAN BAD HUGGIES!” Cherry was weeping now, pleading with someone to help her. She let out a screech when Chilli pushed down onto her neck and thrust his enlarged phallus into her.

“Enf, enf, enf, enf.”

Cherry cried, she cried for leaving her daddy like an idiot, she cried for the bad tummeh-babbehs she was sure to have, she cried about all the troubled she’d have trying to raise them alone. She kept crying until, through her tears, she saw something orange charging at them.

Ginger crashed into Chilli and tore him off of Cherry, thankfully before he could finish, the traumatised mare ran off while Chilli stared down his sister.


“Chiwwi gibben bad huggies, nu tweat mawe wike dat.”

“Nu cawe bou mawe, wan gud-feews an dummeh sissy wuin dat.”

“If onwy way Chiwwi git gud-feews is bad-enfies den Chiwwi nu desewve hab gud-feews.”

Chilli grit his teeth and leapt forward, he was on top of Ginger in seconds and pummelling her skull with his hoofs before anyone could stop him.


The rest of the family looked over in absolute horror at the violent display in front of them, Spike immediately stood up and raced towards the in hopes of saving Ginger.

He was seconds too late as Chilli broke her skull moments before Spike reached him.

“BABBEH!” Lavender wailed at losing yet another child, this time to her own son. Rose and Moss quickly rushed to their mother’s side – Taffy paid no attention to the whole show – while Cobalt jogged over to Chilli, now struggling under the weight of Spike holding him down.

“Wai Chiwwi gib sissy foweba sweepies?”

“Ginga twy teww bestesh babbeh wha du, she stop Chiwwi habben gud-feews wiv mawe.”

Spike and Cobalt looked at each other, Cobalt finally had to admit that Chilli was too far gone to be saved. He hated himself for having to wait until Ginger’s death to see it.

“Chiwwi nu am bestesh, Chiwwi is bad babbeh. Daddeh nu wan say dat bout babbeh bu…”

“Yu am nu daddeh.”

Cobalt and Spike froze, Moss looked up, even Taffy became interested in the conversation. Cobalt motioned for Spike to get off of Chilli as the blue unicorn looked down at the red Pegasus.

“Wha babbeh say?”

“Dummeh Cobawt am nu daddeh, yu jus dummeh nu wumps Fwuffy. Nu can be daddeh wiv nu wumps.”

“Cobawt teww Chiwwi, wose wumps afta Wavenda become soon-mummah, wai babbeh nu wisten…”

“YU WIE! Yu fink Chiwwi dummeh, Chiwwi knyo yu wying, yu nu be Chiwwi daddeh, Chiwwi am betta dan Cobawt, betta dan aww dummeh famiwy.”

Cobalt felt a tear in his eye listening to Chilli’s outburst, he had tried so hard but he’d failed to give Chilli the upbringing he needed, and now he’d turned, he’d turned into a rapist and a murderer.

He’d turned into his father.

“Chiwwi am wight, Cobawt nu daddeh. Chiwwi daddeh am Cwimson, biggesh meanie Fwuffy eba. Cwimson daddeh huwt famiwy, take Cobawt weggie and wumps, take Wavenda see-pwace, and gub babbehs foweba sweepies. Cwimson gib Wavenda wowstesh enfies, Cobawt had heawt-huwties tu see. Bu famiwy escape, wun way fwom Cwimson daddeh, Spike gib Cwimson foweba sweepies. Cobawt pwomise tu wook afta babbehs nu matta wha, nu am daddeh, bu twied bestesh tu be.”

Chilli stared at Cobalt, his eyes filled with fury, eventually he spat in Cobalt’s face.

“Yu wying fuk. Yu take Chiwwi daddeh way fwom him, Chiwwi HATCHU, HATCHY AWW!”

Chilli looked over at Taffy and Moss and motioned for them to follow him, Taffy did so without question, sneering at Lavender and Rose as she passed them.

“Sissy was dummeh anee-way, nu knyo wai mummah hab saddies.”

And off she went to joined her brother. Moss was a little bit more hesitant, he still hadn’t come out to anyone but Chilli, and while Chilli was a bully, he at least seemed to be offering Moss a place of safety.

As Moss went to leave, Rose grabbed his hoof. “Pwease Moss, nu weave.”

“MOSS!” Chilli barked. “Dey gib daddeh foweba sweepies, nu twust dem.”

In truth Chilli didn’t care if Moss came or not, but he knew it would hurt the family more if he came with them. After a moment, Moss pulled his hoof from Rose’s grasp and walked away, not looking at her for fear of changing his mind, as he passed Spike and Cobalt and he looked up at them, openly crying now.

“Moss am sowwy.”

And he ran off with Chilli and Taffy, the family could only watch as the three of them turned a corner and were gone. Cobalt looked up at Spike.

“Wai nu stop babbehs?”

Spike’s voice was near monotone, there was nothing left in him to give emotion. “Nu am babbehs anee-mowe. Am own Fwuffies, make own choosies. Spike nu wike it, but famiwy twied tu be gud, Chiwwi stay am bad Fwuffy. Nu bwame famiwy fow dat.”

The two stallions sullenly rejoined Lavender and Rose, and together the family of four huddled in a Fluff-pile and cried, even after so many months, Josef and Crimson were still hurting them.

The next day, Spike was woken again by a strange sound, it sounded like a vroom-vroom monster but much larger. He looked up just in time to see a human man approaching them, in an instant Spike was up and growling at the intruder.


“Whoa, easy there wee man, I’m nu here tae hurt ye. I’m Daniel MacMillan, I work fir the Farm just ootside a toon. I’m here tae help Fluffies find shelter from the sickness.”

Spike and his family looked at each other confused. Spike looked back at Daniel. “Wha sickies?”

“There’s something in the air, making Fluffies act weird and violent, I’m tae take any Fluffies I find and keep them safe until the sickness is all gone.”

Spike and his family were cautious about Daniel’s offer after their last brush with a human, but Spike thought about it and a sickness that made Fluffies violent would explain what happened to Chilli, if Daniel was telling the truth then maybe he could help save Chilli, Taffy and Moss from whatever was afflicting them.

“Dan-eew pwomise nu am wying?”

“I promise I’m no lying, if you come wae me I’ll even have some of me friends look over yer injuries, some of them are doctors and keep help ye feel better.”

Spike growled at the word ‘doctor’. Nu wike doktows, meanie Joesep doktow an he gub famiwy wowstesh huwties.”

“You say Josef? Dr Josef?”

Spike nodded.

“Well I’ll be damned, me boyfriend Lewis knows a Dr Josef, hates him and all. Now I can definitely promise we willnae hurt ye, if Lewis meets you lot then he’ll make sure none of ya see Josef ever again.”

That finally sealed the deal, being safe from Josef gave the family all they needed to go with Daniel, he brought out a box with a cotten base and softly put all four of them inside, letting them rest on the soft floor and even pouring a little bit of kibble into a couple food bowls on the side.

“You guys look like ya needed a week pick-me-up, hopefully a full belly will help ya. Take a wee rest if ye want, it’s still a wee while before we reach The Farm.”

Cobalt, Lavender and Rose were soon out cold on the soft floor but not Spike, he stayed awake a little big longer. He was still cautious about trusting humans but something in his gut was telling him to trust Daniel, even if they couldn’t save Chilli and the others, at least wherever Spike and his family went it would be safer than where they’d been.

Spike hoped for happier times as he closed and his eyes and fell asleep.

Prologue Part 2


You’re the BEST


Oh man this is so good. So sad that Moss went with the Smarty duo though


Damn good prologue, gawd hated chilli and taffy one asshole and ones a bitch

I feel sorry for Moss, why he even have to follow that shit of a brother :man_facepalming:

Will we be seeing what become of them?


Moss followed Chilli out of fear, he didn’t know how his family would react to him admitting he was gay, and at least with Chilli he knew he had safety, albeit a rough form of it. Very much a case of The Devil you know.

And yes, we will be seeing all three of them later on in this series.


Fuckkk im getting really sorry for Moss couldn’t even try to trust the family that raised him than listening to that asshole :triumph:

I understand its bout his fear that causes him to follow a moron. Hope he at least survived.


Still can’t decide what I want more. Spike to be pillowed and kept alive as a feral enfie toy (like the herd toughy. Heck, he might meet chili again), or for Spike to be broken into Crimson 2.0.

Can’t wait. Hoping Josef gets his hands on him, if Katherine does her part!


Poor Moss, surprised Spike didn’t take Chilli for a walk when he was starting to go smarty. He failed protecting his family.


Sound too good to be real. Imaginé the twist of make Spike the new Crimson.


looks at title

“How am ‘Wequiem fow a doctow’ when no hab doctow?”

“Iz pwo-wogue.”

“Oh, yeah, dats wight.”

“Hippowita no wike Chiwi. Feew bad fow Cowbawt an’ Wavendaw.”

“Napowean sowwy fow Moss. Seem wike good babbeh but scawed. Haw fow be diffewent.”

“What t’ink of Spike?”

“T’ink Spike hab Pee-Tee-Ess-Dee. Need fow go see what happen’ befowe.”

“Good t’ing daddeh @BFM101 hab handy wink for daddeh Josef’s stowies.

“Wemembah fow wike an’ subscwibe!”

Looking forward to this. Interestingly enough, I wonder if experiments like this go on in your setting? It’d be SUPER interesting to see given Crimson and Rex’s relationship. I’m sure Josef would be fascinated as well:


RIP Moss, you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into


Wuhu Crimson Junior go enf EM all.
Now you have to show the world that you have your fathers big dick Energie.
And fuck Spieck I know you get some later


I am a bit curious if Lewis will have a sit down with the family. Probably too busy for that but I would think with how much Josef is on their minds it would come up with Katherine. I am holding out hope that Katherine doesn’t f*ck it up and gives Spike over to Josef. Then again, if Josef emotionally manipulates her by saying him having Spike can get back at Lewis she might likely fall for it.


Based Chilli.

This is amazing I’m glad you shared. I know stress and trauma is also passed down in maternal RNA up to seven generations. Glad to see the dad plays a part, too. I guess that means those of us with two cray-cray parents are just fucking doomed :joy::joy::joy:


Ars is one of my favorite sites and has been since 1999. They’ve got a nice collection of weird science stories over the years. For fun check out their coverage of the ignoble prize, poop transplants, etc


Yes! POOP TRANSPLANTS seems like at least one fluffy story should have that as a theme


They’ve got a nice range of stories on that. Successful, dangerous, research, “why?” levels of DIY… they’re a great science and technology site with a bit a geek culture plus politics as it relates to their field of coverage.


Huh another gay fluffy. I wonder why only now are they showing up. You’d think Hasbio playing god would try and make that non existent to keep breeding stocks high and costs low.