Return To Russel Glen
Chapter 3: Introductions
Pulling into the driveway the Dandyman drove down the property lines of the Russel Glen homestead. Pulling into the car port he turned the engine off and put the cruiser into park. Stepping out he took a cigar from his jacket pocket and lit it up. The drive back had been uneventful thanks to the effects of the sleep spell placed upon the newly adopted fluffies. As he got out he stretched his back and craned his neck.
Walking around to the tray he first removed the sleeping four problematic fluffies and took them over to the rehabilitation shed. He placed them carriers inside on the cold steel table before leaving.
“Should I place the glitter foals as well, show them what happens to bad fluffies?” The Dandyman contemplated before deciding to move the carrier with the two sleeping glitter foals into the rehabilitation shed. He wouldn’t harm them physically but some mental stimulus would be free game. Placing the foal carrier on the opposite side of the room he departed again.
He took out the other carriers one by one, he took the large box holding Lilac, the pregnant mare and the twelve chirpies into his house. He moved them into one of the spare rooms that he intended to set up as a safe room. He then went back and slowly collected the other four carriers with Max, the magenta unicorn, burnt orange excitable pegasus and triplet siblings. He cast telekinesis to carry Max and the three foals while he picked up the carriers containing the other fluffies.
Making his way over to the first barn he saw the fluffy herd running over from their work on the second barn. The fluffy herd raced over with boundless energy.
“Wewcum bwack daddeh!” The chorus of fluffies sang as they ran over, Lemon leading the herd. They were unbothered by the floating carriers, having already seen the Dandyman use some of his amazing magic over the last few days.
“Smwewww fwuffies! Smweww babbehs!" Lemon said excitedly as she sniffed the air, the others soon following they were jumping around.
“New fwens!” The fluffies shouted excitedly. The Dandyman chuckled and slowly lowered the four carriers onto the ground.
“There are more fluffies but some were very naughty and are in the shed to be reeducated. The others need extra care so they’ll be temporarily living in a safe room in my home. Once I’m sure they’re ready to enter the herd I’ll bring them out to meet you all.” Explained the Dandyman as the fluffies surrounded him. He gently patted each of them as they ran up. Others were investigating the carriers looking in at the sleeping fluffies.
“Now let us introduce these little guys.” The Dandyman first pulled up the carrier containing the three foals.
“Now Lemon would you go get one of the nurse mares for me. I have three little babies that need a new mummah. The poor little things had a very bad mummah.” The Dandyman explained as Lemon sniffed and looked at the three sleeping talkie babies.
“Pwor babbehs. Wemon gwet pweaw. Pweaw wub babehs!” Lemon scurried out into the barn and soon returned with the light pink bowl fluffy. The nurse mare came running over in excitement.
“Babbehs! Pwear hewp pwor babbehs!” The little earthie hurried over and sniffed the carrier quickly finding the three sleeping fluffies.
“Am onwy widdow babbehs.” The little earthie looked at the three babies sadly before looking at the Dandyman.
“Am pweaw’s nu babbehs? Fu wub, huggies un miwkes?” Asked Pearl her voice full of hope as she had already fallen in love with the three foals.
“Of course. Let me wake them up.” The Dandyman slowly opened the carrier and released the sleep spell. He gently shook the carrier, “Wake little ones were home.”
The little foals were stirred by the shaking of the carrier, their eyes blinking as they gave yawns.
“Homesies Daddeh?” Asked the brown colt in a sleepy voice. He blinked and cooed as his eyes adjusted to the light.
“Fwuffies?” The dark green filly slowly stepped out of the carrier before epping and ducking back in as she noticed the large herd of fluffies.
“No need to be afraid my little foals. These are good fluffies, they’ll be your new herd.” The Dandyman instructed as he reached in and gently plucked the three foals out and sat them infront of pearl. The three foals cowered and hugged each other.
“This is Pearl, she’ll be your new mummah.” The Dandyman gently coaked the three foals towards the bowl fluffy.
Pearl slowly approached and sniffed each one, she gave them a tender lick that made each one giggle.
“Nu bwe swawdies babbehs. Am Pweaw am nu mammeh.” The nurse mare said in a gentle calming tone, one she had used many times.
“Huuu hick nu mummah? Fu poopie babbies?” The brown colt looked up hopefully as he sniffed.
“Am nu poopie babbehs! Am pwetti babbehs! Gwud babbehs!” Pearl softly chastised them as she scooped them up and gave all three huggies making them coo in delight.
“Now I believe these little fellas need some names.” The Dandyman took a drag of his cigar as he thought.
“Nu namesies for babbehs?” The little green filly asked, her voice cracking as she sobbed happily.
“Of course little filly. Let’s see, I’ll call you Olive.” The Dandyman decided as he named the newly dubbed filly.
“Am owive. Wub nu namesies dank u daddeh.” Olive peeped as she hugged onto her new mummah. “Wub nu mummah.”
“And you my little brown foal, I’ll call Coconut.” The Dandyman dubbed the dark brown colt earning a happy cheer from the colt.
“Am Cwocwonut!” The little colt said proudly hugging his new mummah. The Dandyman then looked to the derped yellow colt as he cooed cutely and sucked his right hoof.
“And you little fella will be Mango.” The Dandyman decided naming all three siblings after fruits that were similar colour to them. The little derped foal gurgled and babbled.
“bwwwb, grrrg peep Gwango.” The little fluffy peeped attempting to say his own name. The Dandyman gave a soft chuckle and gently scratched the derpy fluffy’s head making him coo.
“This little one will need a little more care, can I trust you Pearl?” The Dandyman turned his focus to the nurse mare who puffed her cheeks up as if he had insulted her.
“Dat am inswuldin Daddeh! Pwear wook abda babbehs.” The little fluffy slowly picked the foals up, placing them on her back and carried them into the barn for feeding time. The Dandyman merely chuckled at her actions before turning to the herd.
“Now we have some new adult fluffies joining us.” The Dandyman removed the spell on the other three fluffies as he opened the cages. The fluffies stirred and slowly began to emerge coming to a stop as they saw the large gathered herd.
“FWUFFY FWENS!” The burnt orange pegasus exclaimed excitedly as he bounded out of the cage and ran over to the fluffies. He ran around them excitedly. His actions made the magenta fluffy roll her eyes. Max was shy as he darted behind the Dandyman unsure of the new fluffies.
“Listen up little fluffies, this is your new herd. You see the white earthie, her name is Lemon, she is the herd smarty.” The Dandyman introduced Lemon as the white earthie waddled over and inspected the new fluffies.
“She will tell you all the rules you have to follow while living with the herd and on my estate.” The Dandyman explained as he reached down to gently stroke Max reassuring the cream stallion.
“Everyone this is Max, he is a good fluffy.” The Dandyman gently shoved max towards the herd. The stallion tenderly approached, his tail was tucked between his legs he was shy and fearful.
“Hewwo am Mwacks.” The stallion introduced himself to the herd. Twig and Water came bounding over to him shy Max.
“Hewwo nu fwen! Am Wawa, dis am bwest fwen Twig.” The blue earth spoke with a beaming smile as he greeted Max.
“Hewwo.” Max responded unsure of himself.
“Wan huggies? Huggies mwake bwedda.” Twig asked as he poked out from behind Water. Max just gingerly nodded his head. The two fluffies then engulfed Max in a giant hug making the stallion break down into tears.
“Am nu fwen swadsies?” Asked Twig as he hugged harder.
“Huuuu nu am happi huuu huuu.” Max responded between choked sobs, he felt he had a family once more.
“Everyone, the little bundle of energy over there is Apollo.” The Dandyman spoke up as he addressed the fluffies and pointed at the pegasus who was bouncing around. The burnt orange pegasus turned and bounded over to the Dandyman his wings flapping.
“Fwuffy namesies am Apowwo?” Asked the fluffy as he bounced around as if he had boundless energy.
“Yes your name is Apollo.”
“HAB NAMESIES! WUB NAMESIES! APOWWO! APOWWO!” The orange fluffy shouted happily as he ran around the Dandyman, jumping as high as he could into the air. Each time he descended the Dandyman had to catch him and gently lower him down so he wouldn’t hurt himself. The fluffy bounced away to the herd and joined them in celebration.
The magenta unicorn stood at the edge of the herd looking at them. She looked at the Dandyman with a strange expression in her eyes as she examined the herd.
“Dis am nu hewd?” The unicorn asked as she seemed to be judging them.
“Yes. That’s not going to be a problem is it?” The Dandyman asked, raising an eyebrow as he watched the magenta mare. She huffed and looked at the herd again.
“Weww dey nu pwetti wyike pwetti fwuffy. Bwu pwetti fwuffy shwaww gwacw dem wid fwuffies pwesunts.” She spoke with a huff as she preened and cleaned her fluff, she seemed a bit like a deva. Apple bounded over and inspected the new fluffy.
“Yu pwetti fwuffy. Am Appwe wan bwe fwens?” THe earthie introduced herself trying to be nice. The Magenta fluffy looked at the earthie and huffed.
“Dwis wun swuppose cwan gwace dee wid dwye twime un bwuti.” The magenta fluffed as she extended a hoof towards Apple. The earthie seemed a little confused but the unicorn spoke with no malice. Apple shook the hoof with a smile before hugging the mare who frowned at the contact.
"“Stop dad wite dis swecun!” The mare said by Apple didn’t seem to care even as she was gently pushed away. The unicorn didn’t seem to have the intention to harm Apple. The mare brushed her coat with a huff. "“Nu huggies, wecks pwetti fwuff. Bwut wih wet fwuffi swake hoofsies.”
“I think I’ll call you Aphrodite.” The Dandyman said with a smile as he gently patted the newly dubbed Aphrodite on the head. She shook her head and pushed the hand away.
"“Nu wuff up Afwodwities pwetti fwuff pwease. A wady mus wook her bwest.” Aphrodite said in a huff as she cleaned her fur again earning a chuckle from the Dandyman. He didn’t sense any malice in her tone even as she trodded off and started interacting with the other fluffies. The fluffies seemed confused at her behaviour but took it in stride.
“Alright Lemon introduce the herd to the new fluffies. I have some other fluffies to meet.”
“Otay Dwandymwan. Wemon tweach udda fwuffies.” THe little white earthie bounded off after the herd as they headed into the barn.
Turning on his heels the Dandyman made his way into his home and entered the spare room. He began to unpack the boxes and set up the safe room. He set up the protective gate and fence first blocking the door off so the fluffies couldn’t leave. He’d finish it off tonight. He opened the carriers and slowly pulled the fluffies out resting the pregnant mare on a pillow. He sat Lilac and the chirpies on a large fluffy bed.
The spell was gradually released as he gently shook the fluffies awake. The movement of Lilac awoke the chirpies as they started to peep and chirp from the smell of the unfamiliar environment.
“Mummah hwere babbehs. Nu cwies. Mummah wub babbehs, babbehs wub mummah.” Lilac sang as she gently cradled the foals one after soothing them. She placed one on her enlarged teets and they happily drank.
“Welcome to your new home Lilac.” The nurse mare looked up and smiled at the Dandyman as she tended to the chirpies. The brown mare however remained unmoving, her eyes blank and hollow.
The Dandyman walked over and knelt down beside the mare gently patting her. She looked up with her dead eyes at the Dandyman.
“Wy?” She asked as if questioning his reason for adopting her.
“Because I believe you are a good fluffy. You’ll have good babies and be a good mother to them.” The Dandyman said as he stroked her fur tenderly. “You’re safe here now, no fluffy will ever hurt you again, I promise.”
His kind and gentle words made the fluffy cry as she broke down. She broke down crying as he pulled her onto his lap and comforted her. “Huuu huuuu huuu! Fwuffy hab su mwani hewt huwties! Huuu huuu wy fwuffies huwt fwuffy.”
Lilac waddled over with the babies on her back and sat beside them. She gently hugged the soon mummah as the babies drank her milkies.
“Am otay. Hewt huwties bwe gun, hab nu daddeh.” Lilac said as she comforted the other mare and gently sang to the fluffy.
“I’ll call you Cocoa. Would you like that?” The Dandyman asked as he stroked the fluffy. She sniffed and looked up a little spark of life returning to her yellow hues.
“Dank u Daddeh. Am Cwocwo.” The little fluffy gave a sad smile as she snuggled into him.
“I bet you’re both hungry. Wait here and I’ll get you some food.” The Dandyman gently placed Cocoa onto her pillow. Lilac cuddled up to the pregnant mare as the babies formed a fluff pile around them cooing gently. As if sensing Cocoa’s heart hurties the chirpy babies snuggled into her.
“Huuu huu pwetti babbehs.” Cocoa sniffed as she looked at the chirpy babies, giving one a gentle lick. The Dandyman planned to let Cocoa settle in first before regenerating her limbs.
Heading to the kitchen he grabbed two bowls and poured scoops of wild berry kibble into them. He grabbed two refillable water containers and brought them into the room. He placed the containers down allowing the fluffies to eat.
“Nummies twaste pwetti." Lilac commented as she grabbed the kibble with her hoof and raised it to her mouth. Cocoa leaned over into the kibble and took a tentative bite. She swallowed tears falling again as she started to eat again.
“Now rest beautiful fluffies. I need to go deal with some bad fluffies. Lilac I’m trusting you to look after the chirpies and Cocoa.” The Dandyman dictated to the lilac fluffy who smiled at him.
“Otay daddeh! Wiwac am gwud fwuffy wook abda chirpies un Cwocwo.” Lilac cooed at the chirpies giving one of them licks. The Dandyman pointed over to a corner room where a litter box was set up.
“The litter box is over there, help the chirpies go. Cocoa if you can’t make it to the litter box I won’t blame you. You’re heavily pregnant with tummeh babbehs. Lilac, please help Cocoa.” Cocoa sniffed and nodded her head.
“Otay daddeh. Huuu huu wub u”
“Wiwac hewp Cwocwo Wub u!”
“Good girls. I love you too, both of you.” The Dandyman patted the two mares on the head before leaving. He had a group of very naughty fluffies to deal with.
Another chapter.
I know the last few have all had the impending doom tag but it will finally it come next chapter for the naughty fluffies!
Will the glitter foals learn to behave after witnessing what happens to the other fluffies? The Dandyman however won’t make the torment of the bad fluffies quick and painless, oh no it will be slow and painful.
Look forward it.
Hope you enjoyed, if you did leave a reply down below.
If you want me to post a topic featuring all the fluffies in this story including name, colour and breed let me know.
Russel Glen Series
Prequel Series: A New Beginning