Return to Russel Glen is the sequel to my story A New Beginning. It is a continuation of the adventurers between the Dandyman and Lemon’s herd who have been granted a home on his land. Links to that chapter at the bottom.
Return To Russel Glen
Chapter 1: Fluffmart Part 1
As the morning sun rose in the east, the Dandyman rose with it. The tiefling in disguise rose from his satin sheets and began his daily routine. A warm morning shower, a quick shave and trim of his hair. Once trimmed the final piece was dressing himself in one of his many fine Italian suits. The colour of today was a chocolate brown suit, matching tie and homburg hat. He twirled the hat and rested it upon his head as he looked in the standing mirror admiring his dress. The Dandyman straightened out the jacket and made sure nothing was out of place.
With a charming smile the Dandyman walked into the kitchen, the coffee maker had already finished brewing up the daily juice. Grabbing the pot he poured the brew into a charming but simple white coffee cup. He took a deep inhale of the arabica aroma. Taking a sip he enjoyed the smooth yet sweet taste, it had flavours of chocolate and sugar.
Making his way out of the old rustic house that he called home, the Dandyman left, departing through the front door. Void like hues scanned the property, the overgrowth surrounding much of the homestead had been cleared away revealing crisp clean lawns. The path leading to the barns had been cleared of trash, weeds and overgrowth before being repaved. The old driveway from the house extending all the way out of the property lines had been retired in recent days.
Looking at his porch a parcel was sitting outside his door. He picked it up and sat it on a nearby table along with his coffee. With a flick of his wrist a dagger slid out of his sleeve and it opened it up. Inside was a letter along with a thick envelope. Opening up the letter he began to read it.
Dear Dandyman.
Again I send my utmost apologies for the disrespect one of my men showed you on your own property. As you know they have been dealt with and will bother you no more.
As a sign of my apology in addition to the gifts already received, in the accompanying envelope are the necessary documentation you asked of me, and more. It is my hope that the rift between us caused by my foolish subordinate can be closed. You are a valued family member and friend whom I do not wish to lose.
I wish you luck in your endeavours and should you ever need it, do not hesitate to ask for the family’s help. You are one of us and we do not forget family.
Sincerely Yours.
Don Giovanno Mancini
The card was personally signed and written by the Don. With a smile the Dandyman folded the card open and looked at the other gifts given by the Don. In the driveway and garage was a brand new burgundy red 2024 model 79 series Toyota Land Cruiser. It had arrived with a large bow on the hood and all. It had been driven by one of the Don’s capo’s escorted by three black sedans. The capo had handed over the keys before driving off in one of the sedans.
On the side close to the Dandyman’s torturing shed were two large enclosed trailers. The first was a large horse trailer that once could hold up to five horses. The trailer had been modified to safely store and travel with close to one hundred adult fluffies. The other trailer was a large enclosed U-haul furniture trailer for moving goods.
Drawing his focus from the expensive land cruiser, the Dandyman opened the envelope. Pouring out the contents a number of documents fell out. He began to flick through them, the first was a breeding licence, declaring him as a legal breeder, without an expiry date. The Don must have greased a ceo or two to get this. The next was a documentation for the legal disposal of fluffies as biohazardous waste. There were other documents including building permits, waste treatment permanent and more, even documents he hadn’t even asked for that would certainly come in use at a later date.
“The Don never does things half measured, that’s for sure.” He packed the documents up and slipped them into his jacket sleeve where they disappeared. Best to keep them on hand at all times.
“Gud Bwite Twimes!” A loud baby-like voice called out to the Dandyman. Looking out he saw three earth fluffies running up towards him along the cleared dirt path. One was a mare with white fluff with yellow mane, yellow tail and green eyes. The other two were stallions one was completely blue with brown eyes and the other much smaller than the other two, he had tree bark brown fluff with matching pattern, autumn orange tail and mane, his eyes were grey.
“Good morning little fluffs.” The Dandyman greeted the trio as they came running up and stopped just before the steps that led up to his patio. Taking a few steps down, the Dandyman crouched and lowered himself to their level.
“Hewwo Dwandymwan. Hab gwud sweepie twimes?” Asked the little white fluff, her eyes twinkled with joy. The other two fluffies circled around and raised their hoofs towards him in the uppy pose.
With a chuckle the Dandyman set his coffee down and picked the two stallions up. The two wrapped their arms around his chest as much as they could and gave him hugs.
“Bwite twime huggies!” The two little fluffies declared with giant smiles on their faces.
“Nu fwaiw!” The white fluffy puffed her cheeks out as she ‘glared’ at her fellow fluffies getting giggles from them.
“I didn’t forget about you Lemon.” The Dandyman lowered the two back down and picked up the little white fluffy allowing her to give him a hug. The mare giggled with joy as she hugged the Dandyman even giving him a little peck on the cheek. She looked at the two stallions and cheekily poked her tongue out at them.
“Let’s go see the herd.” The Dandyman placed Lemon back on the ground and retrieved his mug. The three fluffies ran off with the Dandyman in tow behind them as they made their way down towards the vibrant red barn. The barn stood out amongst the four barns on the property, it was the first to be patched up and given a new coat of paint.
The fluffy herd was slowly making their way from inside the barn, many yawning as they awoke to begin the day. The sound of baby-like singing echoed from inside the barn.
“Mummah wub babbehs. Babbehs wub mummah. Dwink wots of milkies un gwow stwong!” The mothers sang to their foals and fed them milk soothing their stomachs. The Dandyman made his way down and looked over the large herd of fluffies as they greeted him. He would tip his hat and greet them back as he took a look inside. The cool air hitting him, it felt refreshing. The barn had been installed with heavy duty industrial air conditioners that could run hot or cold.
Running through the middle of the barn a good half length through the building, was a metal feeding trough that had been built into the ground at perfect height for the fluffies. Tubes hovered above the trough and connected to an automated feeding system in the room. Kibble would slide down the tubes and into the trough filling it. The timer was set to release a small portion of kibble at sunrise. It would provide enough to stave off the fluffies’ hunger from the night, so they could continue to consume the overgrowth on the property. For the mothers, foals and mare’s unable to work, the feeder would release a larger portion towards the end. Any fluffy who attempted to eat the extra kibble was given a beating by Lemon.
She would shout at them, “Extwa nummies fu nwuses, mummahs, swoon mummahs un babbehs!” Of course it had only taken one idiot fluffy the first day for the others to learn.
Attached to the right side wall of the barn were multiple hamster bottles, each filled with water. He had used this method instead of bowls, fearing the fluffies might drown themselves. The water bottles were connected to a water system that fed through the barn. Water would flow through the piping system and into the bottles. He just had to make sure they were refilling properly.
On the left hand side was a dugout litter box filled with fluffy litter. The litter box was exceptionally large to accommodate the fluffies. A permanent prestidigitation spell had been grafted onto the box automatically using magic to clean it, however instead of destroying the faecal matter, it was transferred into a nearby silo to be stored, collected and sold. A secondary spell, a modified alarm spell, would trigger to alert the Dandyman to any fluffies in distress while using the litter box, primarily in the form of injuries or potential death.
The open area of the barn around the trough was designed as play and living quarters. Blankets and straw had been placed around the barn, the fluffies had used them to build their nests. Towards the back of the barn it had been divided into three rooms. The middle room featured a large tv built into the wall, there were small bean bag chairs placed throughout the room. The tv would be used as a viewing room rewarding the fluffies when they behaved.
The left hand room furthest from the fluffy nests was a nursery. The mare fluffies could live here and tend to the young. Small warm beds had been placed into the nursery. The floor itself was padded to prevent injuries. The room was brightly coloured, the walls were painted in fields of flowers and there was an emergency button. The button was too high up for the foals to press, but low enough for the nurse mares to trigger should there be an emergency. The nursery also had its own automated feeding bowl. The container above was filled to the brim and would automatically refill the bowl below once it was empty. On either side of the feeder was a drinking bottle. The bottles were connected to the same system to refill.
The right hand room was set up for the soon to be mother’s. It provided a stress free environment for them. It had soothing blue walls painted with a sunrise on the left and a sun set on the right. The floor like the nursery padded to prevent any injuries. Fluffy beds were placed around the room for the mother’s to rest in. By each bed was a small water hamster bottle that hung from the ceiling attached by cable.
A thick feeding tube was connected to a feeder in the ceiling, timed to open the end of the tube allowing kibble to slide out and onto the floor in front of the pregnant mares. The feeder was set to regularly feed them every three hours. The ass end of the mare’s were sat inside the litter box ensuring they didn’t make a mess in their beds or the rooms. The room could comfortably hold thirty pregnant mare’s at any one time. A nurse mare would sleep nearby in order to watch over the mothers. The nurse mares would aid in cleaning the mothers and tending to their needs.
To prevent the fluffies from being scared during the night, glow in the dark stickers had been strewn across the barn. This provided a minute amount of light for the fluffies. A small comfort to the little fluff balls, the first night they had stayed they had been enraptured by the lights. It had taken a few hours for Dandyman, Lemon and the Council to get the fluffies to go to sleep and stop admiring the ‘pwetti wawws’.
Despite having a proper home, the Dandyman had put Lemon in charge of the herd, she remained the smarty. It was Lemon’s duty to make sure the fluffies did as they were told.
The rules were as followed:
Rule 1: You must always listen and obey the Dandyman
Rule 2: Lemon is the Smarty of the herd unless the Dandyman says so. She is next in charge after the Dandyman. She is the only smarty allowed!
Rule 3: All poopies and peepee’s must go in the litter boxes.
Rule 4: Food is to be shared amongst all fluffies! No fluffy is to eat more than other fluffies.
Rule 5: Fluffies are not to make demands of the Dandyman! This includes demanding for Sketti!
Rule 6: Sketti day on Sunday’s only! Fluffies that misbehave do not get skettis.
Rule 7: All fluffies are equal no matter the colour. There are no poopie fluffies!
Rule 8: Fluffies will not harm other fluffies, they will not give bad special huggies to other fluffies.
Rule 9: All Babbehs get Love, Hug’s and Milk!, There is no Bestest Babbeh!
Rule 10: No Special Huggies or Babbehs unless the Dandyman says so
Rule 11: No Fluffy is to hurt baby fluffies.
Rule 12: No giving other Fluffies Forever Sleepies unless the Dandyman says so!
Rule 13: All Fluffies will sleep when the lights go out!
Rule 14: No Television unless the Dandyman allows.
Rule 15: Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished!
Rule 16: Rules will be written as necessary!
Those were the current rules, they were all written down in big lettering and attached to the inside of the barn door for the fluffies to read. Of course the Dandyman had written them all in a way for the fluffies to understand. Of course most couldn’t really read them but the Dandyman had an ipod attached to the door on a charging cable that would play the rules every hour on the hour. The smarter fluffies like Lemon and her council had memorised the rules and were in the process of teaching the other fluffies.
For additional security and safety measures, the Dandyman had set up three unseen servants using a bit of rune magic. The servants were invisible to the fluffies and were given the command to watch over the barn, to report should the fluffies be in danger. He had given simple commands on how to watch the fluffies and report back. They would be his little spies.
“Ready to begin the day’s work, my little fluffies?” The Dandyman addressed the herd as the toughies and workers emerged from the barn to begin the day. The nurse mares were tending to the mother’s and soon mothers with tender care.
“Fwuffies am weadi siw!” Rex the large Fluffalo made his slow approach, the sleep slowly fading from his eyes.
“Good, there is a busy day ahead of us. Before I assign you today’s job’s a bit of a head’s up. I’ve got to head into town, need to pick up some supplies. While I’m gone Lemon you know what to do right?” The Dandyman pulled a cigar from his jacket and lit it up as he explained to the fluffies.
“Wemon Wemembwew!” The Smarty Mare declared as she ran past the Dandyman into the barn and pointed to a control pad on the inside, on the right hand side of the door. The panel had an intercom and camera built into it.
“Dis am cwuntwow pwanul!” The fluffy said as she approached it and pointed to a green button.
“Gween buddon am cwosies da dwoow. Pwess when aww fwuffies insidies. Pwess awgwan tu open.” Lemon explained as she recounted what the Dandyman had told her. She then pointed to a red button.
“Wed budddon pwess cwalls da Dwandyman.” The red button when pressed would send an alert to his phone which he now kept on hand at all times. Lemon then pointed to a blue button.
“Dis am bwue bwuddon. Dis wet fwuffi twawkies tu da Dwandymwan. Da cwamwa wet Dwandymwan sweesies fwuffies bwut dwun nu how.” Lemon continued as she pointed to the intercom and the camera not really sure how they worked but she trusted the Dandyman. She then pointed at a black button.
“Dis am bwak bwuddon. Am owny tu pwess wen wewwy wewwy bwad twings hwappon.” Lemon didn’t know what the button would do but was told to press it when things got really bad. Lemon didn’t know it but it was connected to a magical glyph that contained a conjuring spell. It would summon forth an other planar creature that could be commanded by the Dandyman or Lemon and her Council.
The creature had the primary commands when summoned to defend the fluffies and capture or eliminate all hostile creatures to the Dandyman’s fluffies. The herd had each been secretly marked by the Dandyman so the summoned creature would identify them as the targets of its protection.
The Dandyman gave Lemon a scratch on the head, her tail wagging as she cooed in delight, “Good girl. Lemon, you’re a good fluffy.” He complimented the mare, his eyes lit up like a christmas tree. The entire herd smiled in joy as they started singing.
“Smarwty Wemon um gwud wemon. Bwestest wemon!” They were happy that she had been called a good fluffy.
“Dank u Dwandymwan!” Lemon hurried off to her herd as they gave her nuzzles and hugs for being a good fluffy.
“Down to business. Follow me.” The Dandyman beckoned the fluffies as the herd of workers started to follow after him. Three of the toughies would stay behind each day at the barn just in case something went wrong, one could quickly run off to alert Lemon, the herd or the Dandyman.
“Today we’ll start clearing up the grass around barn number two.” He didn’t lead the fluffies far only to the barn directly next to their nest.
“Clean up the grass, pull out the weeds and clear any trash. If you see any junk or trash you like and want to keep, put it to the side. Make two piles, one trash pile and one keep pile. I will give you two flags, the red flag is for trash and the green flag means keep.” The Dandyman reached into the pocket of his jacket and removed two small flags. He planted the flags in the ground, the fluffies nodding along. He then removed a small bell and hung it on the barn door low enough for the fluffies to reach. He then flicked it, making the bell ring.
“This bell will chime in one hour. When it does, Lemon hit the bell and it will reset. You will then have ten minutes of break time to rest. When it chimes again, Lemon I want you to repeat and hit it once more. It will reset for one hour. I entrust you to continue to reset the bell Lemon.” The Dandyman spoke sternly as he looked at the herd smarty. The white fluffy puffed up her chest and gave a funny salute.
“Wes Dwandymwan! Wemon hitdsies bweww!”
“If you need to drink, the water trough has been moved close by.” The Dandyman pointed to the side of the second barn, the modified pig trough was resting there filled with water.
“Rex, you work around the trough. Keep an eye open just in case any fluffy should fall in. It’ll be up to you to fish them out.” The Dandyman instructed the fluffalo who gave a slow nod, his eyes beaming pridefully. He could do his job and do it well! The Fluffalo was much bigger than the other fluffies and strong enough to lift a fully grown adult fluffy. Should any fluffy fall in while drinking, the Fluffalo would be able to pull them out.
“Good. Be safe little fluffies. Should it get too hot I want you all to stop working and head back home. The morning should be fine. It is only supposed to be thirty degrees, but after lunch the temperature is expected to spike to forty.” The fluffies looked confused not really knowing what degrees or celsius was, let alone temperatures.
“It’ll get really really hot after lunch.” The Dandyman corrected getting looks of recognition from the fluffies.
“oooooh!” They all said with realisation before frowning.
“Den wy Dwandymwan nu jus swah su.” Some of the fluffies retorted while others still looked confused.
“My apologies, I’ll be more forthcoming.” The Dandyman gave a playful smile as he gave a mild bow and removed his hat in a fake apology. The fluffies giggled and waddled off to start work.
“Wemon wook abda herd! Hab gud twime in da twownsies Dwandymwan!” Lemon gave the Dandyman’s right ankle a quick hug before running off. Water and Twig looked at one another before following her example, they ran up and each hugged one of the Dandyman’s ankles before scurrying off to work.
“Water if anything happens, remember deep breaths just like I taught you!” The Dandyman called out after the blue monochrome earthie. Water came to a slow stop, looked back and slowly nodded his head before continuing his run.
“I’ll see you later little fluffies.” The Dandyman waved to the fluffies and began walking away.
“Bwyi bwyi Dwandymwan!”
“Hab gwud twime!”
“Wub u Dwandymwan!”
“Fwuffies du gwud wowkies!”
“Bwe Swafsies!”
The chorus of fluffy cries echoed behind him as they waved goodbye. Giving a soft chuckle the Dandyman approached the brand new landcruiser in the car port. With a flick of his wrist the keys appeared in his right hand. Having jackets that acted as bags of holdings were useful beyond measure.
Opening the cruiser he climbed in and started her up. He backed the cruiser towards the furniture trailer. He intended to make a rather hefty number of purchases this day. Backing up to the trailer he parked, braked and got out. He attached the trailer to the hitch, making sure it was secured before getting back in and driving down the road off to town. With the car’s bluetooth connected to his phone, sea shanties began to play as he lit up a cigar and enjoyed the scenery.
The drive was a long hour into town, the roads were quiet and rarely another car in sight. However the scenic mountain view and flush wildlife growth of the Australian outback made up for it. No matter how many times he came past, the scenery was breathtaking.
The nearby town of Wellington was a small remote Australian country town in the middle of New South Wales. It had a population of no more than five thousand. The town itself was a centre of rich agricultural land. While alfalfa and vegetables are grown on lands on the river, wheat, wool, lambs and beef cattle are grown on surrounding pastures. It was a quiet town that had a strong sense of community. The fluffy craze had yet to hit the town like other local towns, but a local fluffmart and fluffy shelter had been built only a few years ago. The town folks were slowly getting into the trend and purchasing fluffies as pets. Of course they had to take extra safety measures else the fluffies die of exposure to the Australian environment or wildlife.
Pulling into the Fluffmart parking lot, drove through the middle section taking up two parking spots one in each row. The parking lot was relatively empty as the traveller parked the cruiser and trailer. He put his cigar out in the ashtray, the Don had added it as an extra. Putting his hat in place the Dandyman stepped out and approached the shop, ignoring the strange looks he received. Walking in he was immediately greeted by the chorus of fluffies.
"Twake fwuffy! Am pwetti fwuff!’
“Huu huuu pwease take babbeh.”
“Dummeh hooman take fwuffi nao!”
Ignoring them he approached the cashier, a young woman in her early twenties in fluffmart uniform with her brown hair tied in a bun. She eyed the Dandyman with a curious gaze, she hadn’t seen someone like him before.
“Welcome to the Wellington Fluffmart. I am Janice, how can I be of service today?” The woman greeted politely and professionally, putting on a dazzling smile. The Dandyman used an index finger to tip his homburg upwards and allowed a charming smile to dazzle his own chiselled features.
“Pleasure to meet you madam. I’ll be looking to purchase fluffies for my growing estate. Looking to add some new blood to my herd.” The Dandyman spoke softly with a smooth eloquence.
“You’ll find we have a variety of fluffies here just waiting to be adopted by a loving parent. May I ask about the current state of health, well being and number of your herd?” The young woman responded keeping her smile in place all the while thinking, “Great another amateur breeder.”
“Healthy, happy and hearty. I have over one hundred fluffies, last head count was at one hundred and fourteen. Thirty-five mare’s, twenty-seven stallions and fifty-two foals. The foals consist of fifteen chirpy babies, twenty-one talkie babies and sixteen walkie babies. Of the adult fluffies there are nine senior fluffies, five mares and four stallions.”
The Dandyman spoke in a clear cut voice never losing his smile. The woman spluttered stunned by the sudden barrage of information.
“That…that’s a rather large number of fluffies you own. And you’re looking for more?” The woman was a little confused why this well dressed man would be looking to buy more fluffies when he already had a large herd. Especially around these parts, it was unheard off.
“I only took them in a few days ago. They were a feral herd that survived the outback. The purchase is to add new blood and increase the genetic diversity. The herd is three generations old so the chances of genetic defects from inbreeding are low, but I’d rather not risk future clutches.”
The Dandyman didn’t add that he was intending to gather up hundreds more fluffies. He had four barns, only one had been transformed for fluffies to live in. At the moment he only had the one barn and needed to fill it first.
“Ferals? I didn’t realise there were that many feral herds around for you to collect so many fluffies. They usually don’t survive that long.” Janice was flabbergasted by the sheer number of ferals, it was unheard of especially in the outback this far inland.
“You’re mistaken. It was one herd.” The Dandyman corrected her, making the woman’s mouth hang open as she spluttered.
“W…What?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing,a large herd surviving out here with over a hundred fluffies.
“The current leader is a Smarty mare named Lemon, she’s the third generation leader after her mother and grandmother. Her grandmother Lily I suspect was a house fluffy. She was rather intelligent for a fluffy and didn’t conform to the typical tropes or standards and passed her ideals to her daughter, who did the same. The herd is incredibly well behaved and Lemon take’s her task as Smarty seriously.” The Dandyman explained the situation as if he had memorised it, no doubt he would have to repeat himself countless times in the future.
“A smarty mare? That’s incredibly rare and you said three generations of them? I’m generally surprised, and at how they were able to survive for so long. Fluffies don’t tend to have the best survival skills.” Janice had heard of mare’s being smarties, and often a mare in charge of a herd was generally a better leader than stallions.
“The herd’s smart. Managed to keep themselves alive by learning how to avoid predators. Now back to the matter at hand please. The fluffies?” The Dandyman changed the conversation drawing back to the original focus of his visit.
“Of course, my apologies. Fluffmart is always happy to help. Shall I show you our fluffies?” Janice asked politely, regaining her composure.
“I’m looking to adopt only a handful. It’s better if they are well behaved. Colour does not matter. I’ll take bad coloured but well behaved fluffies over brightly coloured misbehaved fluffies.” The Dandyman’s words brought Janice to a pause as she blinked owlishly.
“You don’t care for the colours? But aren’t you a breeder?” The woman questioned as she looked him up and down, his fanciful outfit spoke breeder.
“When did I say that? While I intend to breed fluffies, it won’t be the primary source of income. The fluffies I breed and intend to sell will be marketed as high class behavioural fluffies, extremely well behaved and educated fluffies. The primary focus of my fluffies is to be raised as worker fluffs. They will assist in the management and care of my property, I intend to loan them out to other properties as necessary as lawn workers. I collect excess milk and faecal matter for sale. After winter, the fluffies will have their fluff shawn for the coming heat, the fluff will then be sold.”
The Dandyman explained his business model as he removed a cigar and lit it up before the young woman could protest. He simply gave her a pointed look and she didn’t say a word about the offending cigar, as if it didn’t exist, thanks to a simple Minor Illusion.
“We at fluffmart shall do our utmost best to support you. If you don’t mind my recommendation, we have three foals that were rejected from their mother for being poopie coloured.” The woman directed Dandyman over to the fluffy station, there were dozens of fluffies in display cabinets and play pens. She brought him over to the foals, to a box were three small fluffies inside. The three fluffies were cuddling each other and crying, one was brown, one was a dark green and the other a putrid yellow.
“Huuu huu fwuffies hab bwiggest hewt huwties.” The three cried and huued as they cuddled one another for dear life. On the pen was a note saying days left ‘1’.
“What happens when they have no days left?” The Dandyman indicated to the sign getting a sad frown from the woman.
“They’ll be shipped back to our headquarters for disposal. We can’t dispose of fluffies here, only large facilities may. Fluffies that reach 0 adoption day period are sent back for termination.”[/color] Explained the woman, she felt saddened for the poor creatures.
“Hello little fluffies.” The Dandyman greeted the smell of smoke hanging in the air as he leaned over and looked at the three fluffies. The three shook and cried but didn’t make scaredy poopies or peepes.
“H…H…Hewwo mistah.” The brown fluffy, a colt spoke up with a slight stutter his were a sparkling green.
“What’s wrong little fluffies?” Queried the Dandyman curiously they seemed to tremble around him.
“Huuu huuu babies gu fowebah sweepies nwex bwite time huuuuuu. Nu wan fowebah sweepies.” The dark green fluffy filly was the one to speak, her eyes a deep amethyst as they hugged their siblings.
“Huuuu! peeep!” The little yellow one cried and peeped, their eyes were pink and crossed, he was a colt.
“Babbehies nu wan gu fowebah sweepies wike bwudda un swissie.” The brown one spoke again crying harder, the other two soon followed. The Dandyman raised an eyebrow and looked at Janice.
“What happened to their brother and sister?” Janice winced at the question and sighed.
“They had two siblings, a brown filly and a vomit green colt. I recently had to fire an employee as it turns out he was an abuser and killed them. I claimed the filly died when he accidentally dropped her as she was fidgeting. It happens so I didn’t question it, but then the colt he said escaped and he stepped on it without realising. I checked the security tapes and to my horror discovered he had killed both on purpose. He threatened the other siblings saying they’d get their turn soon.” Janice shook her head rubbing her temples, due to having to fire him she was short staffed.
Stroking his chin the Dandyman turned his focus back to the crying foals, who were making quiet peeps and chirps.
“I’ll take them.” The Dandyman’s sudden proclamation startled the three foals before their tiny fluffy minds began to piece his words together.
“B…Be nu daddeh fu pwoopwie fwuffies?” The dark green filly tenderly asked as she and her siblings looked up hopefully.
"Yes. I have many fluffies who I’m sure would love to meet you. Maybe one will even be your new mummah." The Dandyman reached down and gently rubbed the brown foals on the head before moving to the other two, getting soft cooes of delight in return.
“Huuu huu nu daddeh. Poopie fwuffy hab bwiggest hert happies.” The brown and dark green foal said together as they hugged their yellow sibling.
“Peeep daddeh peep.” The little yellow fluffy pepped waving his arms happily.
“Do you need me to box them up?”
“Leave them here for now, I’ll collect them once I’ve finished selecting.” The Dandyman didn’t look at Janice and continued to gently stroke the three fluffies.
“Alright little foals, you’ll just have to wait here a little longer. I’m going to find some more fluffies to take home. Be good.” The Dandyman spoke softly as he cast a mild suggestion spell onto the three foals. Fluffies were incredibly susceptible to magic he had found. A sleep spell that would only last a minute on a humanoid creature could last an hour or more when cast on a fluffy.
“Yus daddeh!” The three foals responded, their tears drying up, the yellow foal babbled and gurgled his answer.
“Anything you can tell me about the yellow brother?” Asked the Dandyman as he walked away, Janice following after.
“His mother had a severe case of bitch mare syndrome. When she saw him attempting to drink milkies she threw him into a wall. He got a little derped, he just started speaking this morning.” Janice spoke solemnly as she remembered what had happened to the poor little colt.
“And the mother?” A puff of smoke exhaled from the Dandyman as he took a drag of his cigar.
“She was sent for termination.” Giving a nod the Dandyman began to inspect the other foals.
Two baby voices shouted at the Dandyman drawing his attention, Janice however winced from the sound and sighed. Approaching the pen the Dandyman noticed two talkie fluffy foals. They ran over to the edge, from how well their legs moved they must have become walkie babies not long ago. One was a filly. She was a bright glistening cerulean blue with a sparkling star pattern, her eyes were a bright dazzling pink. The other was a stallion with a matching cerulean blue fluff, star pattern but his eyes were a deep ruby red. The fluffy of both foals glistened like glitter.
The two foals nudged each other trying to push the other out of the way to catch the Dandyman’s attention.
“What’s the deal with these two? They look extravagant.”
“Their high class glitter fluffies. The branch owner bought their mother at auction when she was pregnant, hoping to sell the babies for a penny and breed the mother for future foals. However these were the only two of the six that had the glitter. The mother didn’t take to kindly and gave the other four babies forever sleepies. She spoiled these two.”" The fluffmart employee explained with a pained expression, she looked at the two foals disdainfully.
“We’ve tried to reeducate them but they just refuse. The manager won’t terminate them either, she wants to get as much as she can out of them. She pillowed the mother and has bred her again in the hopes of more glitter fluffs. I think her vision is too big for this town. No one around here either has any interest in raising high class fluffies or the money.”" Janice turned her back on the two foals and gently walked the Dandyman away.
“CUM BWAK DUMMEH WADY! GIB NU DADDEH!” The two fluffies shouted and screamed as they turned and unleashed a torrent of shit onto the screen giving triumph huffs.
“FWUFFIES WAN SKETTIES! HOUWSIES! TOYSIES! SPWECIAW FWEN! WITTA PWAW! ENF PWAW!” The two fluffies continued to scream and shout but they were ignored by Janice.
“I’ll take them.” The Dandyman looked to the two fluffies from his peripheral vision hiding a sadistic smile, “I have quite a way with making people behave. Those two will be excellent candidates to test out my educational program.”[/color]
“A…Are you sure?.”
The Dandyman turned to look at the fluffies and gave a charming smile, but it sent shivers down the two foals’ spines.
“Oh, I’m sure.”
The End of Chapter 1 and the start of a new journey.
The next chapter will continue the Dandyman’s adventures in Fluffmart to purchase new fluffies.
Look forward to the fate of the two glittering foals.
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Russel Glen