Rise of the Pufferfluff -GooGooDa

I had this idea long before I joined the community, about a type of Fluffy that inflates like a Pufferfish when distressed, full of Hydrogen gas, which makes it float.

It’s weggies become useless and it depends on wind and banging their bodies on stuff for movement. Most of them are deeply distressed by the phenomenom, claiming “bad upsies”. The only exception seems to be Alicorns and Pegasi, who seem to think they are flying using their wings, and so become relaxed by the phenomenom.

You don’t really know if a Fluffy is a PufferFluff until it inflates for the first time. They don’t know it either.

You wait for your bus and you can see a floating blob yelling at you, a Fluffy is flying, somehow, it’s too early for this Hasbio shit.

It keeps flying until it gets stuck in a tree due to the windflow. It screes for help as you get inside the bus, sit down and take a nap.

I know we are all tired of new subspecies, but I’ve had so many hilarious ideas for this one, I just couldn’t stop myself from drawing one :V.


Fun idea.
The temptation to pop them with an open flame would be too great.
I would also love to see the ad campaign that tries to sell these firebombs to kids.


My idea was that they were created by a meth addict ex hasbio employee and managed to free themselves after he OD’s. Also I like the idea of kids throwing rocks at them until one pops and plummets to the ground.


I think methane would be more fitting but hydrogen works too.

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Can Methane also make stuff float?? I think Hydrogen is the lightest one.

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Nah that’s what I mean, I have no idea if methane would do that but it makes sense considering the infamous bowels of fluffy ponies.
But hydrogen probably fits more for science purposes.


I also wanted them to be more flammable :V


That works too. I just like the idea of a fluffy balloon full of fart-gas


Oh yeah, they deflate by farting. I just didn’t want to crowd the post anymore with that info. I had an idea of kids lighting one’s ass on fire white it deflates, turning it into a fart rocket that flies fast as fuck while screeing. Eventually either crashing or blowing up.


I’ll get my bb guns.


Heres a question…you said they inflate when distressed dies that include when they’re giving birth? Also would chirpies inflate too or it kicks in when they become foals or adolescents?


Chirpies too, but they forget why they’re distressed easily, so more prone to start floating and as soon as they do, they deflate again.

Mares do try to inflate during birth, but mostly release the gas while doing so, they’re too heavy to float while pregnant and after they give birth they chill out enough so that they are not inflating anymore. Even more after hearing their babbehs.

If a Soon-mummah is particularly badly fed or has some mutation where she just can inflate more I could see her floating while pregnant at the late stage, would be funny to see a flying birth :V


na, it’s not true, any idea, no matter how strange, is welcome, look if not the fluffy breads or the ones that float in the water, this could be the spark of a new and hilarious series of catastrophic misfortunes

(google traductor)


Yeah those different subspecies inspired me to make one thats like a micro subspecies based on the retro toy brand Monster in My Pocket


Get a bunch of them and take them to the park. Tie string around their back leggies, scare them, and then start passing them out to people like balloons


Don’t forget the corks!!!


Ooh! Abusement games! Throwing darts at a bunch of them in a room.

Pillow a Pegasus, and dewing it also and let it see thesw Pufferfluff, feel hope and take it away :smiley:


I’m sure when you return the shitrat was busted on the tree xD

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They take a long time to die even after bursting, poor fella.


All I can picture is bunches and bunches of these things tied to strings at children’s parties. If one starts to deflate, they jerk the string, which is tied around the boobs or dick and balls. Tightly. Don’t forget the corks.