rootbeer float, the space fluff (Julie)

Art is like anything else. Practice makes perfect (at least till as a creative, you find something else that you perceive as wrong and start trying to correct even though no one else notices it…)

You’ve got Fluffy fluffyness down in other stuff you’ve done. I think here it was more of a case of the expression you were conveying not meshing. Experimentation isn’t bad!

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yeah, i spoke to my brother and plan on making rootbeer fatter in any next drawing i may do, so i can learn better from it.
i tend to see most of the ‘fluffy-ness’ in the fluffy’s face and expressions, guess i forgot how important the body proportions were too.

Saying this particular guy isn’t a fluffy seems nitpicky to me. Dude’s a little lanky but whatever you can still see it in his face

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Also why are people acting like Julie is a new artist

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no clue, probably cuz i havent been here long in comparison, or since im still getting used to drawing them as my art is- not your average fluffy art stylistically

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From your mother’s house

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They don’t remember names idk

I vote to chop the legs shorter

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But like there isn’t really an average style unless you count 3rd grader ms paint style lol

Idk why people are taking people providing critique as a bad thing, especially considering that Julie was willing to listen to it and take it in stride. That’s more than can be said for 99% of active artists.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing I’m just saying I disagree

No one’s saying you can’t disagree, I just think it’s dumb to act like people don’t have a right to voice their opinions

Nigga who’s acting like that

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I guess aethel a little


Saying ‘that’s not a fluffy’ and ‘what’s this doing on FC’ isnt constructive criticism. Especially when the line between fluffies and ponies is so vague. Are fluffplosion’s fluffies ‘fluffies’? What about the puff fluffs, which look exactly like flufflepuff (and flufflepuff isnt a fluffy)? And what about all the fluffy variants?

Arguing over stupid shit like this is one of the things that poisoned the booru and drove off so many good artists. That is why one of the guiding rules of FC was that you dont fight over headcanon. If you dont like an artists take on fluffies, just skip them.

At least I thought that was a principle of FC, along with no racial slurs. Apparently I was wrong on both counts.

I guess it was inevitable, everything related to fluffies eventually turns into 4chan.

What about puff fluffs and subspecies and shit? Those suck. I find it cute that you think you had me in some sort of gotcha moment.

But what I find cutest of all was how you said fluffies always turn into 4chan.

Turns into? It always was, and always will be.

Don’t get confused as to who the outsider is.

I hope you realize that “nigga” is just a word for some people that we’ve been using irl for a while and we don’t mean anything derogatory by it

I’m not talking to you, obviously–you despise me and I despise you.

I thought the people running FC were different, is all.

It’s the same people dude

Oh no, the website about beating ponies to death has better shit to do than ban mean words. The mental disconnect is absurd.