Sam Adams checks up on Muffin (Artist:Muffin)


A while back, I wrote a tribute to Muffin, back when Muffin was in the hospital. When she recovered, I then collab’ed with Muffin to do a strip where Sam Adams meets Muffin again after her recovery.

The guy with the blue hair is Sam Adams, billionaire-playboy-philanthropist and hugboxer extraordinaire, and is the titular character of my hugbox series. The purple fluffy is Mauve, a Foxhoarder fluffy, while the gold-haired fluffy is Goldilocks, a Gowdie fluffy. The basic premise behind the series is that each different fluffy artstyle is a unique fluffy “breed”.

Chronologically, this meeting takes place after the April Fools/Halloween special, and before Chapter 5, which is the tribute to the artists KMEB and Mutagen, set in the Postfluff.