Heres some fanart I did of Scarlet from @BFM101
Story which you can read it here
Niiiice. That’s definitely Scarlet. I hope you make more art!
Bloodstained and threatening, that’s Scarlett alright.
Great work
Love Scarlet. My favorite character in all of fluffydom.
Thank you very much. I would’ve posted sooner however I wanted to get your feedback first before hand. I also made a continuity error. Forest still has his weggies and Scar ears already been damaged from the fight with the toughie at the communal watering hole.
Likewise! Chrimson and Scarlet are my favorite hellgrimlins have moments were they will do the worst shit imaginable then say something snarky that makes me howl with laughter.
Always feel free to post fanart, it tickles the dopamine in my brain.
We’ll call this the alternate reality where Scarlett killed Queenie and the foals first as a shock & awe tactic to catch Forrest off-guard. With any luck she’ll be out of there before Fing even realises she’s there.
Best way to not get eaten, roll around in shit should be easy for a fluffy.
Scarlett’s eaten foals whole before, she’s definitely had some of them shit in her mouth while doing so.
It’s just something you need to get used to if you want that sweet sweet babyfat meat.
Hell yeah most definitely.
Yeah and in this alternate timeline one of the other victims puts up a bigger fight thus she got her ear chewed earlier.
Also on a side note I think the Sara and Teagan reference could work.
Teagan and Tabitha’s mom could be named Sara or Tara. Since Gordon’s already established as the father they need a mother.
That nice looking
Oh I kind of have to now I’ve already committed. lol
I have many years of graphic illustrations and traditional art underneath my belt. But Fluffys are special in the fact they activate this wild creative feeling in my brain.
Thank you! And I just saw you’re a new member welcome to the community!
Yeah, I like your art, cause it looks horses
They don’t callem shit rats for nothing
Dont let anyone change your style, it looks like some peoples fluffies from the old booru site. Which i like
My art style for fluffs is inspired by Quickhorn and Wolframsparks a lot of the facial expressions and comic structure is inspired by Gr1m_1