We’ve seen a happy ending for Mary’s good foals, now let’s see what’s happened to her bad one.
“Dummeh mawe nu gib babbehs enuff miwkies.”
Forrest fumed as he stared down at the litter of dead foals, three of them, all wasted away till their bones could be seen through their paper-thin skin. In front of him, their mother wept for her lost foals, her second litter lost to starvation, these ones dying even earlier than the last, never even making it long enough to talk. Between her legs, her only two surviving foals chirped in fear at the stench of their siblings death, and for the growing pain in their empty stomachs.
“Bu… bu Smawty. Owive nu git enuff nummies fow miwkies, Smawty babbehs take aww mawes miwkies, neba hab enuff weft fow udda babb…”
Forrest smacked Olive in the face, then hit her again for good measure, his immense weight sent shockwaves through her head, and her right eye burst a blood-vessel from the attack.
“YU NU BWAME SMAWTY BABBEHS! Smawty babbehs am bestesh babbehs eba, dey hab aww miwkies dey wan, if mawe nu hab enuff miwkies fow hew babbehs, dat am dummeh mawe pwobwem.”
“Pwease Smawty, jus wet hewd hab wittew mowe nummies, jus su nu mowe babbehs gu foweba sweepies.”
“Smawty wet dummehs hab wha dummehs DESEWVE! An wham awe desewve, is mowe huwties fow wetting own babbehs gu foweba sweepies.”
Forrest nodded to one of his toughies, a massive ugly black earthie named Fing with mange and mould growing out of his unwashed Fluff, and a horrific scar running down his battered face. Olive shat herself at the sight of the monster and tried to gather up her remaining children to flee, but Fing knocked her to the ground.
There was a sickening crunch, and two distressed chirpings became one.
Olive didn’t even feel Fing when he entered her, all she could feel was the bones of her newly dead foal scrapping underneath her body, then she just felt numb.
Forrest turned round and left Fing to his business, he had Smarty work to attend to.
It had been a little over a year since Forrest escaped from his stupid mother Mary, who never appreciated his natural gift of Smarty leadership, in that time Forrest spent many forevers alone, trying to find a herd worthy of his rule. He found this herd just before the cold-times, led by a monster Fluffy called Harold, he was kind, he was friendly…
He was weak. All it took was a few sorry-hoofies to the head to kill him, after that, Forrest proclaimed himself as the new Smarty and shared all the nummies with the Toughies who helped his coup and let them have any and all the mares they wanted.
Come the end of winter, and the herd was less than a third of the size it used to be, whoever didn’t starve to death was either beaten up for fun, or left the herd entirely. Some of the deserters were families, leaving before Forrest’s brutality was inflicted on them, most were lone mares, driven to the Wan Die loop by countless newborn foals lost to starvation or the frozen air.
Forrest looked around his herd, two lots of six Fluffies, plus himself, and only four of them were mares, his plans to use the hot-times to produce a grand herd was failing and it was all the mares’ fault. They complained that bad-huggiess were dangerous to tummeh-babbehs, that they never got enough food, never enough to feed their tummeh-babbehs, never enough to make milk for their chirpies, that Forrest’s foals were always taking milk that wasn’t theirs.
But as Forrest kept explaining to them, if they could actually try and keep some of their foals alive and be good mummahs, he would let them have more food, so really they only had themselves to blame.
“Smawty, oba hewe.”
Forrest looked and saw Clarence, his right-hand stallion and head Toughie calling him over. Clarence was a lightning blue Pegasus with a yellow man, not a Fluffy Forrest expected to be a Toughie, but he was quicker and more agile than anyone Forrest had ever seen
Forrest quickly jogged over to him, noting to look of disgust on Clarence’s face. “Wha Cwawence need?”
“Need tawkies tu Smawty. Owive babbehs am foweba sweepies?”
“Bah, dummeh mawe nu gud mummah, awways cwying bout nu habben miwkies, neba gu wook fow nummies hewsewf. Bu dat wha Cwawence wan tawkies tu Smawty bout, nu hab enuff mawes tu hab biggesh hewd, need mowe su Fwuffies can git wid of wump huwties an nu huwt babbehs.”
“Smawty knot dat dummeh, yu wan teww Tuffies dey nu can hab fwee enfies? Enfies dey eawn by bein bestesh Tuffies?”
“Couwse nu Smawty, Tuffies hab enfies wen dey wan, bu stiww need mowe mawes fow hewd, Cwawence fink hab pwan.”
“Pwan? Wha pwan?”
“Wins-Ten say he see mawe neaw wunnin wawa, she wook awone, Cwawence gu find hew, bwing hew bak hewe. If she knyo whewe udda mawes awe, make hew teww hewd, if nu, den hewd hab wun nyu mawe.”
Forrest smiled. “Dat gud pwan, Smawty wet Cwawence hab fiwst enfies wiv nyu mawe wen she git hewe.”
“Fank yu Smawty, Cwawence nu wet yu down.”
With a curt nod between the two stallions, Clarence left to go find this new mare, satisfied that at least some good could come out of today, Forrest returned to his home and to his family.
Harold had set up the herd in a small cave, far away from any humans and well protected from the elements, when Forrest killed Harold he took the ex-Smarty’s former spot for his nest, close enough to the entrance to get a good warmth of sunshine through most of the day but far enough inwards that it could avoid the worst of the wind and the rain. It was in here that Forrest found his family.
“Daddeh bak, daddeh bak.”
Four very fat foals waddled over to meet their father, two colts and two fillies, one colt and one filly both unicorns like him, the other colt an earthie and the second filly a Pegasus like her mother. They’d had a fifth foal but it was a munstah babbeh so Forrest bravely killed it before it could hurt the other foals.
The four fat babbehs tried to hug their father’s legs, but their over-extended bellies filled with milk and their stubby little legs made it a difficult task. The unicorn colt tried then immediately gave up, already out of breath from that one action. Forrest smiled and gave each of his foals a soft lick on the head.
“Hewwo babbehs, aww gud.”
“Yeh daddeh.” Came a chorus of voices beneath him, the unicorn filly stepped forward. “Babbeh dwink aww da miwkies wike daddeh say, eben wen meanie Owive say nu mowe, babbeh keep dwinkin cos bestesh babbehs deserve mostesh miwkies.”
Forrest nodded. “Dat wight, babbehs am Smawty babbehs, an dat mean yu aww am betta da udda babbehs, yu aww need gwow bigga an stwonga, an tu du dat, yu need mowe miwkies. Gu wowk babbehs, daddeh am su pwoud of yu aww.”
The four foal cheered and shook their tubby limbs in celebration as Forrest approached his mate, a sunshine yellow Pegasus with a white mane and sparkles in her Fluff named Queenie. She was Harold’s daughter who was refused to be allowed to have babbehs because it was too close to cold-times, Queenie fought and fought, even trying to force some of the other stallions to give her babbehs regardless. When Forrest took over, she immediately sided with him, wanting to have the biggest, strongest babbehs ever, making sure her father knew that before she helped Forrest give him forever sleepies.
“Hewwo speciaw-fwiend, Smawty miss yu.”
“Qween-ee miss yu tuu.”
The two Fluffies nuzzled each other, Forrest spreading the nuzzling down Queenie’s neck, tickling her.
“Speciaw-fwiend.” She giggled. “Nu in fwont of babbehs.”
“Dey am gud babbehs, need see how Smawty make bestesh babbehs.”
“Nu yet, babbehs stwiww dwinkin miwkies, need wait wittew mowe.”
“Bu Smawty hab wump-huwties, an speciaw-fwiend am su pwetty.”
Queenie smiled at him. “Yu am nice, bu nu wan nyu babbehs tu take miwkies fwom bestesh babbehs. Qween-ee pwomise, yu hab enfies soon.”
Forrest grumbled but said nothing else as he lay down to relax beside her, she was right, their babbehs needed the attention now so they would be prepared to lead after him.
Forrest would lead this herd to greatness, he just knew it.
The sun was just starting to set, and Forrest was worried. Clarence had been gone all day, for a Fluffy as quick as he was and for a journey seemingly so short, he should’ve been back by now. Concerned, Forrest check with some of the other Toughies.
“Wins-ten? Yu see Cwawence come bak?”
The old grey earthie shook his head. “Nu since befowe he gu, been wong time.”
“Dat wha Smawty fink, maybe sumfing…”
A sharp voice came from the distance, everyone in the herd looked up to where it was coming from, seeing a speck of red through the trees racing towards them. All the Toughie got into defensive positions, Fing stepping in front of Forrest to protect his Smarty at all costs.
As the red thing got closer, they heard the voice again.
There was no denying it, the voice was a Fluffy, a mare at that, and she was getting closer.
At that point the red speck burst through the leaves, it was the mare, a red Pegasus with an orange mane and speckles of blood on her Fluff. She stopped dead at the sight of the herd, a momentarily flash of fear crossed her face, before desperation kicked in.
“Pwease, yu hab tu hewp, munstahs huwt fwiend, gib wowstesh huwties, need hewp, pwease.”
“Wai Fwuffies hewp yu?” One of the younger Toughies, an orange unicorn called Mac asked.
“Cos fwiend am Cwawence, say find Smawty tu hewp.”
Forrest dashed forward. “Cwawence hab huwties.”
The red mare nodded. “He gib munstahs sowwy-hoofies wen weave, bu nu knyo wha happen afta.”
Forrest turned to Mac, Winston and Fing. “Yu aww, come wiv Smawty, gun sabe Cwawence, nyu fwiend wead us dewe.”
The mare nodded and together the group raced onwards to save their friend.
“Du mawe hab namesie?” Forrest asked as he ran side-by-side with the red mare.
“Scawwett, namesie am Scawwett.”
It was quiet by the time they arrived at Scarlett’s nest, too quiet, even with the babbling stream beside them it was unnervingly dead in this area. And the smell of blood was sickening.
Scarlett looked around desperately. “Cwawence nu hewe, munstah got him, Fwuffy take tuu wong, am wowstesh fwiend, huu, huu.”
Forrest stroked Scarlett’s back, being careful not to get any of the blood onto him. “Yu twy, dat wha matta, du Scawwet wan huggies?”
Scarlett nodded and turned to hug Forrest, the frustrated Smarty could smell her mare-place over the stink of blood, she was all alone, and all he had to do was…
Cursing under his breath, Forrest let go of Scarlett and went over to where Mac was, he wondered what had the young Toughie so spooked. Then he saw the horror himself.
It was Clarence, still alive but barely, his face was battered and bruised, his jaw was about an inch too far to the left, and parts of his body had been ripped and torn, staining the Pegasus with copious amounts of blood. The worst part was his back, the Fluff and flesh on Clarence’s had been torn to shreds, exposing him right to the bone, and while Forrest didn’t know what he was looking it, he could guess that the large white stick along Clarence’s back shouldn’t be snapped in two.
At the sight of them all, Clarence screamed, whether out of fear or relief Forrest couldn’t tell, his broken jaw made speech impossible and his severed spine meant that he couldn’t even move his legs to run or hug or whatever it was he wanted to do.
“Dis am nu gud.” Mac shuddered out. “Wai am Cwawence stiww hewe, whewe am munstahs?”
Forrest smacked hom in the back of the head. “Nu matta, Cwawence am fwiend, take him bak to hewd.”
“Bu wha if munstah fowwow?”
“Den hewd gib dem foweba sweepies, nyo hewp Cwawence ow Smawty gun weave yu hewe.”
Mac launched into action and helped Winston lift Clarence onto Fing’ back, the massive bulk of muscle barely even registering the dead weight. Scarlett looked into Clarence’s eyes and cried.
“Am sowwy fwiend, twy tu git hewp soona, neba shouwd’ve weft yu.”
Clarence mumbled out some more screams, sounding more and more desperate.
“He hab su many huwties.” Scarlett sobbed.
“Huwwy, git Cwawence bak NYO!”
Forrest sprinted off, hoping it wasn’t too late to save his friend, in a way he was thankful that Clarence was in so much pain. The constant moans of agony kept him assured that his friend was alive.
Although why he kept staring at Scarlett, Forrest couldn’t understand.
Fing brought Clarence deep into the cave, safe and secured from the night air. The Pegasus still couldn’t move or talk, and he hadn’t stopped crying since they found him.
One of the mares, a purple earthie called Plum ran forward. “Fwiend need huggies.”
“NU!” Forrest snapped at her, causing Plum to shit herself in fear. “Dummeh mawe stay bak, Cwawence hab huwties aww oba, huggies nu hewp wight nyo.”
“Bu, huggies make evewyfing betta?”
Forrest scowled at hew. “Yu say Smawty am wong?”
Plum shit herself again. “N… Nu Smawty, Pl… Plum nu fin…finkie wight.”
“Dat wight, nyo aww Fwuffies gu tu bedies, can hewp Cwawence in da bwite-time.”
Still scared but overcome with tiredness, the herd retreated into their homes and beds, Forrest turned to Winston and Fing.
“Keep watch, nu knyo if munstahs fowwow hewd ow nu. Need be pwepawed.”
Winston nodded. “Yeh Smawty.”
Fing just nodded and followed Winston out of the cave. Forrest then turned to Scarlett.
“Nyu fwiend am wewcome tu stay, can be pawt of hewd if wan.”
Scarlett smiled. “Maybe, been scawy bwite-time, Scawwett happy Smawty wet hew stay fow dawk-time, need fink fings oba.”
Forrest was disappointed, but he hit it away with a smile, figuring he could always trap Scarlett here with a little enfie time in the morning.
“Ok, Scawwett an Smawty tawk wata.”
With a final goodbye, Scarlett found a place to sleep in the cave while Forrest returned to his family, taking the spot next to Queenie. Yet even with his beloved mate by his side, his sleep was interrupted by dreams of enfing Scarlett, of making the prettiest babbehs with her, and how she’d scream for him when they mated.
She would stay with him, whether she wanted to or not.
As the night went on, eventually only Clarence was left awake, part of it was his fresh wounds, still stinging and painful, but most of it was his fear. How could his friends not see the dangers they were in, how could they not see the monster in their home.
Then he heard it, that soft, raspy breath that had caught him off-guard before, he looked around until he saw it, the hellfire slowly approaching him from the dark of the cave, with bloodlust in her veins and hunger in her eyes.
Clarence tried to scream, but Scarlett placed a hoof tightly down on his neck, blocking his airway and keeping him muted.
“Du dummeh wan knyo wai Scawwett bwing yu bak hewe? Hab twu weasons, wun; su aww yuw fwiends fink dat Scawwett am gud Fwuffy, am fwiends wiv dummeh Cwawence an wet Scawwett stay hewe.”
Scarlett licked her lips and leaned in closer to whisper into Clarence’s ears.
“An twu, su dat dummeh Cwawence fink he safe hewe, fink he hab hope of nu guin foweba sweepies, su it aww da betta wen Scawwett wip dat hope fwom his fukin nek.”
With lightning speed, Scarlett darted forward and tore out Clarence’s throat with her teeth, the Pegasus gargled and shook but he could do nothing to save himself or warn his friends as his life slowly but lethally drained out of him.
Scarlett smirked at the corpse in front of her, this was going to be even easier than she thought, she nibbled on Clarence’s flesh as she thought about what she’d seen, a broken herd led by a Smarty thinking with his dick. She was almost insulted at how basic it was.
But still, she needed to keep herself sharp, it’s what her father would do. And with her hellfire colours, her cannibalism and her disdain for stupid fucking Smarties, Scarlett was nothing if not her father’s daughter.