The Devil's Daughter: Origins [Part 1] [By BFM101]

Forrest’s violent end will come soon, but I wanted to take a quick detour to look at Scarlett origins. Not so much how she became so evil but rather how she came to understand that natural evil within her.

This takes place a short time after the end of Josef The Troll, you don’t need to read that to understand Scarlett but the timelines are connected. I also forget to mention that Scarlett’s birth and her large family was inspired by @CuddlyBloodily’s piece on Crimson’s alternate youth, just instead of being the origins of the man himself it’s one for his daughter.

Scarlett let go of her mother’s teat and wiped the milk from her mouth, giving her enough time to hide the disappointment on her face before looking up and putting on a fake smile.

“Fank yu mummah.”

“Yu wewcome wowstesh babbeh.” Violet smiled back, though even with the insult her smile was genuine, as though she honestly believe reminding Scarlett of her bottom rung placement was a good thing.

Scarlett seethed silently under her fake smile, before turning away and letting Violet return to her favourite hobby, spoiling her two ‘bestesh babbehs’. Scarlett hated them both, the silvery-blue unicorn filly, or ‘Shy-nee Bestesh’ as Violet had named her and the rich blue earthie colt, or ‘Bwite Bwue Bestesh’, were both overfed crybabies who couldn’t even be more than an inch away from their mother without bursting into tears.

Mostly because they thought their siblings were stealing THEIR milk.

While Violet took the two foals into her arms and started licking them clean for the 74th time that day, two of Scarlett’s other siblings tried to take advantage of their mother being distracted. ‘Ugwy gween babbeh’ and ‘Dummeh bwown babbeh’ would often try to steal more milk from their mother when she was distracted or sleeping, neither of them got much milk but it was still more than what Scarlett got. Still they complained about ‘tummeh-huwties while Scarlett accepted her mother would never love her properly, only acting kind because she was too dumb to be mean.

As the space behind her was filled with fat baby crying and Violet shouting about ‘nu mowe miwkies fow ugwy babbehs’, Scarlett joined her final two siblings, higher that her and the poopie babbehs on their mother’s rankings, lower than the two bestesh. They were ‘Gween-Bwue babbeh’, a turquoise filly with a nice curly blue mane, and ‘Bwack Babbeh’, a black colt with a similar blue mane though not as curly. Black Babbeh was perhaps Scarlett’s favourite brother but that was because he was… damaged.

An over excited Violet had accidentally smacked him in the head back when he was still a chirpy, Black Babbeh was the only foal not to talk passed some low groans and the sound of his hoof being suckled in his mouth. He was mentally gone, which suited Scarlett just fine, more so than Green-Blue, who was nice enough but clearly trying too hard to be more like Violet in order to win her mother’s favour, despite it being a fruitless effort.

“Hewwo Wed Sissy, hab gud miwkies?” Green-Blue asked her.

“Yeh.” Scarlett lied. “Miwkies gud.”

“Gween-Bwue babbeh hab biggesh heawt-happies dat aww bwuddas an sissies hab wots of miwkies, mummah am bestesh mummah.”

‘Mummah is a dummeh’ Scarlett thought but said nothing as she lay down to relax beside her siblings, letting her stomach settle for a moment. She wasn’t sure why she lied, probably because it was easier than trying to explain the truth to them, that no milk had ever tasted as good as that first taste, she remembered it vividly, the warm sweetness with a sharp, metallic taste, like when she found a coin on the street and tried to pick it up for her mouth. But ever since then, that sharp taste had gone, the milk was still warm and sweet but without that extra taste that lit something inside her like an inferno, every drink afterwards had been disappointing.

With the sound of her brother’s suckling hoof and the cries of two fat babbehs screaming about their ugly siblings stealing their milk again, Scarlett lay her head down and tried to get some rest.

Scarlett was awoken by the loud clanging of metal and the rustle of plastic. She stirred awake and looked over towards where the clatter was coming from, seeing her mother pushing the Green and Brown babbehs into a tipped over dustbin, the two of utterly terrified of the darkened maw they were being forced into.

“Ugwy babbehs find mummah gud nummies tu make bestesh miwkies fow bestesh babbehs.”

“Peep, babbeh nu wan, chirp, gu in meanie fing.” The brown foal whimpered, too weak to fight against his mother’s larger body.

“Mummah need nummies ow ewse AWW babbehs gu foweba sweepies, nyo gu.”

Bawling their little eyes out, the two ugly foals reluctantly crawled into the dustbin in the hopes of finding any scrap of food they could.

“Mummah?” Shiny Babbeh asked, looking up from her usual spot by Violet’s left teat. “Wai nu wait fow daddeh tu come bak, he hab nummies.”

Violet smiled and shook her head. “Siwwy babbeh, dewe am nu daddeh, daddeh am biggesh meanie, gib mummah wowstesh nu-speciaw-huggies an bad ugwy babbehs, bu mummah hab bestesh Shy-nee babbehs tu wub tuu su nu need dummeh munstah daddeh.”

Scarlett listened to her mother talk about her father, she felt a swell of pride hearing about him, she had heard Violet talk about him before, one time revealing his name to be Crimson, and that his coat and mane were identical to her own.

Scarlett could guess that was why Violet hated her so much, because Scarlett was so much like her monster father. But that just made Scarlett proud, she wanted to be like her father because she wanted her mother to be utterly terrified of her, she wanted Violet to suffer for how she had treated her and her less fortunate siblings.

But mostly her.

Scarlett stood up and started walking over to Violet and her siblings, passing by Black Brother as she did.

“Gud bwite-time Bwack-Bwudda?” She asked.

The cross-eyed infant just sucked his hoof, bouncing haphazardly to the rhythm-less tune in his own head.

“Dat gud tu heaw.” Scarlett said with just a hint of mockery before joining the others, taking a spot by Green-Blue Babbeh as they watched the siblings struggle in the bin with the heavy plastic bag and the wet much of rotted food and soggy cardboard inside.

“Mummah am su smawt.” Green-Blue said wistfully. “Hab ugwy babbehs git nummies su gud babbehs nu hab messies.”

“Dat am bwudda an sissy.” Scarlett spat back. “Mummah need wook afta aww babbehs, nu jus pwetty dummehs.”

Green-Blue ignored her sister and kept watching Ugly Green and Dummy Brown struggle, Scarlett rolled her eyes and stepped forward, intentionally butting passed Green-Blue as she did. As Scarlett approached the dust-bun, clearly going to help her siblings, Violet called out to her.

“Dat wight wowstesh babbeh, mummah wan yu gu find nummies tu, dat am mummah finkie-pwace pwan.”

Scarlett seethed under her breath but said nothing, more focussed on getting her two weaker siblings out of the bin than satisfying her mother. Climbing over half a loaf of mouldy bread, she found Ugly Green Sister and Dummy Brown Brother cowering in the darkness, Ugly Green had something wet and grey splashed onto her back and Dummy Brown was hiding from a rotten banana peel whilst stewing in a puddle of his own piss.

Scarlett would’ve called them both crybaby idiots like their bestesh sibings, but they were both too pitiful to insult.

“Come on dummeh, wets gu ousside nyo.”

“Nu.” Ugly Green shook her head. “Ugwy babbehs nu hab nummies, mummah gib huwties if nu hab nummies, bu nu wan gu wook fow mowe in scawy pwace.”

“Ugwy babbehs stay wight hewe.” Dummy Brown added, his piss puddle growing colder and more uncomfortable to sit in but fear kept him from moving.

Scarlett rolled her eyes again, she understood why they wanted to stay in the trash where they thought they belonged, but that was a slow death and neither of them deserved that. Taking a quick look around with the little light peering in from the front of the bin, Scarlett spotted half a cheeseburger and some cold fries, mostly untouched by whatever moisture was permeating through the bin.

“Dewe, dat gud nummies, hewp Fwuffy git nummies tu mummah, hab miwkies afta.”

Ugly Green and Dummy Brown were both still ambivalent, but hunger took out and the prospect of having something to ease their stomach pains won them over. Working together the three of them pulled out the box of fries and rolled out the burger, making sure to keep it on its wrapper as much as possible so they could pull it out without it touching the ground too much.

Since Scarlett had more energy than her siblings – most likely because she didn’t waste it all crying like little chirpies – she focussed on pulling the burger out, using her teeth to grab onto the wrapper and pull. To her surprise it was actually a lot heavier than it looked and once she was out of the smooth metal of the bin, the hard concrete almost grounded her efforts to a halt; that is until Scarlett suddenly felt things get a lot easier to move.

She looked over and saw Bright-Blue Babbeh helping her move the burder. Maybe she had been wrong all this time, maybe she shouldn’t judge her favoured siblings just for how their mother had…

“Wook mummah, Bestesh Bwue Babbeh git buwga nummies fow mummah.”

“Bwite-Bwue Bestesh am su gud tu mummah, git wots of miwkies. Mummah wub bestesh babbehs.”

Scarlett stood slackjawed, unbelieving of what just happened.

“Bu Wed Babbeh git nummies fwom…”

“Bad babbeh.” Violet shot back with a hefty swipe, almost catching Scarlett in the jaw. “Mummah see Bwite-Bwue Bestesh wiv buwga nummies an Ugwy Babbehs wiv chippie nummies, wowstesh babbeh gib mummah nuffin, yu nu git miwkies.”

Scarlett looked around at her siblings, trying to get some form of help. Shiny Babbeh and Bright Blue Babbeh were too busy at Violet’s teats waiting to feed, Ugly Green and Dummy Brown were too frightened to losing out on what little milk they could get to go against their mother’s decree, Black Brother… well he didn’t know what was going on anyway.

That just left Green-Blue, and when Scarlett’s eyes locked with her sisters, she knew that Green-Blue had seen everything. But Green-Blue just dropped her head in shame and turned away, not wanting to risk her own place in Violet’s Hierarchy for the least favoured sister.

Seeing that she had no-one in her corner, Scarlett stormed off in a huff. She found Black Brother still suckling away at his hoof and lay down beside him, the only sibling she could rely on.

She didn’t cry though, they didn’t deserve her tears.

“Wed Sissy? Yu ok?”

Scarlett, still laying on the ground next to Black Brother – now sucking his other hoof – looked up at Green-Blue, seeing the nervous and shameful look on her face.”

“Wha sissy wan?”

“Fwuffy teww mummah tu wet Wed Sissy hab miwkies, mummah fink dat Wed Sissy need miwkies su can find nummies wata. It nu wots, bu it nu nuffin.”

Scarlett pulled herself to her feet. “Wai Sissy du dat?”

“Cos Fwuffy feew wike bad Sissy fow nu tewwing mummah da twuth. Dat Wed Sissy git nummies, nu Bwue Bwudda, bu Fwuffy nu wan wose miwkies tuu. Fwuffy du wittew tu hewp, nu wan Wed Sissy be angwy.”

Scarlett took a deep breath, trying to work out her conflicted feelings to her sister. “Fwuffy nu angwy wiv Gween-Bwue Sissy, undastan wai nu say anee-fing tu mummah. Bu mummah am dummeh, she nu gud mummah, Sissy need see dat.”

Green-Blue shrugged. “She stiww mummah. Am bigga, stwonga an smawta dan babbehs.”

“Mummah da fiwst twu bu dat it.”

Scarlett growled under her breath but said nothing else as she approached Violet, Shiny Babby and Bright Blue Babbeh half-asleep against her belly Fluff. Violet turned and smiled at Scarlett, the red filly felt her blood boiling at how fucking stupid her mother looked, grinning like she hadn’t done anything wrong.

“Hewwo wowstesh babbeh, Gween-Bwue Babbeh hab gud finkie-pwace pwan dat mummah gib wowstesh babbeh wittew miwkies su dat neks bwite-time, wowtesh babbeh can git mowe nummies.”

Scarlett felt her eye twitch with every decree of ‘worst babbeh’, like somehow she was being punished for being born.

“Fank yu mummah.” She growled through gritted teeth. “Wed babbeh hab biggesh heawt…HAPPIES dat mummah wet babbeh hab miwkies.”

“Uh-huh, mummah am bestesh mummah.”

Scarlett bit her tongue so hard she nearly drew blood but kept silent as she stepped forward carefully latching onto one of Violet’s nipples and suckling. She started slow but once the warmth hit her stomach she quickened her pace, it still wasn’t like that first feeding but right now it was something and that as all that mattered.

She made three mouthfuls before she was smacked away by Shiny Babbeh.

“NU! Dat am Bestesh Shy-nee Babbeh miwkies, wowstesh babbeh nu git anee.”

“Wed Babbeh can hab miwkies if wan, mummah say su.”

“Mummah wong, miwkies onwy fow bestesh babbehs, gu way.”

And with a slow but hefty punch from her fat hoof, Shiny Babbeh wacked Scarlett hard in the face, knocking her to the ground and splitting open her lip. Scarlett had fucking had it, no more would she take this shit from her sanctimonious mother or her spoiled sibling, she was ready to…

Scarlett stopped, there was something, a taste in her mouth that felt so familiar, that sharp metallic tinge that had thrilled her so much from that first taste of milk. It hadn’t been milk at all, it had been blood.

Feeling her anger fade and a new sadistic pleasure pulsing through her veins, Scarlett looked up at Shiny Babbeh and licked her lips.

“Bestesh Wittew Dummeh say Wed Babbeh nu can hab miwkie? Dat ok, Wed Babbeh wan dwink sumfing ewse.”

“Wha… wha dat?” Shiny Babbeh asked, shaking with fear at the look in her sisters eyes.


And Scarlett leapt forward, crashing into Shiny Babbeh and knocking her away from the safety of her mother, the two fillies were dazed by the tumble but Scarlett recovered first, quickly biting down on Shiny Babbeh’s tail and pulling her away.

Violet couldn’t believe what she was seeing “NU! Nu huwt bestesh babbeh, is onwy wittew babbeh.”

Violet tried to manoeuvre herself onto her feet but the awkward angle she had been sitting against the brick wall at made it a long and slow process. Scarlett felt a twisted enjoyment at seeing her mother freak out so fully, she gripped Shiny Babbeh harder and pulled her faster, small streak of blood stained the concrete as the siver filly’s fat body was cut against the rough concrete.


Hearing the desperate apology in her sisters voice caused Scarlett to stop, she kicked Shiny onto her back and stared her down.

“Yu fink Wed Babbeh cawed at yu sowwy? Yu am wowstesh sissy eba an Wed Babbeh onwy wan tu gib yu wun fing?”

“Sissy hab pwesent?” Shiny perked up, completely forgetting about the terror she had just felt.

Scarlett scowled at the shiny moron she called her sister.

“Yu am su fukin dummeh.”

And without giving Shiny Babbeh a chance to react, Scarlett clamped her teeth onto her neck and tore out her throat.

Everyone froze, even Black Brother could tell something was wrong, the stench of blood filled the air, Violet felt her heart break as she watched her worst child not only kill her favourite daughter in such a violent fashion, but actively start tearing chunks out of her body and…


Scarlett couldn’t believe how clueless she had been, how she missed the taste of blood, her father had been a monster, of course it made sense to her now. She was a monster too.

She ripped out another piece of her sister’s flesh, the soft, fatty meat of Shiny Babbeh made for an easier meal for Scarlett’s still growing teeth. She went to dig in for more but Violet broke out of her shock and charged at her.


Scarlett jumped out of the way just in time, but Violet stood protectively over Shiny Babbeh’s corpse, her eyes filled with tears and hatred.

“HATCHU, mummah HATCHU, wowstesh munstah babbeh, gib bestesh babbeh foweba sweepies.”

Scarlett scoffed. “Bestesh was dummeh, betta nummies dan babbeh. Mummah am tuu dummeh tu see dat.”

“Yu num sissy, yu am MUNSTAH!”

“Wed Babbeh AWWAYS be munstah tu yu, eben befowe num sissy. Wed Babbeh am wha mummah make hew.”

Violet’s nostrils flared and she kicked herself off the ground. “MUMMAH GIB MUNSTAH FOWEBA SWEEPIES!”

Knowing she couldn’t take on her adult mother, Scarlett turned and ran off, taking one final look back to check on her siblings, they all cowered away from her, too scared to look at their monstrous sister. Only Green-Blue looked back, an expression of shock and horror etched onto her face.

For less than a moment, Scarlett felt shame.

But then the moment passed and she ignored that, rushing off into the city with only the anguished wails of her mother following her.

It had been several hours since Scarlett ran away from home and now night was almost upon her. She had managed to wipe the blood off her face but now hunger was starting to kick in again, she wanted to taste more Fluffy meat but she was savvy enough to know that would be difficult.

As Scarlett approached another alleyway she got a whiff of another Fluffy, several of them, Scarlett knew that seeking solace with a herd was dangerous but the dark times were approaching fat and she needed shelter for the night. She took her chance and tiptoed into the alleyway.

Her first thought was one of surprise, the Fluffies in this herd had set up a selection of cardboard boxes to act as sleeping pods with, what appeared to be, a large sheet of plastic covering over them to keep out the rain, either these Fluffies were smart or they had human help, either way she felt a little bit safer.

Scarlett slowly crawled forward, trying not to scare anyone, she peered behind a box and saw a group of eight adult Fluffies all in a circle around a small pile of food with a number of foals either playing or sleeping around them. It wasn’t a lot of food, but the herd seemed happy to have it.

Driven sloppy by hunger, Scarlett took a step too fat out of her hiding place, and one of the herd, a black stallion with a red mane, jumped up and pointed at her.


The rest of the herd were immediately into defensive positions, the strongest of them surrounding the mares and infants. Front of the pack was the Smarty, a large dark grey stallion with a dark green mane, but what was most evident about him was his scars, he was littered with cuts and marks all across his body, ranging from simple scraps on his side to an entire missing left ear.

He looked intimidating, and yet he still smiled.

“Hewwo, wai Fwuffy hewe?”

“Fwuffy am fiwwy, stiww need miwkies an huggies. Mummah nu wub Fwuffy nu mowe, nu hab homesie, pwease, hewp babbeh.”

The Smarty turned to the black stallion and whispered something, the two of them eying Scarlett with weary and confusion. Eventually the Smart turned back to Scarlett and nodded.

“Dewe am wittew woom in nestie, babbeh can stay fow wittew bit.”

“FANK YU, babbeh fink gu foweba sweepies if awone tuu wong.”

“It ok, babbeh am in safe-pwace nyo. Namesie am Spike, wewcome tu hewd.”

For clarification, Spike is not Spike from the main series, but rather the contest entry Spike who got their own story and is now re-entereing the main canon.

Should I do that with a Fluffy who technically got adopted by someone else? Potentially not, but this is my Spike and I’m gonna use him in my series since he’s one of the few Fluffies to take on Crimson and live. The other, funnily enough, being the original Spike, but he doesn’t fit into this story.

Origins Part 2: TBD

Chapter 2


Loving this story!

Feel free to use my OCs if you think they’d add to this story.

Maybe Scarlet learns more about Crimson after encountering Wanted?
Ricky and Isaac are free if you just need an abuser/doctor.
Catherine Ritz would definitely be interested in the mentally disabled foal given her interest in fluffy minds (their brains at least). And she’d shed blood to get Scarlet given how divergent she is from the average fluffy. Don't exaggerate, it's literally the worst thing you could do ever (by recreationalsadist)
Or she runs into this herd: Pretty vs Poopie Part 1 of 2 (by recreationalsadist)


Wow hope you have a part how that moron violet and her remaining bestesh idiotically die. Or have Scarlett return to end them.

I feel bad for the other foals ended up like that
especially that poor black hoof sucking foal. and soon die from their dumb mother, I even wonder why Crimson let this babbling bitch lived.

Violet is those typical dumb bitch mare and the sister “stealin” Scarlett’s thunder total favoritism by her dumbass mother.


Crimson is pure chaos, he does whatever he feels like at that moment and at that moment he didn’t feel hungry enough to kill Violet.

I haven’t got a plan in mind for Violet and the others, I’d like to think she became so depressed over losing her bestest that she became too despondent to feed the other foals.

Thankfully they were all old enough that after a few days they were able to start eating the solid food in the garbage. All except Bright-Blue who stayed by his mother, trying to get a last drop of milk out of her and starving to death.

What happened to Violet and the foals is up in the air, but it’s likely not going to a good life for them


well that is worth she die in a stupid way and that bright-blue idiot who looks familiar to me. :smile:

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admittedly, a big looming spectre isnt subtle and rather cringe but its so silly its worth sharing.


Delicious Bestest makes best Nummies!