Selfish Choices 10 - Foal 04 ending - (Cmss for Kuffy49) (InfraredTurbine)

Sup Ya’ll !
Here’s an ending for Selfish choises 10, but a hugboxish one this time :slight_smile:

Commissioned by @Kuffy49 !

This foal can keep a good attitude even when the smarty or passersby are mean to him. After many failed attempts by customers to grab him he had an idea! He loves playing with the ball so much and maybe if he holds onto it he can finally have a “nyu daddeh.” One day the right circumstances line up: a master claw gamer shows up and it’s the foals turn with the ball. The excited face of a young boy peers through the glass in anticipation as his father’s triumph. With expert skill his father grabs the foal clinging to the ball and drops him in the chute. The foal clings on for dear life squeezing his eyes shut and muttering “s-scawy. nu huwties pwease” but keeping his ever-present positive attitude. The drop into the prize claim hurts and the foal can’t help letting out a little bad peepee, but other than a bruised rump he and the ball make it just fine. The metal cover scrapes open and a hand reaches in. Finally free the foal looks up at his new owner, a boy of six with a broad smile across his face.
The foal is given the name “Buster.” Buster is never far from his ball and always tries to carry it with him, even to the litterbox! His owner plays with him often and doesn’t seem to notice or care that the foal never grows larger. In fact he takes advantage of it. Every Friday the family has game night and invites Buster to run around on the table to help move game pieces around and bring cards to the players. He even sings little songs while he runs about, never losing his love for music. Buster loves his new life and always looks forward to “gamesies wif daddeh” and the sketti that follows.

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


I love this little dude, He may be small, but he’s a very, very good boy


This is too fucking adorable. My heart’s ice shell just cracked. :sparkling_heart:

ETA: I just realised he looks a lot like my Stevie Fartbox.


Aww glad he found a good home and love the art he is adorable :heart:


:glee: oh baby!


Too precious, this one.


Love it


Dude got a nice home and stole the ball from the other flufflies, he’s a real gangsta


Aww bless. I really thought that uno reverse was because the fluffies rose up and rebelled for a second.

I prefer this outcome. Made me smile. I hope you have a good life, Buster.


Hes smart, but not a smarty


A new Infraredturbine post …

And it’s a Selfish Choices …

And it is hugbox …

Oooh boy! This is a treat for sure.
Great work as always.


As much I enjoy and love seeing disgusting and heinous fluffys get eviscerated and tortured-
AWWWWW Look at wee bustah he soo fucking adorable and cuuuute-


Imagine getting ready to kick the shit out of a fluffy and it pulls the uno reverse on you. WWYD?


This makes me so fucking happy.