Selfish choices 10 - Hasbio Store claw machine (InfraredTurbine)

-Selfish choices : 10th Edition-

Finally out :V

The rules are the same as the first version, if you missed any, you can find them here:
1st Edition / 2nd Edition / 3rd Edition / 4th Edition / 5th Edition / 6th Edition / 7th Edition 8th Version / 9th Edition ;

- Backstory:

Ever been to a Hasbio Fluffies Original store ?
If you have, So you probably have passed by one of these some day.
Hasbio Stores are equiped with the best/finest/most expensive toys for your Bio-toy ever seen by man, so having a claw machine in one of these, wouldn’t be different.
In a “Super premium galaxy quality TM” claw machine, you can find the best foals ever, with the best colors for your home. Want the rarest colors ? they have it! Want a so rare “pink alicorn” your daughter has bothering you for weeks ? We have it!
But wait a second… Oh you mean those foals in the picture ?
Oh, sorry, they’re actually for our second machine, called “Average good colors quality TM”. You can be lucky to find a rare foal there as well, but normally all you’ll find in these, are cheaper foals, and some good colored ones, that ended up having some problems as well. So this is the case you can see here. Hopefully they’ll find a new home… Or not, and we can dispose of them the next week, of course!

- As mentioned before, no enfing or rape! -

  • Available foals in green colors green colors , adopted foals in Gray colors :
  • Each foal is 25$ (usd) . When buying it, you are given ownership over it, and a commission, showing its ending, like what happened to it after it was adopted. All in colors, with a background and a text over the picture explaining it. As usual it’s a huge pannel showing the ending. ^^ Yep, it’s cheaper than the other versions ^^

Green: Available
Gray: Adopted

Foal 1: Earthie. This foal is always trying to be picked by “cwawsie fwen”. It even tries to push others all the time so it can be chosen, but so far, people have got so mad at him for trying to be picked, that they totally ignore it, or abbandon the machine when it gets picked;

Foal 2: Unicorn. SBS foal. This foal here is never picked for obvious reasons. Who would ever want a super difficult-to-take-care-of SBS foal ? All it does is to cry all the time and it can’t even talk. Other foals have already tried to push it so it could be finally grabbed by the claw once, but the client got so mad about it, he literally left the store;

Foal 3: Earthie. This foal here unfortunatelly got blind. It was trying to eat some kibbles last week, when it got kicked in the head by foal 6 with its rear legs. Since the tiny hoofs were so full of shit, an infection got our small foal here, and when we tried to help it, it was already late. It is scared of noises the whole time, specially when the claw starts to move around;

Foal 4: Earthie. Little fella over here was born with some kind of “dwarf condition” which means it’s gonna stay this size even when it reaches adulthood. It already learned to sing and dance all mummah songs and keep singing the whole day. It wasn’t adopted already, since the claw is too big to catch it. Some clients consider it a real challenge to be grabbed, but maybe some day…;

Foal 5: Earthie. I know what you’re thinking about… This foal is retarted… Well the point here is… It wasn’t until 2 days ago…We are not sure what happened, but probably after being stepped on during the night, directly on the head, it just can’t speak anymore. We are going to see what can be done about it later, but if someone is lucky enough to adopt it before it, we’ll be quiet about it and just let it be adopted;

Foal 6: Pegasus (and smarty). The bane of our pain here in this hasbio store. This foal demands food the whole time, and we are totally considering cutting its tongue, so it stops calling the clients “dummeh”. We suspect it is hurting the other foals during the night stealing their food, but our security guard was too lazy to check it out… Let’s see if someone wanna take this red dumbass home

Foal 7: Pegasus. This foal tries to run away from the claw at all cost. No, you don’t get it, let me explain: It even tries to push others into the claw so it doesn’t get grabbed by it… It isn’t a smarty for sure, probably just super scared of it, but all it does all day is to eat and try to find a way to “escape” this machine. It is so dumb so we don’t know it actually understands that the claw would be a way to get out of it, but… whatever

If you have interest in commissioning an ending for any of these foals, please send me a pm here or on discord ( Matt__#9892 )

Personal Disclaimer:

As I always like to remenber: this whole idea was proudly created together with Depresso (RandomAirPeople).

Hope you all enjoy this 9th edition!

  • All foals endings can be found linked bellow as soon as they are being made:
    – [Foal 1] -
    – [Foal 2] -
    – [Foal 3] -
    – [Foal 4] -
    – [Foal 5] -
    – [Foal 6] -
    – [Foal 7] -

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to pm me! :smiley:


Plot twist - due to the predatory nature of carnival games, the claw drops every fucking one of these little bastards.

Those that survive the fall are permanently crippled


Dibs to 1. Pming you after work


And maybe 4


Someone killed that bastard smarty because considering what it’s been doing in there little shit deserves to die or worse torture the little bastard my suggestion, electro shock therapy

I would do it, but I Can’t


Oh I already despise that goddamn sensitibe.


Aim for the neck, and then … boom dead


The smarty bully having red fluff soothes & entices me.
Nice to see some things persist in this passable world.


Dibs on blind babbeh (#3)


the sbs foal looks cute


Have the claw impale them all. Sorted


If I had money, I’d get #2, #4, and a micro in order to re-enact Of Mice and Men.


Yoooo this is an awesome concept! :smile:

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I am soo looking forward to 6 horriflying death.


He’ll get what’s coming to him.


I hope 6 honestly does not suffer. It would be more fun to let it loose on a bunch of other fluffies.


Karma is a bitch


Dame things went out fast


I have a feeling that 2, 5, and 7 are going to have bad endings.

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