Selfish Choices 3 (InfraredTurbine)

Sup folks!

Big readies:

I’m planing on traveling next week, so I decided to rush a bit and finish this and post it for once, before the end of this month, since all the foals from Selfish choices 1 and Selfish choices 2 have already been adopted/killed/etc. As you know, I don’t see much the point of selling adoptables, so I prefer to make these, which are funnier (imo) and you can chose their fates (the only thing I don’t take is rape, the rest is ok);

I tried to make a bigger variety this time xD
These foals used to be part of a herd, until the smarty of it decided it was better for abbandon all babies to save food for winter as you can see.

Available foals in green (All foals have already been adopted)

Foal 1: Unicorn;
Foal 2: Earthie (born with a midget syndrome so it’s smaller than others);
Foal 3: Pegasus;
Foal 4: Alicorn
Foal 5: Pegasus with broken/mauled wings and a loose bladder;
Foal 6: Born derpy with SBS (Sensitive baby Syndrome);

Fluffies available:
All of them are available by now; All of them have the same price, contact me if you wanna commission and ending for them :V

Original Idea by Depresso. For commissions, artworks and so on, feel free to contact me any time! ^^


You work so fast. So good!


Wait, couldn’t they just give the foal forever sleepies and eat them instead?

Smarties either wasteful or the fluffies of the herd are too weak emotionally to do what needs to be done in a survival situation. ~SMH~


smarty is a moron
he’ll lead the herd to ruin and failure

but that’s not my problem xD


I really like the pose and eye directions on 1-2-3-5 on selfish choices 3. I kind of want to request a pair of boots in the corner with pants around its ankle and an ass leaning into frame farting on them. xD

Maybe with four tucked into a newpaper like a taco to be taken away after since they’re filthy (also to change their location in the picture to make room for the looming moon).

Sadly im out of commission funds already cause I made the mistake of using the remaining balance on spur of the moment x-mas orders. :frowning:

Hopefully i’ll find the drive to go to the store in the next few days to put money on a new card etc.

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oh poor sweet creatures. perhaps number 6 is found by a sweet couple and taken in as a house fluffy? they could spend their days in comfort and safety and maybe even learn to communicate or broaden their diet outside of mare’s milk


Is it possible to commission the Smarty’s fate?


…I have a great idea but I’m gonna develop it a bit more.

Also good luck on the traveling, doing the same myself this weekend if I’m not mistaken.


Last versions people commissioned endings for the mare, the… rock and even one for the cockroach next to the foal, so I see no problem in that xD


Thank you! I’ll be taking my drawing tablet with me, I can’t stay without drawing for much time, I’d get crazy


Alicorn for me fam

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what was the mare’s fate btw?

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you can read it here.

Send me a pm and I’ll give ya details on how to commission it and prices

Very interested to see what happens with the sensitive babbeh. I feel like they’re underused as far as disabled fluffies go.

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no one commissioned the mare from selfish choices 2. Mind if I double-dip on that?

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double-dip ?

I always commissioned the red foal from that series. Can I do a second commission?

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Hahaha they will die.

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Love the way you draw your shitrats. They look so smashable!

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Can one of them rebel against the Smarty and take over the herd?

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