Selfish choices 3: Foal N.5 (Commissioned by BFM101) (InfraredTurbine)

Well, they say sticks and stones may break your bones, but mean words to a fluffy may break its soul.

Ending for Foal N.5 from Selfish Choices 3 commissioned by @BFM101 !!

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!!


“Pwease nice wady, udda Fwuffies am biggesh meanies, babbeh nu wan be hewe.”

“Oh don’t worry hun.” The friendly but naive breeder smiled at the weeping colt. “They’re just being playful, I’m sure they’ll get bored and move onto something else eventually.”

But eventually never came, the bullying fillies became bullying mares, each paired with a bullying stallion who frequently reminded him that nobody would ever want a broken winged dummy to give them broken winged babbehs.

The colt would never know love, never know affection, his healthy living would keep him alive for several years with each new generation taking after their parents in bullying him, until eventually he stopped eating, crawled into a cold corner and lay down to die, wondering what the elusive huggies would’ve felt like.



None ever have a good life, and that is good.


nothing better than a foal who doesn’t get his enfs


Fluffies can be some cruel fuckers when done right. This is great lol


gets out bat to cleave all the foals except N.5 skull


Would like to think that once they were all old enough the owner decided to pair up the black foal with every one of them not knowing how they treated him.

All of them are eagerly awaiting their mate in an isolated pen and their hearts drop when they see him being lowered in.
Also, in an attempt to make him get through all the mares the owner gave him “Special sketties” with a viagra in it, something that would have him completely focused on breeding and blind him to anything else… like consent.


The place is far too hugboxy for that, they believe fully in consent. Continually telling the colt ‘Maybe the next one’, not realising that the broken winged stallion had become an urban legend through the store, all foals grew up hearing the tales and shunned him.

Besides, even if the store did blind him with lust, none of the mares would ever take him seriously as a threat and likely just beat the shit out of him if he tried anything.


I’m sure you’ve heard it before: “The road to Hell is paved in good intentions.”


What if they found out he makes Extraordinary foals ( A tier foals) after an incident?

i love poopie aka proclaimed poopie fluffies


Was being enfed by the staIIions on occassion impIied, or were they that buIIied that they werent even raped?


Little guy never felt the touch of another Fluffy, consensual or other wise, too broken, too much of a bed-wetter, none of them wanted to go anywhere near him.


leading me to make a fluffy killer , more so that absolutely tortures fluffies that are assholes


Foal’s about to become an incel fluff.


I want the revenge where the colt breeds them savagely


A nicefluffy


It was a cold winter day when I stepped into the breeding store. My fluffy pony, Magenta, foals were all stillborn. She was depressed and sobbed as she could not be a mother. I considered getting her bred again, but I was not going to use the same stallion as before. Maybe I could find one here.

As I looked around, I saw the pen full of foals. There I found a black-coated foal in the corner, sobbing.


I went to take a closer look and saw why. The pen was also full of little fillies and the things they said were mean.

“Dummeh ugwy wingies!”

“He he he!”


I frowned at the mistreatment I looked at the foal. It had a lovely black coat and a white mane. When I saw its wings, I realised the source of the ridicule.

“Excuse me,” I called to the owner. “How much for this foal?”


“Here you go,” I said as I gently put the foal inside the saferoom.

“Nyu homsies?” he asked, wagging his tail.

“Yes, this is where you’ll stay and look over there. Magenta! Oh, Magenta! I got something for you!”

Magenta lay in her bed, depressed from losing her foals. The little black foal gingerly walked towards her. Magenta stopped sobbing and looked at the foal.

“B…babbeh?” she asked.

“Yes, Magenta. I got you a baby.”

Magenta stood up and gently lifted the black foal with her forehooves and gave him a lick before nuzzling him.

“Mummah…give Magenta…babbeh…?”

“Yes, he’s your baby now. Little guy, this is your new mama?”

“Nyu mummah?” the little foal peeped.

I watched as Magenta put him up against one of her teats and he began feeding.

“Mummah wuv babbeh…babbeh wuv mummah…babbeh dwink miwkies…gwow big and stwong…” Magenta sang.


Undeserved, cruel and prolonged humiliation led to a natural result: the foal experienced a deep psychological trauma, the consequences of which made themselves felt only when he grew up - complete erectile impotence, which does not go away even when feeding him a plate of spaghetti, with such a dose of Viagra that even cause a boner for an elephant…


So, is scaredyfluff pegasus the new foal archetype?

Well that happens.