Selfish Choices 3 (InfraredTurbine)

if someone commission that yes

Unless someone commission a fate for the smarty first, then it would be sealed

Crossing my fingers that someone does that.

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What’s the price?

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god i love the alicorn, i wanna keep its pelt, its such a beautiful shade of blue… maybe raise it up so theirs more of a pelt

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Loose by fluffy standards? Oh jeez. How does it not die by dehydration?

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ye, now that’s a good question xD

I wanted to find all the selfish choices to figure out what happened to the foals, vut i cant find foal 3 on this one?

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later I’ll be home and I’ll take a look around for ya

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what happened with 3 ?

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Vee and @bluerevo I looked all around and ur right, I think I locked it for someone who was gonna buy it, but never did it :d

Hmm, which is 1 and 3? SBS is 6.
Selfish choices 3: Foal N.1 (Commissioned by Gibhuggies) (InfraredTurbine) Found #1 - boom