Sensitive Topic: FINALE (FluffnPuff)

“Christ, Monica you ALREADY pillowed her? What did she even do wrong?”

“Ok ok, I admit, I may have gonna a little bit overboard. Well she threw up and shit all over Amber so your right, maybe I could have picked something less extreme.”

Tyler was sitting next to Monica surveying the little herd. Monica was starting to regret pillowing Lapis too soon. Lapis may have had a few accidents but other than milk stealing she hasn’t done much of anything wrong, it’s mostly been Sapphire.

Tyler was a tall guy, a bit on the chubby side. He had dark brown skin, dreadlocks, and hazel eyes. Freckles dotted his face and the center piece was his nerdy ass glasses, and boy did this guy love plaid.

Lapis however wasn’t making Sapphire’s life easy, because now she really was a baby ball. She couldn’t walk around now so she could only wiggle around and drink. Sapphire found she had to drag Lapis to the litter box because she couldn’t go herself.

Lapis stayed sulking, not understanding why her legs were taken away. Lapis while sad was also a bit more irritable. None of the fillies wanted to use her as a ball again after last time and just ignore her now most of the time. One filly did try to take to Lapis more. It was Amber, she wanted to apologize for kicking her.

“Hewwo big babbeh, um…Ambew am sowwy fow gibing huwties. Wan Huggies?”

Lapis peeped at her, not fully understanding what she was saying. She chirped angrily at her and Amber took that as a no, so she just trudged away, never quite sure if Lapis forgave her. She’d get her answer soon however.

“What you need to do is not dish out a punishmemt so close to another too much, that makes the shock less potent and the lesson doesn’t stick very well. You gotta wait for Lapis to really fuck up, which will be harder now that you took her legs.”

“Jeez ok I get it, I messed up. You gotta let me think.”

Monica knew that her little fluffspionage, Rum was almost constantly watching them. She knew Rum would go and tell her everything that happened when it happened so she had that.

Sapphire was lazily chewing on kibble while Lapis drank. Sapphire hated it here. It was so miserable. Sure she had nummies galore but that mean lady took her bestests leggies and her green and purple daughters didn’t love her anymore. She didn’t know what to do.

Rum was feeding Amber in the same little box house, humming the song to her. Amber drank softly as she was lulled by the humming. Rum gently pet her growing mane, and cooed at her. Amber was one of Rum’s foals, so naturally Rum was seen near her side. Amber finished and chirped happily.

“Peep! Fank ou mummah!”

“Gud babbeh, bewy gud babbeh.”

“Tch gud babbeh?”

Sapphire mumbled under her breath but alas Rum heard that one.

“Wha was dat? Ou got somfing tu say?”

“Ou babbeh made Bestest babbehs weggies go way! Got put in sowwy boxie an wost weggies!”

Rum scoffed, it wasn’t Ambers fault. If Lapis didn’t wanna be a ball then she shouldn’t have been ball shaped, the idiot! Sapphire fumed at her. She hated Rum!

“Grr Saffiwe hatchu! HATCHU! Ou am a big stoopi dummeh! Gu way, git out!”

“Dummeh mawe. Ou babbeh am gon go foweba sweepies if keep wetting hew dwink.”

Oh that was it. Sapphire had just enough of Rum. She got up and launched herself at her, and they rumbled down the ramp that led inside. Rum didn’t expect this and squealed as Sapphire began biting into her legs and ripping out fuff. Rum kicked Sapphire off of her, scrambling to her hooves and socking Sapphire in the snout.

That didn’t get her to stop though as they both got up on their hind legs, trying to give eacother sorry hoofsies. Each of them getting their fair share of bruises and cuts. It was a real brawl and everyone was panicking as the two fought eachother.

Eventually Sapphire was brought back when she heard Lapis crying. Amber was hugging her, trying to calm her down, while she agitatedly glared at the filly, furiously wiggling side to side. With her guard down, she was kicked in the chest, knocking the wind out of her and making her tumble back.

It took some time to recover but when she did she went to see why her bestest was crying. When she came over however, Lapis looked mad. She peeped angrily at her mother as if she was demanding something. Lapis didn’t really care about her mummah being hurt, she only wanted milkies, the whole time Amber tried to comfort her.

Something in Sapphire boiled up in anger at watching the filly try to cuddle her bestest. Amber looked at Sapphire innocently and squealed when the big blue mare kicked her off of the fat baby.

"Stoopi dummeh babbeh! It youw fauwt babbehs weggies am gone!

“Huu! Huwties…A-Ambew nu nyow…pwease nu mean to make saddies!”

Sapphire didn’t care about the fillies pleas as she advanced on her, pinning her down with a hoof to back. Then ever so slowly she began applying pressure to the fillies back. At first Amber was confused, and then as it increased she grew scared and began peeping.

“Huwties! Huwties! Peep! Mummah! Mummah!”

However Rum was buy being licked by Grapefruit, having seen her owies were leaking boo-boo juice. Little by little Sapphire heard small cracks as the fillies spine and ribs were beginning to break. That’s when she screamed, before Sapphire brought her hoof down, stomping her spine in half, causing the broken ribs to rip into her delicate organs.

Rum rushed in to see Sapphire standing over her offspring, her yellow hoof covered in the fillies blood. As if one final insult, Lapis let loose a bunch of shit all over her corpse. Rum screamed in fury and grabbed Sapphire by her mane, dragging her and throwing her out onto the grass.


All the mares gasped or screamed in horror as they began to see Amber’s broken corpse. Rum was about to bring her hooves down on Sapphire’s head, when Monica and Tyler rushed out to all the noise and the sight of the dead foal and Sapphires bloody hoof made then connect the pieces. Monica grabbed Sapphire by the mane and hoisted her up to her face.

“You ungrateful fucking shitrat! I bring you into my home, give you and your little idiot a place to sleep, all the food you could eat, and how do you act? You started fights, shit on the floor, and now you killed one of my foals! Oh I’m gonna make you pay!”

She grabbed the lardball as well and carried them into the house. Amathyst and Jade couldn’t believe their ears. Their Mummah? A babbeh killer? It couldn’t be true! However the corpse and evidence was more than enough.

Sapphire and Lapis were brought to the sorry room, a room Lapis recognized and shrieked at the sight of. Tyler was unaware of the sorry room so it kinda urked him. He sorta felt bad for Lapis at the very least. She was spoiled, yes, but she still had no idea what she did wrong.

“Ya know Monica, I can take Lapis off your hands. I know she’s useless but I could at least get her euthanized and save the trouble. Ya know?”

Monica thought for a second and held up the ball of fat. She wasn’t gonna lie, she wanted to hurt her more but at the same time she couldn’t argue with logic. Besides, it’s Sapphire she was after.

“Fine. But at least I can still hurt her just a lil bit and taunt this bitch with it, right? You know what euthanize means?”

“W-wha? Wha dummeh hoomins tawking bout?”

“It means that a bunch of doctors are gonna give your baby forever sleepies!”


She looked around as it was just her, Lapis and Monica, Tyler leaving to console the others and take care of Amber’s corpse. As much as Fluffies got on his nerves, he never really wished ill upon them, but he knew just as well as anybody that Fluffies were tough to deal with.

“Now tell me, why did you kill Amber?”

“Grrr dummeh babbeh gib bestesh babbeh huwties! Stoopi babbeh desewbe foweba sweepies!”

“Alright. Punishment is an order!”

Monica pondered her tools for a second wondering which would be the best torture method. Lapis couldn’t move so there was no need to restrain her, but Sapphire could still move, so while holding her down, she positioned a large nail and the base, just abover her hoof and pinned it in with a hammer.

Sapphire shrieked the loudest she had ever had, all the while Lapis peeped loudly in distress at her mothers pain, not quite sure what her mom did wrong. Her mom defended her by killing that meanie foal, how was that bad?

Soon all four nails were pounded into the mares legs, keeping her secured to the ground. She knew what to do now. The room that the chirpies were in? It was full of milk bags. Mares who had disobeyed her, or done something wrong, doomed to a life of constantly being impregnated and used for feeding foals they’ll never see. Sapphire was about to join them.

Monica took a scalpel and looked at Lapis. She carefully grabbed her eyelids and sliced them off. Can’t have her miss the big show after all. She chirped in bloody agony as blood dripped into her eyes from the incisions. She could do nothing but watch as Monica began to work of cutting off Sapphire’s legs.



The sounds of the mare agonized wails carried on as Monica broke the bones inside to make it easier to just cut away the flesh. Sapphire’s whole body spasmed as the pain rocked her world.

“pweaaase. Huuhuuhuuuu am su sowwy! Nu wan!”

She watched as the mean lady grabbed a spoon and the scalpel and inches it closer to her face. She tried to back away but found she couldn’t move. Her screams pierced Lapis’s ears as she watched as one of her eyes were removed. The pain was unbearable as she tried to thrash her head around. Eventually the spoon was dug in deep enough behind her eyeball and came out with a small pop sound.

The entire right side of her line of vision went lopsided before it went black as her optical nerve was severed and it was repeated. Sapphire was now fully blind and pillowed. Lapis could only watch in horror as her mother was for nothing more than being pregnant and feeding foals. Lapis was taken along for the ride, forced the watch her mother hitched to the wall, seeing all the other miserable mares.

She was hitched to small harness on the wall, low enough to ground for chirpies to reach her teats. She felt more than few mouths trying to suck at her and eventually broke.


Lapis peeped in chirped in anger as a bunch of different babies were drinking HER milkies. She tried to shit on them, but had already emptied the rest of her shit reserves on Ambers corpse so nothing could come out.

She was tossed to Tyler who had come in and finally took the ball away to be put out of her misery. However the entire ride will be agonizing as her eyes were starting to already dry abit, and we’re feeling sore.


Sapphire spent the rest of her miserable life in a wan die loop, as she was forced to birth many different foals. Never getting to see them. Just like every other miserable mare in this wretched room. Lapis was taken to a vet to be euthanized and after a particularly deep needle to the vein, she eventually went down, eyes unable to close.

Jade and Amethyst never knew what happened to their mother and sister, but they quite frankly really didn’t care. They heard what their mother did and it disgusted them. They spent the rest of their days being pampered by new owners after being sold to a family with twin girls.

Momo, Grapefruit, Rum, and Rachel had mourned the loss of Amber, but she would never be forgotten to them. They eventually got back to their regular routine of feeding and playing with foals and teaching them how to be good babies. Monica was able to keep her business running, while Tyler got stuck helping her whenever she got into trouble.

All was well and little of value was lost. The story of a mare with an SBS foal would be told to help sway babbehs to not make the same mistakes, but it was also treated as a Sensitive Topic.

(God I rushed this a bit but it’s finally done! No more loose ends! Held By Threads creeps in NONE AT ALL! Anyways I’m glad to have finished it an I’m satisfied my bloodlust is now satiated bai, till next time I love you guys! Mwah! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧)

Part 4: Sensitive Topic : part 4 (FluffnPuff)


Your storys are actually better than ever ^-^ and yeah i mean it mostly cause mine are … slightly mixed bags

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You just put a massive smile on my face, thank you!

Went from okay I won’t hurt the baby, to I’m gonna cut off it’s eyelids so it can watch it’s mother’s torment and suffering then have the foal euthanized.

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Monica is an idiot. She is always second guessing herself and going back on shit, hence why I will never revisit her. I created her yet I hate her myself

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She seems like the literal definition of the phrase “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

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C’est magnifique

A quick euthanasia was far too merciful for Lapis, but at least Sapphire got put through her own version of hell.

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At least she suffered dry eyes

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