This obese filly thought she could be a big meanie to her younger brothers. As punishment, her legs were taken away, and the fluff on her body was shaved, exposing her pink flesh for the world to laugh at. She was zip-tied to a sign in a litterbox, and she is to remain there sitting in her own filth for the rest of her life.
What a fatty. A filly with that head to body ratio?
Dumb poopeh babeh keepew hate yu an’ give yu sowweh poopies fwwwwwwt
Funny though I wish it was a poopy
Same. ẞ,ßsßß2w1
Bitches get stitches and wind up in witta boxies.
Also those are some wild stretch marks lol
You only get those by gaining weight at an unholy rate. Ask me how I know.
You can also get them by losing weight at an unholy rate
Ask me how I know
Yep, that happens, too. High five, opposite twins!
High five
Bones shatter
Flesh hangs limply
drum solo
Watches your non-shattered hands perform dexterous movements
Oh sure, rub it in.
You could blind her to take all her stimulation away but maybe seeing others run around and have fun is even worse torture
FUCK why can’t I go into my workshop and do this?
I once saw a dude play drums with his feet. His mom had taken thalidomide. He was pretty good.
I can’t do that, but I can [redacted] a [redacted] with just my feet.
I’d watch that. Possibly in stark horror, but I’d watch it.
Why would you want to watch me fold clothes? Is that like your fetish or something?