she got the ball back :] unfinished wip (soy)

sorry if its small, I drew this a few days ago and I’m not sure if it’ll be finished.
I figured I’d post what i did have done anyway lol
she went back in the house and collapsed on the couch after
my hand writing is atrocious :+1:





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Shit your handwriting is perfectly legible.
Mine is a cross between russian, arabic and doctor handwriting and even i can’t read it at times.


lol mines legible but its pretty bad, I can’t write in straight lines on paper.
russian, arabic, and doctor handwriting? that’s an interesting combo,

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Well my handwriting is pretty bad.
I have to make an effort to make it remotely legible and even then it’s hard to read.

dang, that sucks.
I wish your handwriting the best of luck :thumbsup:
also i found out there are bat fluffies, im coming for those things next

There are lots of fluffy sub species.
Kitsune fluffies
Bear fluffies
Sea fluffies
Micro Fluffies.

And those are just from the top of my head.

im gonna make a 3 foot tall spider fluffy and im gonna name it mr.tinkles
i dont know when but i really want to

wait fluffalos? are those the cow fluffies i keep seeing? those things r cute i like those.

I hope it feeds on micro fluffies.

Yup those be fluffalo’s

Kitsune fluffies have multiple fox tails
Like this sod here Twick Ow Tweat (AMDk7)

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and yeah it probably does
speaking of micro fluffies, working on making some headcannons for some mini bat fluffies
they’re heavily based on cotton ball bats

~*Attempts to steer the conversation back to ‘dem gams’ *~

Smarty: So dem weggies go aww dah way up?

Alicorn: Yus, how ou tink fwuffy get baww off woof?

Also I started pondering who the father was and my brain remembered this gem.

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Go wild.
Sky is the limit with fluffies.


that’s amazing thank you,
I’m making the father a midget fluffy like 1 of those dogs or a munchkin cat.
their bellies prob drag on the ground, its very problematic.

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…Technically~ I think Cowfluffies and ‘Fluffalos’ are separate and distinct.

Cows being the domestic ones for milk and fluffalos being a little bigger wild herd animal more akin to bison that graze for native american hunting.

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Are they ?
I honestly never found that much background info on them.

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