Show! Don't Tell! The Threshold For What Designates a Smarty is Too Low In Many Instances! ShitPost/AgendaPost by OtherOtherCoraline

I wouldn’t post this if I didn’t love this site. It’s more directed at the subreddit (but I legit believe I’d get banned if I posted it there, probably will anyway. I spend 90% of my time here. Way more fun and a really good balance of talented abuse, sadbox, and hugbox creators. And the textposts. THE TEXTPOSTS! They SOOOO much better here!!! Love you all!) Edited since this now Sticked

So please no one take offense. Just asking for creators to make smarties, well, smarties, rather than simply telling me they are and I have to take your word for it. Again, this much more a sub problem, this site is wonderful! :smiley:

Note: This isn’t saying Smarties are stupid and should removed like Hellgremlins should (edit: I am highly biased against hellgremlins, but I don’t think they should be banned. Maybe quarantined, like anthros?). Smarties can add some nice variety and drama to a comic or story, provided they are portrayed rude/selfish/bratty fluffies and not as ravenous psychopaths. Rather, this is a call to authors and artists to show a smarty being a brat, jealous, selfish, etc. Just having them say “Am Smawty” is not enough to make me believe they deserve abuse where other fluffies are off limits to abuse.

Thank you for attending my Ted Talk

Feel free to portray me as any Wojak you see fit. I’m definitely strawmanning here :wink:


We wouldn’t ban you from the subreddit over this.

Do you mind if I pin it, here?


I treat smarties like school yard bullies. Yeah they might hurt other fluffies or be assholes, but they aren’t murderous creatures bent on rape and murder. At the end of the day they have the mind of a child.


The sub will flame you so hard for posting unjustified abuse, it’s unreal.


I’d be honored if you did so :blush:


I’m loving your stories, Deus. Having Hellgremlins not exist, yet people believe they do and treat them accordingly? You have one of the best headcannons I’ve seen! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just posted it to the sub. Gonna check back in a few hours to see how the drama unfolds :slight_smile:


people tend to forget that even though some smarties might be hellgremlins, there are some that genuinely care about their herd and want what’s best for them, although it usually ends in disaster.


“You called yourself a smarty, prepare to die”
“I understand”

Good shit

Yeah I’m having the same level of disappointment. People leaning too much on the reputation smarties have. Even if it’s a foal, clearly it deserves brutal torture because you can just safely assume it has baby-stomping, mare-raping tendencies in its future!

So many people have also forgotten that smarties could be female too. That doesn’t matter much but it’s adding to the lack of variety imo.

Hard disagree on the hellgremlin bit, but I’ll probably save that for my own post.


See, I believe in discipline on the fluffy before anything else. That being said, if any attack my fluffy then all bets are off.


My guidelines for when a smarty is a character:

I. Smartyism is a symptom, not a disease.
II. A fluff calling itself smarty does not mean they are expressing Smartyism.
III. Good smarties exist.
IV. A fluffy disobeying a human does not make it a bad fluffy or a smarty. Fluffies can reason and have motivations.
V. Smarties can sometimes be cured. Becoming smarty does not make a fluffy one-dimensional.
VI. Hellgremlins tend to be a result of lazy writing. But a real hellgremlin is a fluffy gone off its rocker to some degree.


Fluffy is fluffy, tbh I don’t even know how I would select an abuse target, of course I would exclude the poopies since they look way more natural and because this is an @OtherCoraline post


NO! FUCKA you! I’ll write hellgremlins if I wanna!

Haha, jkjk, I don’t really write hellgremlins. That being said, I don’t like the position that anyone should be telling anyone else what they should or shouldn’t write. I can appreciate this post as a critique of writing style, in that people in general need to work on Showing rather than just Telling, but I believe there are no tropes that should be banned or removed, so long as we’re purely discussing fluffies.


@OtherCoraline Indeed. Some people seem to draw perfectly good abuse pics, and then add a “am smarty” speech bubble to it like they needed to justify the abuse to someone. I once parodied it by taking a medieval torture pic and adding a completely out of place speech bubble to the tortured man saying “I am a pedophile! Give me all your money!”

edit: Still better than adding an entire extra frame to show the fluffy shitting on the floor and declaring itself smarty. The justifying speech bubble is at least a great time-saver compared to that.


^ 300 IQ here. Agree 6/6

:triumph: :triumph: :triumph:

Smarties in of themselves can be written well into a story if they’re planned out ahead of time and fit into the context of the story. I hate it when it becomes an excuse for abuse, but I love it when it feels like a condition that has depth to it. One of the best examples I’ve ever seen of smarties done right is “The Woes of a New Owner” by iasche and illustrated by our wonderful friend Gr1m_1. It perfectly encapsulates the frustration of dealing with a Smarty, but also that it isn’t just a Fluffy being a dick. It can be a great asset into a storyline, but it can also completely derail and tarnish the story if it is done poorly.


Yeah, I should’ve kept those separate topics. My main point was Show Don’t Tell is a powerful tool that should be used in all story telling regardless of medium. Don’t like hellgremlins, but I def don’t want to ban anything. Except Anthros. They are degenerates.

j/k @Guodzilla. Love your stuff!! :smiley:

