Show! Don't Tell! The Threshold For What Designates a Smarty is Too Low In Many Instances! ShitPost/AgendaPost by OtherOtherCoraline

But of course

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I just enjoy the violence to be honest. Them being a smarty is the equivalent of adding icecream to pie. The pie is sufficient but the icecream makes it better so to speak.


D’aaawww, thank yew!

Well, I’ve got Halfwit, so how does a smartASS compare with a smartY, I wonder?


Yea being entirely honest people go way to far in this community. Like all those times we attacked people for covering us.


Just wondering… Remember Princess Snowball?
IMO, she came off as a hellgremlin Mary Sue that everyone (except her creator of course) on the booru grew to hate her.

To me, if you want a flawed character, make their flaws INTENTIONAL. Don’t write a Princess Snowball into the story.


If you REALLY want to create a hell gremlin, don’t have one born. Have one made, through actions.

For example, have some asshole human reward a fluffy for being bad. Have him slowly ramp up the intensity. Maybe start with stealing a ball. It wouldn’t be hard to then convince the fluffy to steal food. Have them give a stern nose boop to another fluffy. Sorry hoofsies aren’t that much of a stretch after that, right? Try and creatively find a reason why a fluffy is being a dick. Sure you could just say a freak genetic mutation warped it’s mind and now it’s evil, but you could also say some asshole thought it would be funny to make his fluffy an asshole too. Build character.
Or just write however you want.


Additionally, what a “hellgremlin” is is essentially a damaged fluffy. Humans who do horrific crimes, were typically abused and lived in awful environments. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fluffy act like a hellgremlin or act unhinged by being a product of its environment, and I think that’s pretty sad. Having a fluffy act out due to abuse would be a great story topic.


i’ve always liked the idea of smarties simply being leaders of herds. it’s not so much as smarties always being bad leaders, but ineffectual smarties making poor choices for the herd that land them in such bad positions as typically seen in textposts and images. such as raiding peoples’ lawns out of desperation that give smarties and roaming herds such bad reputations. lashing out at other fluffies or even humans when things don’t pan out, just like any person might.

the idea i have is that herds led by effective smarties usually aren’t seen, or go so far under the radar they aren’t noticed. either by avoiding negative attention, or blending in.

or i’m just overestimating fluffies again. but i keep seeing “the intelligence of a child” always being used to justify fluffies being dumb as bricks, but kids can be incredibly clever and resourceful. survival is as much of a motivator for the “dumb” as it is the “smart.” having the intelligence of a child doesn’t mean the same thing as “a fully grown human adult mentally retarded to the intelligence of a child.”


I view their mentality as “what am I doing now.” They display incredibly little forethought. They’re hungry? Invade a lawn. They don’t consider future consequences of doing so. If you offer them spaghetti now for a day or kibble for a month, they will choose the spaghetti nine out of ten times.


to a fluffy inexperienced with the outside world, sure. then again, even a fluffy that’s seen everything might just go for the spaghetti just because of the higher calories and better taste, as well as minimal risk of predation from repeat visits, and make do with foraging for the rest of the month. it would make sense if common headcanons didn’t make their digestive systems so poor.

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I mean like a fluffy in a safe room, if you offer them spaghetti today and no food for a month, or kibble for a month, they will choose the spaghetti. They are incredibly impulsive and tend to focus on instant gratification.


Damn, Vic. Fluffies in your headcannon sound smart af. I think you could do some interesting stories with biotoys smarter than the average animal, but as durable as a plush toy. Def be interesting to see a herd survive by meticulous planning and not hugboxer intervention. But you gotta admit, most headcannon’s depict fluffies as simpletons with no ability to think ahead or delay gratification. Some headcanons, fluffies don’t even have object permanence.

Would be interesting to see a smarty in your headcannon who understands the physical limitations of fluffies try to lead a herd through a winter season.


Completely correct! If a fluffy does a “smart” action, it will always call itself “smarty”, much like people without any social filter. But, just like people, the ones who say it the most and define themselves by it are usually not so smart, as well as being very arrogant. So, being like an unfiltered human, a fluffy smarty is a smarty that is clearly above its station, not one that simply says something it did was smart, although saying it a lot is a good indicator of arrogance.

I absolutely agree with this comic.


yup, but like i mention in my first post: most likely overestimating fluffies.

i just don’t really subscribe to the idea that fluffies don’t learn. i think of fluffies having been out at least as long as the booru had started, so at least eight years for successful ferals to learn from their choices and to at least attempt to pass down that knowledge to the generations after them. especially with how social and chatty fluffies are supposed to be. at least something’s gotta stick, right?


I’ve always thought of the one fundamental difference between fluffies and smarties is assertiveness and aggression. Since this is an unnatural trait in fluffies, normal fluffies think of smarties as fluffies with the authority of humans, kind of like superhuman demigods. Of course, all of this pomp and charisma is for show, but don’t expect them to tell the difference between that and the real thing. That’s the reason why I don’t like depicting smarties in anything but a leadership role.



I love you!

The site was in dire need of this post!

Go othercoraline! :smiley:


PSA (What this post says): Being a herd leader or authority figure =/= smarty syndrome/being a hellgremlin.


“Smarty” is more of a catchall term for a fluffy that has achieved full sapience and the ability to learn and grow. They’re still dumb and learn by experience, and “smarty syndrome” is a common first reaction to both being self-aware and realizing most other fluffies aren’t. A “Hellgremlin” is the worst possible outcome of smarty syndrome.


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Yeah, i should have mentioned that.