Sibling Squabbles (ShitratStomper)


These guys first appeared in another story which you can read here. (Currently unfinished, working on the final parts.)

Nebula’s text color doesn’t reflect the color I had in mind for him. I initially had it darker but it was hard on my eyes to read so I didn’t want to have a similar issue for any readers. If anyone has any complaints with the text colors please let me know, and I can just insert the regular text/a substitute instead so it’s more comfortable on the eyes.



“Dummeh munstah! Gib Yewwowjacket bwockies wite NAO! Get sowwy hoofsies!”

“Owie! Nu sissy, nu sowwy hoofsies! Nebuwa got to bwockies fiwst!”

“Nu cawe, ‘ou am ugwy, dummeh, munstah, bwudda. Yewwowjacket pway wiff bwockies, am bestes’ wingie babbeh! Daddeh say su, say Yewwowjacket am bestes’ an’ bwuddas am dummehs! Nu wan’ ugwy babbehs! Hehehe!”

“Nu… 'ou wie! Daddeh wub Nebuwa, giff huggies tu Nebuwa aww da time…” Nebula begins to sniffle as she places her hoof on her cheek, where Yellowjacket kicked her.

Meanwhile, Cabbage sits as he paddles a small yellow ball between his hooves. He giggles to himself as he mindlessly returns the ball to himself each time, with little care in the world. Since coming home, Gary has taken great care of the foals and has taken time to train each one on how to use the litter box to varying degrees of success. Cabbage has been the most resistant of the bunch, seemingly refusing to listen to Gary’s demands nearly every single time.

His useless little legs continue to patter the ball between them as he hears a noise he knows all too well. The turn of the doorknob, it’s feeding time. Cabbage in his excitement, tumbles about as he finally lands on all four legs. As he bolts, a large amount of excrement slides out of his rear, he grunts and strains and continues to release his foul bowel movements. Yellowjacket and Nebula cease their bickering despite the tears clearly welling up in her eyes.

“No I’m not taking you to the park again, every time you end up hanging out with those fuckin pretentious weirdo fluffies and their owners. Last time you did, you wouldn’t stop asking about a litterpal. Never. Again.”

“Pwease Gawy, Gunthah gon’ find bestes’ speshul fwend, gib speshul huggies, have bestes’ wingie and pointy babbehs!”

“NO! Holy shit I’m not repeating myself again Gunther. If you ask again, so help me god I will beat your ass into next week mister.”

“Huuuhuuu nu speshul fwend, otay…”

“Yeah now shut it and let’s go grab some food somewhere. Don’t feel like cooking tonight.”


Gary comes to a full stop, he totally forgot to feed the foals again today.

“Awww fuck you’re right.”

Gary bolts towards his bedroom door and frantically opens it. With an equal amount of maniacal dashing, Gunther runs into the kitchen and grabs the yellow bag of kibble for the foals. He makes his way to the door, with the bag in his mouth he comes to a sliding halt as he enters the room. Gary motions over with his hand repeatedly and Gunther immediately walks and drops the bag in front of the cardboard box.

“Hey kiddos, ya hungry?”

sniff… sniff… yus daddeh… Nebuwa am hungwy fo’ miwkie kibbwes…”

“Nah just regular today, ain’t got time for the milk.”

“Dummeh daddeh! Gib Yewwowjacket miwkie kibbwes! Wub miwki-”


“Okay, now let’s get you all fe-”

“Hai daddeh! Cabbage wub bestes’ daddeh! Gib Cabbage huggies pwease!”

“…Fine, c’mere.”

Gary grabs the foal with one hand and begins to enclose it slightly on Cabbage.

“Coo… Coo… wub huggies!”

“Aw what the FUCK Cabbage?! Did you shit on yourself?!?! Get down you fucker!”

Gary flings Cabbage out of his hand, and into the litter box. The sand covers his ass as he tumbles about in the litter box, also covering himself with the shit of his siblings. Cabbage finally gains his bearings as he tries to stand up, only for his leg to give way and slip face first into the large pile of near liquid shit. His cries are muffled by the pile as he attempts to yet again regain his footing, soon Gary hears retching from Cabbage.

“And you think about what you’ve done mister! I don’t have time to clean your shit, you’re gonna do it for me, I expect this box to be SPOTLESS by the time I’m back. Nebula, Yellowjacket, play nice and make sure Cabbage cleans up okay?”

“Otay daddeh! Nebuwa make suwe bwudda make good poopies AND cweanies!”

“Stawt cweanin dummeh!”

“…huuuhuuu nu feew pwetty”

“Let’s jet man, the diner is 15 minutes from here, since you wanna walk.”

As quickly as Gary has entered, he has exited, leaving his foals to their own devices and their orders. Yellowjacket screams the order at Cabbage every chance she’s able to. Nebula tries not to be as harsh, but he’s completely drowned out by Yellowjacket’s loud yells. Soon however, Yellowjacket has gotten bored and instead begins to play with the toys available in the box. Nebula walks up to the blocks that Yellowjacket fiercely watches over as she plays.

“Wat ‘ou want dummeh? Yewwowjacket pwayin wiff Yewwowjacket’s bwockies, nu wan’ ugwy munstah tu be hewe. Go tell poopie fwuff to cwean bad poopies!”

“…Yewwowjacket… Yewwowjacket wan’ pway wiff bwudda?”

“Nu! Go! Go ‘way an’ make bwudda cwean or 'ou get sowwy hoofsies!”

“Wan’ PWAY!”


Yellowjacket punches Nebula’s face yet again, but this time is harder than ever before. A spurt of blood comes from his mouth as he stumbles with the punch. Nebula tastes the blood in his mouth slowly streaming, he suddenly turns back to Yellowjacket who is prepared with yet another punch. It immediately slams into Nebula’s face again, and again. With both punches Nebula feels the animosity his sister has for him.

“Nao go! Stoopid bwudda. Wisten to Yewwowjacket, am bestes’ wingie babbeh, am daddeh’s favowite!”


Yellowjacket looks absolutely shellshocked at Nebula’s threat. She stumbles back for a second, still dumbfounded. Would he really do that? Her mind is filled with thoughts of horrific things, Gary no longer giving her hugs first, no longer giving her time to play outside of their cardboard world. Would Gary give her the treats still after finding out about her behavior? She’s not left alone in her thoughts for long however, as her maw is suddenly met with a stiff hook from Nebula, who immediately yells after.


Yellowjacket isn’t shaken by this attempt however, she stares, hurt more by Nebula disowning her than any physical harm he could’ve brought on her.

"…bwudda hate Yewwowjacket…? …n-nu wa-wan’ be bwudda anymowe?


Cabbage overhears this bickering and removes himself from his cleaning position to interject between his siblings.

“Bwudda! Sissy! Nu fight pwease! Gib Cabbage suuuu many heawt huwties to see 'ou fight! Cabbage wub ‘ou boff! Cabbage do dancies fo’ bwudda and sissy, gib heaw-”


Cabbage retches and vomit spews out straight at Yellowjacket, covering her in the foul bile.


While all three bicker and converse, Gary and Gunther have returned home and make their way to check on the foals. The doorknob turns, this normally elicits a loud peeping and chirping response from the foals, but Gary doesn’t hear any of that, instead he walks in to the start of Yellowjacket’s tirade at Cabbage. He slowly walks in the room, creeping up on the arguing foals.

“…What the fuck did I walk in on?”

Gary stops and takes a deep breath as he exhales and turns his head towards his faithful companion.

“I’ll deal with this one. You’re too rough with the little ones when I tell you to punish them.”

Without a response, Gunther hightails out of the room in an instant. Gary then turns his attention to the trio of troublemakers.

“Now. Yellowjacket. Why are you lying to your brothers?”

Nu wie daddeh! Daddeh teww Yewwowjacket dat Yewwowjacket am bestes’ wingie babbeh an-"

“That sounds like a lie. It also sounds like you’re telling your brothers you’re better than them. Is that right boys?”

Cabbage is unable to respond, he shutters and merely nods in agreement with his brother’s testimony. Gary intently listens to Nebula who is almost stumbling over his own words as he vomits them out. Gary’s eyes scrunch slightly as he hears Nebula telling him about the beating as well, then he looks to Yellowjacket and scoops her up.

“Alright that’s enough boy. I don’t need to hear anymore. Just make sure your brother doesn’t shit everywhere again, I’ll be back.”

Gary walks out of the room as he stares down Yellowjacket.

“Now why would you say such things to your brothers? I only said you were very pretty, your brothers are just as good you know.”

"Nu cawe ‘bout dem, just gib dummehs foweva sweepies, Yewwowjacket nu wan’ bwuddas.

“Yeah well tough shit. The world doesn’t revolve around ya, kid. I’m only gonna give you two chances cause I already don’t like the way you’re behaving. Now shut it while we head to the… Fuck what’s something you’ll understand… The HURTIE ROOM!”

"Nu daddeh! Nu wan’ huwties! Babbehs am fo’ wubbies and huggies! Nu huwties! NU WAN’ HUWTIE WOOM!

“Hey, you should’ve been a better sister. Now you’re gonna learn what happens when you treat your siblings badly.”

As soon as Gary finishes, he slams a door behind him and sets Yellowjacket down on the cold table. She sits down as she takes in the room, it’s strange and scares her for a reason she can’t quite understand yet aside from Gary’s harsh words. There will be pain, that much is certain, but for now Yellowjacket takes in the brief relaxation that she can before it begins.

“ALLLLLLRIGHT I have a great idea!”

“Wha thinkie pwace haff?”

“Shut up. I’m gonna say this once. You speak when I tell you to. If you talk, I’ll hurt you more. Got it?”

In fear of a harsher punishment, Yellowjacket nods up and down in agreement.

“Good. Now I’ll be back. Have fun with this while I’m gone.”

Gary flings a bright blue ball straight into Yellowjacket’s face, making her nose bleed.

“Dumbass should’ve moved.”

The door is slammed and Yellowjacket sits, bleeding slightly as she stares at the ball.

“Nu wan’ huwties… Nu wan’ bwuddas… NU WAN’ DUMMEH DADDEH!”

Meanwhile, Gary walks to his bathroom and grabs a few necessary supplies as he mumbles to himself.

“Insta-heal gel… Nope I need the numbing one… Disposable razor… Annnnddddd we’re good to go.”

Gary walks back into the room, barely able to contain his excitement.

“Hi girl! Hope you had fun while I was gone, probably didn’t last as long as you wanted, but don’t worry you’ll be back to playing in no time!”

Gary snickers as he sets down his collected supplies. He grabs his toolbox from the floor and looks through it before pulling a roll of masking tape out. He rips a small strip, and then gently sets it on Yellowjacket’s body then takes it off.

“Hm. Should work just fine. I’ll be back again actually, go ahead and play while you can.”

“Otay daddeh…”

“Do you not hear me or are you just not listening on purpose you little shit?”

“Yewwowjacket wistenin! Pwease nu gib hurties to babbeh, am fo’ wubbies an-”

“Oh for fucks sake, shitrat, stop it with the hugs and love shit. You’re for whatever I want to do with you. You don’t have a goddamn right in this house at all. Now for the love of god, shut up okay? I don’t wanna make this any harder than it has to be for me. Daddy doesn’t like hurting you, but a bad fluffy like you deserves it.”

“Yewwowjacket desewbe huwties…?”

“Yep. Alright I’ll be back. You sit and think about it.”

Gary quickly runs to his room and grabs the black and yellow acrylic paints with a small brush leftover from his phase of painting landscapes. He returns to the torture room and sets everything down as he returns with a small cup of water and a paper towel. He sits down and begins. Gary paints two long strips of the masking tape, one yellow, and one black, before sticking the edges of them on the table as to not get them stuck elsewhere.

“Alright, quick question for you. I can either make you sleep so you won’t feel it, BUT, that’ll hurt too. Or you can be a good, strong, fluffy and stick it out for me until I’m done with what I need to do.”

“Yewwowjacket be stwong! Stwong fo’ daddeh!”

“If you say so. Let’s start then shall we?”

Gary grabs the masking tape yet again and pulls a large strip, then grabs Yellowjacket with his free hand and sets her on her back. He sets the strip on her stomach and firmly rubs it down, then secures the free ends down on the table, fully trapping Yellowjacket.

“WEGGIES! Wowk! Wai weggies nu move Yewwowjacket?!?! HATECHU WEGGIES!”

“Shut. Up. Now let’s start, and please, STAY QUIET.”

Gary grabs the razor and begins to shave the fluff from Yellowjacket’s legs, starting with the front left. After shaving it bare, Gary takes a utility knife from his tool box and extends the blade. He takes the knife to the bare leg and makes a shallow slice all the way around it, then squeezes to draw blood.


Yellowjacket’s scream of pain is interrupted by a hard flick of Gary’s finger, making her nose bleed again.

“Next time it’ll be more than just a flick, be fucking quiet.”

Gary repeats the process for the three remaining legs and then tugs on one gently.

“Since you’re so mean, I’m taking these away. You won’t get them back either. This is what you get.”


Barely able to control his laughter, Gary grabs the insta-heal gel and applies it, instantly numbing the pain, one step closer to his plan. He repeats this process on the three other legs, making sure to remind Yellowjacket of how bad she was each time he pulled slightly.

Gary pulls the tape up from one side and removes Yellowjacket despite her protests and pleads about not pulling her “pwetty fwuff” off. He brings her to eye level and slaps her head directly, dazing her heavily.
Setting her back down, he reapplies the strip to her midsection.

“Annnnd a couple more steps before we’re done here. Next up. Those goddamn wings you keep bragging about.”

Yellowjacket suddenly rises from her dazed state upon hearing this.



Gary repeats a similar process to the legs, after he’s done, he pulls harder than he did on the legs. He applies the insta-heal yet again and then sets it down, clapping his hands loudly after.

“And now for the finale!”

Gary releases Yellowjacket, then grabs the crudely painted yellow strip of tape. As she sits on the table, Gary pushes her numbed wings in towards each other, then places the strip of tape over them. He presses one finger down over the wings gently, and begins to wrap it around until he reaches the first leg. He pushes it up and then wraps the first leg, and repeats the same process to the other leg, now fully wrapping the tape around.

Gary wraps the final piece around her hind legs after setting them correctly. After setting her down and looking at her for a few seconds, Gary implodes in laughter at the look on her face. Yellowjacket truly believes Gary took everything he said he was.

“Let’s go back to the others, okay?”


Still chuckling to himself Gary stops immediately at his bathroom, and enters it without a second thought. Placing himself and Yellowjacket in front of the mirror.

“Take a look at you, dumbass! No legs, no wings, just a big fuckin mouth now.”


“Oh fuck this is good!”

Gary yet again in stitches, walks out and wipes the tears from his eyes with his free hand. Entering his bedroom, Gary announces that Yellowjacket and himself are back. Surprisingly, nothing but murmurs from the other two are heard. Gary thinks nothing of it as he slowly nears the box, still wildly laughing at random as he looks at Yellowjacket’s pitiful, tear filled face. He comes to a sudden stop and starts laughing even louder as he looks at Yellowjacket not even trying to move her legs at all, as he laughs however, the two brothers continue their conversation.

“Num aww sissy’s kibbwes bwudda! Huwwy!”

“Nu! Den sissy nu get kibbwes! Bu’ Cabbage suuuu hungwy…”

“Nu bwudda, Nebuwa am smawty! Wisten to Nebuwa! If 'ou num kibbwes, den go poopies, if 'ou use thinkie-pwace, poopies wiww be kibbwes! Yewwowjacket can hab kibbwes when ‘ou make poopies! Jus’ gotta think poopies am kibbwes!!! Huwwy bwudda, befowe daddeh bwings sissy!”

“Huuhuu… Cabbage nu think dat wowk… Bu’ Cabbage twy! Bwudda am smawty, su Cabbage wiww wisten!”

“Alright, since your sister here couldn’t be nice, I had to take her legs since she wouldn’t share the toys, and her wings since she was bullying you both over them. And uh, if you’re getting bothered by her, lemme show you what to do.”

Gary sets down Yellowjacket and sets her on her side so she’ll be uncomfortable.

“Gud. Meanie sissy desewbe bein’ nu weggie, nu wingie, dummeh, wowstes’ fwuffy ebah. Nebuwa nu cawe bout fwuffy.”

“Nebula, be nice or you’ll be like her too.”

“Cabbage wub 'ou sissy! Nu mattew if 'ou hab nu weggies ow wingies! Cabbage stiww wub 'ou!”


“And one last thing before I go, if she’s being mean to you guys again, go ahead and hit her. I already warned her so anything from here is just her not listening to daddy and being a bad fluffy. Okay?”

Before the boys can answer he claps his hands together loudly

“Okay. Glad we’re on the same page. Catch ya later.”

Gary starts laughing, knowing he can’t do much more to punish her, he just relishes in her discomfort before leaving the bedroom.

“Sowwy sissy, Cabbage nummed aww da kibbwes dat wewe fo’ Yewwowjacket. But Cabbage hab bestes’ thinkie pwace moment! Hewe! Cabbage gib’ou suuuu many nummies!”

Cabbage immediately turns around and faces his anus towards Yellowjacket’s mouth, then starts to back up.


"Nu am poopies! Am kibbwes! Siwwy sissy! Cabbage keep kibbwes fo’ Yewwowjacket, weady fo’ numming

Just as she opens her mouth to scream, shit slides straight in, and starts to make its way down her throat. Cabbage continues to relieve himself, fully believing it to be kibble for one reason or another.

“Ahhhhhh! Take aww da kibbwes sissy! Cabbage nummed pwenty fo’ sissy tu hab! Keep numming kibbwes!! Cabbage wub hewpin sissy, hewpin gib Cabbage suuuuuuu many heawt happies!”

“Hehehehe… Teach nu gud sissy tu gib Nebuwa huwties. Nebuwa am su smawt fo’ tewwin Cabbage tu num kibbwes tu feed Yewwowjacket. Cabbage am weal dummeh fwuffy fo bewievin Nebuwa.”



Those are not long for this world either.


Nothing says “fine childcare” like having a torture room.


For the other shitrats but yes. Wonderful parental figure he is.


Oh not at all. Tricky little bastard anyway.

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That kibble makes its own gravy. :slight_smile:


…this gives me an idea.


May they all lose their limbs and suffer terrible fates.

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Slowly, with dull tools.