Side Effects Include Ch. 2 (by fluffysomething)

You are Sweetie, and your mummah is acting weird! She won’t wake up, and she’s sleeping on the floor! You hear other chirpie-babies, but you can’t find them!

“Peep! Mummah! Chirp! Wakies! Chirp!” You plead, tapping her body with your hooves as you try to roll her over.

“Mummah? Peep! Nu wike dis game! Chirp!” You complain, as she still stays completely still and you finally roll her over… somehow.

What you saw terrified you. She went forever-sleepies, and the chirpie-babies were coming out of her tummy!


You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you’re pretty sure you’ve done it! Your mother hasn’t called you in a while, but you’re sure she’s just a bit confused.

“Peep! Peep! Squeak! Squeak!” You hear FV-0446 peep and squeak restlessly, as you pat them gently and rock them in your hands.

“It’s okay! Now, mommy’s going to go to a special place where they keep people much older than mommy. You can help me!” You smile, hearing them peep and chirp happily at the mention of helping.

“We’re here! Now, I’ll place you here while I tell them what I’m going to do.” You explain, sitting them down where you can see them and beginning to speak.

About 20 minutes later

“There! We’re all done! Now, everyone’s going to thank me when they have a brand new start with life, and you’re the existing proof of it.” You smile, walking out the doors and driving off.

“Peeeeep! Peeeep! Squeak! Squeak! Peep!” You hear FV-0446 peep and squeak in the back seat, wiggling as you pull into the driveway.

“Now, mommy’s going to watch the news. Your eyes aren’t open yet, but at least you can learn new words from this when you start talking.” You sit them down on the couch as you flick through different channels.

“And on this segment, there appears to be a sharp rise in the Bestest Sickie Friend population for unknown reasons, especially as of today. Due to this, Sickie-Friend TV will be showing public service announcements about babies and ‘replication-huggies’ for your Bestest Sickie Friends to watch. Moving on to the next segment-” The TV blares, as you switch it to Sickie-Friend TV just to see what they’re talking about.

“Hewwo, fwiends! It am Fewicity Fwuffviwidae fwom Sickie-Fwiend Teevee Aych-Quu! Sickie-Fwiend Teevee wiww be bak aftew these impowtant messages! Nu wook 'way, oh-tay?” You hear a high-pitched voice giggle, as they wave at the screen and the screen turns to black, then to a group of baby Bestest Sickie Friends.

You’ll watch this later. You wonder why there’s so many Bestest Sickie Friends all of a sudden?


Just imagine, the survivors might name it Rosemans Syndrome!
Of course, she might be able to contain things, dodge the ( rather bizarre, after all ) evidence, & be lauded as the saviour of humanity, or at least a few million of us.
Until her next experiment, anyway - perhaps bringing her poor mother back as a viral hive-mind?

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