Side Effects Include Ch. 3 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0446, and someone who you can only assume is your parental virus is letting you watch TV! Well, your eyes aren’t open yet, so you can only hear what’s going on. But, still! You get to watch the best TV, Sickie-Friend TV!

“Peeep! Squeak, squeak! Peep! Peep!” You peep and squeak happily as you feel something warm wrap around you as you try to listen to see what’s going on.

“Now, mommy’s going to be right back. I got you someone to watch you, and a blanket while you listen to the TV. Mommy has to go make more people young again, okay?” They say, as you hear toddling footsteps coming towards you and they coo.

“Bay-bee am hewe! Wuv bay-bee! Wait, bay-bee am nyo sickie-fwiend bay-bee?” You hear someone ask, as they sound excited.

“Well, you’re their adoptive parent. I won’t go into detail about what happened to their actual parent…” You hear them explain, as the other thing sounds slightly dejected.

“Oh-tay… Stiww wuv bay-bee!” You hear the other thing exclaim, as you feel another warm thing temporarily envelop you.

“Peep! Peeep! Squeak! Squeak!” You let out content peeps and squeaks as you hear footsteps walk away from you, then you hear something open and close.

“Hewwo, fwiends! It am Fewicity Fwuffviwidae fwom Sickie-Fwiend Teevee Aych-Quu! This wakies-time, we wearn numbews up tu ten! Buh fiwst, these vewy impowtant messages! Nu wook 'way, oh-tay?” You hear another voice giggle, as the thing somewhere near you laughs as well.

“Sickie-fwiends wuv bay-bees! Does that meen sickie-fwiends shouwd hav bay-bees nyo?” The thing blares, as you peep and squeak and the other voice agrees.

“Yeh! Sickie-fwiend wuv 'doptive bay-bee! Wan mowe!” You hear the voice cheer, as you peep along with it.

“NU! Sickie-fwiends nu shouwd hav bay-bees wight nyo! Wai, 'ou ask? Bee-cus, thewe tuu many! As of a few wakies-times ago, thewe am big cwy-sis of thewe being tuu many sickie-fwiends! Nu knyo wai this happen, buh 'ou nu nee tu hav bay-bees untiw it aww ovew!” You hear the other voice shout, sounding upset as you peep and squeak fearfully. You’re a baby! Does that mean you’re bad?

“Buh, sickie-fwiend wuv bay-bees…” You hear the first voice near you mumble, seemingly about to cry.

“Nyo, we sing song!” The other voice giggles, as music starts to play.

“Nu hav bay-bees wight nyo, hav bay-bees am bad, nu hav bay-bees wight nyo, ow be vewy sad! Nu wepwication-huggies untiw peopwe fix pwoblem bee-cus hav bay-bees am bad! Nu mowe bay-bees, pwease nu add! If nu hav bay-bees, evewyting be nowmaw 'gain! Buh, if hav bay-bees…” You hear a small song you don’t quite understand, then peeping and squeaking, and finally a loud crack.

“Nuuuu! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! They giv bay-bees fowevew-night-nights! Nu wike! Fewicity Fwuffviwidae, pwease stawt bay-bee shu nyo! Nu wike this!” You hear a loud cry, appearing to be the first voice as you get raised up and held tightly.

“Nyo, it time fo’ Sickie-Baybees! Hoo essited?” The other voice squeals, as you peep and squeak worriedly.

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you just got back home to see FV-0446’s adoptive parental virus holding it while in hysterics. What happened here?

“They giv fowevew-night-nights tu bay-bees! Waiiii?” You hear them cry out as you run up to them.

“At least FV-0446’s fine… I mean, who gave ‘forever-night-nights’ to babies? Are you okay?” You question, as they sniffle and sob, falling into your arms as you sit FV-0446 down in its safe-box.

“Teevee! Teevee shu fowevew-night-nights tu wittwe bay-bee!” They mewl, as you sigh and sit the box and them down on the couch.

“FV-0446 can’t open their eyes yet, so they didn’t see anything. Here, mommy’s going to watch the news.” You smile, clicking through channels until you get onto the news.

“On this segment, there have been reports of a local nursing home’s residents exploding into nothing but Bestest Sickie Friends. We’re now interviewing the-” You hear, as you look at the picture of the building they showed on the TV.

That looks an awful lot like the nursing home you went to and tried your new invention out with.


Ok, this time she won’t get away scot free. She killed humans.

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The fact that a lengthy series about a fluffy version of COVID is still ongoing could be interpreted as saying a great deal about our modern life if you ask me.