Sketches (by Zaraishu)

So I did some sketches on a sheet of paper with a ball pen. It’s not the first time I made some doodles, but I’m kinda proud of how they worked out, so I thought I might share them here. I added those numbers digitally for easier reference, but I added the original to the end of the post.

  1. A fluffpile. The fluffy on the left was added later so it’s not looking as clean as the rest, but it was needed to complete the composition.

  2. Just trying to make a simple sketch of a cute foal sucking on its hoof. Why are they even doing this? They just get their mouths full of fluff and are basically sucking on some numb cartilage. Get a job!

  3. Here I tried to recreate FallenAngel’s first artwork featuring a gud mummah foraging for her foals from memory. Way from perfect, but you get the idea. Put three chirpy babbehs in the fluff, cause that’s where they belong.

  4. Fluffy standing on its hindlegs, looking curiously. Making the connection of the legs to the torso look good is challenging.

  5. Mare strutting. Like in no. 4 I was practicing how to draw fluffy legs. Also tried a more curly, “feminine” hairstyle.

  6. Cute foals in a box looking for new mummas and daddehs. What a bargain! An experiment in drawing two diverse fluffy foals next to each other.

  7. McGonagall study. He/she was a genius, in my opinion. There is probably no other design that looks so unique, yet captures the overall “miniature horse/stuffed animal” feel of fluffies so perfectly.

  8. Another one based on another artwork, this time by Quickhorn (minus the shit). Another study on how those damn legs work, and facial expressions (do fluffies have eyebrows, or do they only appear when they need them?).

  9. My attempt at drawing an aquatic bowl fluff with chirpy babbehs.


Impressive Work :heart:


These are nice sketches :+1: do continue :blush:


Your shitrats are adorable.


I imagine they have brows, and the shortening of Fluff the closer to their face can produce a shadow when making expressions which reads as an eyebrow line.

But for artistic shorthand it would just be an eyebrow line unless trying to make photo realistic or be Alex Ross.

I love the pairing of styles together. Different artists as breeds is something I like.


I love it.

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In my headcanon, the different breeds are coexistent in the world, but there are places where one breed occurs more often and others are nonexistent, based on geographical and cultural differences that favour one breed over the other, quite like Sam Maxwell’s guide. A mixture between natural selection and fashion trends, if you will.
I also did some research on the characteristics that are typical for some artists and tried to categorize them. For example some like the snouts to be skincolored, without any fluff around the mouth and nostrils. I tried to wrap my head around the diverse ways to design fluffies and how you could simulate the fluffy genetics to be able to recreate your breed based on factors like eye size, leg length, fluff color, type and distribution etc.