So we found this foal - pt 5 (by DarkMatter)

Previously . . . .

I think the lesson today is “When you’re taking your best friend to the vet, make sure it’s not a shady place”?

Yeah, the abuse may have been sudden, but, in life, sh*t happens, y’know?

Now, after recovering from not-the-best-day-in-his-life, Palmtree still needs… litter box training, constant care, playing, toys, a fluffy pen, more milk, medicine, socialization… Gawd. Taking care of a foal is really a chore.
Thanks for reading. Let’s see what happens next…


Amazing i love theese comics but damn thats a bad vet


some one is gonna get sued


this is why i take my fluffy to reputable places and ask to be present while they are dispensing care


On the next comic panel, can you draw the foal trying to escape the abusive vets please?

Foals are a lot of work and not comparable to human children like people think. I’ve seen three year olds display more problem-solving and critical thinking skills than a fluffy in a typical story.

They’re almost like newborns if they were capable of speech.


I keep reading this story because I really enjoy your style in both drawing and writing) But I’m a devoted abuser, and ugh, all that hugboxing… This part finally gave me something to feast on too)


Same! I love the vet is treating it the proper way to treat a disgusting piggy shit rat.


Was honestly kinda sad when I saw abuse happen - until I realized that it wasn’t the owner and it just means more angst! Now I’m eagerly awaiting the next panel!

Hope he will get more abuse

That was brutal

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Damn i need more of your art badly bro.

I liked this.