So we found this foal - pt 4 (by DarkMatter)

Previously. . . .

And that was Palmtree’s first night at daddy’s house. Poor guy will have to clean everything up right after he did all this work to make a bed for his little fluffy. Not that I drew this after having to take a bath due to spilling beer all over myself and my desk while watching the latest AEW pay-per-view (not sponsored), of course.
It was some good beer too, man…

Thank you all for commenting on the previous part. The idea of the foal being afraid of the dark was in my mind, but the blanket was a nice addition from @Sagefox.

To @SqueakyFriend, yeah, in my headcanon most fluffies have no survival skills at all, they would definitely drown if not watched. It’s not just fear, they really are that helpless.

And thanks for the compliment, @FluffyChimera!

For the next part, we’ll go to the next day, I guess. Maybe this foal needs some toys, or a visit to the vet? When should a foal be neutered? We’ll see… Feel free to give me some ideas.

Oh, and in case you didn’t see it, this panel is connected to this story.


Awww poor little guy! Palmtree is so cute. Love this (and Raising Rainbow) - seeing owners that treat fluffies like the toddlers they basically are at all times instead of just blowing up and eviscerating them.


Interesting tidbit about the difficulty understanding them. I feel like Fluff speech would only be understandable if you were exposed to it long enough, otherwise it’s barely understandable and the terms they use like “nummies” or “sowwy hoofsies” make no sense to the average person.


Those evil teeth looked really good! I could imagine the Daddeh using an old dog or cat toy or something to entertain Palm tree and him getting his head or hoof stuck in it

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Credit where credit is due, the teeth are just some free png I found online lol

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Seriously! The ones that actually get me heated are the abusers that want to act like they’re the victim because an animal/baby animal is an animal/baby animal. “Poor me, I’ve been driven to horrifically abuse you by your horrible behavior toward me of… not instantly knowing exactly what I want! How dare you, a small animal, not be as smart as an adult human?!” It’s just too much like all those assholes in the real world who shake a baby to death for crying, or get mad that growing children eat a lot.

(And if you take the biotoy route, it’s even dumber! “How dare you, a thing programmed to be messy and stupid, be messy and stupid?! CURSE THIS LAWNMOWER FOR CUTTING GRASS!”)


Great work, i really like this comic. It’s nice to see a happier story for the little guy

Little guy is so cute i love this he must be traumatised

I think he deserves Sorry stick.

How this foal will be trained to use the litterbox?

Uhhhhh… I smell shit… I smell blood…

It depends on how many different dialects and accents of English you’ve been exposed to; I’m used to understanding some quite strongly accented English, but if I hear a new accent to me, it takes me a while to get used to it.

Fluffies speak in a cutesy accent, which doesn’t render well into text - it’s much easier to understand when heard. That said, I agree that fluffies have their own vocabulary and grammar, so they essentially have their own patois, making understanding difficult without some practical experience - it’s a lot easier to understand ‘sowwy hoofies’ if you see them start slapping another fluffy around straight after saying it.

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I guess it also depends on how they’re written. I’ve always been under the impression that fluffies spoke with a slight lisp that would make it a little harder to understand them when mixed with their uwu pidgin language.

Your first point about the exposure of different accents makes me think they would be better understood in a city with a wide range of different people compared to a more homogenous suburb or rural town.

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Which opens the question… If fluffies had some english words coded into their DNA, would they be able to learn other languages?
Do they just grow up speaking English words in any country and can’t learn the local language?
Do they have a few English words in their DNA memory but can learn the local language?
Do they not have only English words, but instead a lot of languages in them, that get triggered by the languages they hear when they’re foals?

I gotta say, I don’t know how fluffspeak sounds to native English speakers, but if a fluffy started talking to me in Portuguese, in baby-like speech, I’d be annoyed as hell. “Babytalk” is considered really cringe here in Brazil.
Turbine made a post about it btw. I love and hate it.


I think it’s more just exposure to small children talking - they mispronounce words and have improper grammar as they’re still learning language, making them very fluffy like.

I don’t know how widely American accents change, but in the UK, a different village a couple of miles away could have its own accent. Take the infamous 'edgeiza’edge scene from Hot Fuzz, which has two different Westcountry accents and two more normal, southern English accents.

I can’t quite understand Webley’s (the first guy) accent, but the first pass translator has the standard accent around where I live. One of my old Aikido sensei had a very strong local accent, so it’s amusing to hear his version of yame (command to stop) which was ‘ya-meh sezs oi’.

@DarkMatter There’s plenty of examples of Spanish fluffyspeak on the site and they have their own words (complete with missing letters, which makes them incomprehensible when thrown through Google Translate).

I haven’t seen any Portuguese fluffyspeak though, and I wasn’t sure why, especially considering the number of Brazilians we have on the site. The ‘cringe’ factor you mentioned probably explains it.

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real cringe