Some of my posts disappeared, has this happened to anyone else?

I was looking through my older posts and I noticed that two of them were missing.
One of them was about Unity (I think it was Unity III), the Fluffycommunity mascot we used to have.
I posted this in the beginning of March 2021, after @Virgil asked me to make a comic killing of the previous Unity. It was called “Unity Goes to the Farm”. @Dragonixa made a comic referencing it
She linked my post, but when I click the link it doesn’t show up.

The second one was called “Enfie Micro”. It was basically a reference to enfie babbeh but with a micro instead. I don’t know if enfie babbeh is banned on the website now and the post got deleted because of it. (although there was no actual foal involved)

I didn’t delete the posts. Were they deleted by the site moderators? Or did they go missing when the website was down for a while?
Has it happened to any of you that some of your posts went missing? Should I try to re-upload one or both of them?


Yeah, when the site went down last year, something went wrong with the most recent backup, and the site was restored from an older one instead. Pretty much everything posted after that backup was made was lost, and had to be reposted. So if you posted that art around that time, that’s probably what happened to it.

I lost a substantial number of stories, at least a dozen, but luckily, I had help recovering all but two of them. That’s when I finally learned to make backups frequently. I am not a clever man.


Went through your gallery and found them.
It may have been because you aren’t in Controversial (for Enfie at least) ? Not really sure.


Let me know if the links take you where they should.


@The-Master-Butcher In your case we had an incident with a few former members which caused a number of cross-referenced works to be pushed into the vault for a while.
You’re welcome to message me directly about it.
I’m really glad to see you around, again!


Thank you! The Unity link works and I can see the post on my profile again now.
When I click the Enfie link it says I need to request membership of the Controversial group.

Edit: Virgil has explained to me how to join the Controversial group, so I can see both posts on my profile again.


During your absence, some issues with how the forum was segregated were pointed out and a change to permissions had to be made.
You should be able to add yourself to the group, here


Ah I see, thank you. Karn has found my Unity post and I can see it on my profile again. But it says I need to request membership of the Controversial group to see the Enfie post.

I’m happy to be back. And I’m glad to see you’re still around as well! You’ve done so much for this community.


I joined the group and can see the Enfie post, and other images in the group now. Thank you!


Come to think of it, why and when did the whole Unity thing stop. If I remember correctlty, Unity III was followed by Skettity, and after Skettity came the current icon.


we are in a legal trap right now. we need to kill the unity to get a new one, BUT the fluffy that currently works as unity is a character whose owner specifically said that he can be tortured beaten and humiliated as much as we want, as long as he is not killed under any circumstances.
also we kinda forgot
aslo we got lazy


Aww, it was kind of a fun tradition. But I understand that it is work to always change the mascot.
But tbh it could be gotten rid off without killing it. For example, when Virgil asked me to get rid off Unity III, he said I could choose how to do it, and that it didn’t have to be killed.


i shall annoy the council on that one


Enfie Micro: