Use of the leash for the sake of discipline. The implementation of a retractable leash can be seen in fb id 28727, aka “Custom design safe rooms.” While this picture may seem abusive at a glance, it should instead be seen as a means of disciplining fluffies.
This post is pending further information, whether it is from a retrievable archive or from the artist himself.
Leashed in the corner vs say, a sorry box. Kinda sad that toys were left deliberately in from of the baby, but it was probably to reinforce whatever they did wrong. Def not abuse.
Isn’t this just time out lol. Not really abuse in my books.
interesting alternative to a box, probably not as harsh as a box either depending if fluffys have fear of dark/cramped spaces in that headcanon
That’s one way to discipline fluffies. And should usually work.
This is, like, my 20’s. Harsh.
Depends. If it’s been 3 whole days and the infraction was, lets say, farting, then it’s abuse lol
I always imagine fluffies choking themselves to death on leashes and collars because they’re too stupid to realize they’re doing it to themselves. If the fluffy ISN’T that stupid, then I can see this working.
Maybe a harness would work better than a collar.
@Carpdime this is roughly the era where I started seeing your work
It’s all fun and games until the foal accidentally strangles itself.
@Teddyteeth saw this and fuckin ran with it