Sorta sequel/prequel to Spacefluffy (by Booperino)
kinda like an advert or information pamphlet for colonists and other astronauts about space fluffys
Sorta sequel/prequel to Spacefluffy (by Booperino)
kinda like an advert or information pamphlet for colonists and other astronauts about space fluffys
Space fluffies are too precious for this world
I could see this fitting into the Litterboxers-verse, in that these fluffies aren’t meant to do any box pushing or any risky space activities. Astronauts have their crew mascot fluffy, and the labor fluffs have something they can identify with, so dealing with losses in the line of work doesn’t hit as hard. As opposed to every single fluffy in the fleet being expendable, which may not sit well with some crewmembers.
oh yeah that would fit nicelly!
i was thinking these ones at most just carry extra gear on their back pockets for assisted space walks with human crewmembers
Question: what about the shit
as shown on the previous pic
they got special space diapers that are easy to clean, and the poopies can be recicled as biofuel plus booperverse fluffy are already less likely to poop everywhere (since im not a fan of drawing poop everywhere lol)
And thank you for that! The occasional poop joke is fine, but far too many artists love them some poopy fluffies, even when it doesn’t really make sense.
Between that and the seeming obsession with fluffy wangs, I sometimes wonder about this community…
I just have the mental image of the fluffies bouncing off the walls to bring tools and such to the astronauts. Even having small tunnels to and from different sections as low cost quick travel so that they are ever more effective.
Spawce de wast fwontiew!
Thought: Fluffies and Facehuggers, how would that meeting go about?
More importantly, what kind of Xeno-Fluff would emerge?
The regular Alien / Aliens monsters wouldn’t likely have any use for fluffies–the latter are too small to serve as hosts. It’s why the Alien ignored Ripley’s cat.
I now picture a space fluffy just floating out in space and derping as he passes by.
i stand by that a xenofluff would start salivating so much it would drown on its own wawa
In space , everyone can hear them scream……
Chikahiro Multiversal would like to inquire on the patents used here. Just saying.
Spacefluff! I always wanted you to go into space, fluff!
Jesus Intergalactic Christ this is good.
Depending on the author of the story, xenomorphs consume all organic matter and convert it to their organic hives which are self-sustaining until everything beneath the planet surface is a giant xeno hive beneath a dead world.
They totally ignore anything small, and don’t seem to need to eat since they resort to cannibalism if there isn’t enough post-birth host corpses to feed on. Animal hybrids is mostly toyline, one of the silly movies, and some of the comics that tied into the toyline, they prey on intelligent life. This sometimes ties them to the aliens from Species, though authors never make a direct connection due to them being a different franchise owned by a different company.
Shit is never consistent. Mostly because its all an EU split between Ridley Scott’s social commentary monster movies, the nerds trying to do deep lore that’s inconsistent, and movies just trying for spectacle.
The only rule is storytelling. If you need a xenomorph bunny horde lead by a xenocow queen, or need xenomorphs to just live undiscovered and hibernating in the forests of Canada waiting for another intelligent species to find them after wiping out most of the Sasquatch in the 1400’s, then its all good.