Suggested by @ThatWelc
A space station fluffy, made to keep company and increase morale of the crew. outside of the station it can carry tools on its back to give support to the human astronaut it acompanies
Suggested by @ThatWelc
A space station fluffy, made to keep company and increase morale of the crew. outside of the station it can carry tools on its back to give support to the human astronaut it acompanies
Adorable! But thank god for space diapers
Adbentuwe foaw!
come on gwab youw fwiends.
we’ww go to bewy, distant wands.
There may be worse ideas than taking accident prone, physics warping agents of chaos on a spaceship, but I can’t easily think of one.
“Hewston, fwuffy hav a pwobwem…”
Edit: granted, these are Boopfluffs, carefully bred and raised for their antichaotic nature…but you just know someone is gonna screw up and bring a regular fluffy at some point.
Fluffies are already extremely fragile. Add that to the known effects of space weakening bodies if not exercised regularly, and I sense a golden opportunity to sell extra-squishable fluffies. (For all your low-effort abuse needs! Buy one now! Only 500 bucks!)
was thinking space fluffys being bred and trained for these space missions lol
Fluffies aren’t that fragile either. Yes, their bones break easily, and their limbs come off with disturbing ease, but they also heal ridiculously fast, are immune to shock, and can survive ghastly injuries that would kill a human.
Wrap their leggies carefully and they’ll probably be fine.
It should be noted that I always and forever will advise everyone to draw space fluffies. They’re good for the soul.
You just need a lot of tight diapers for them, a LOT .
Legit if we had one on a space station, i would have a hard time keeping my eyes off it….not cause its cute, more so I still be scared of it hurting itself.
It do be precious thoughz
I’ve been writing fluffies in space. And fluffies with alien DNA too.
I can’t draw worth a damn. My thing is writing for a reason.
Don’t let that stop you! Diversifying your skill set is always a good thing
In his Space suite they kinda remind me of Finn From adventure Time