Sploring mufuggas (cuppa)

330 people have died so far on mt everest just for bragging rights. And people say fluffies r dumb…


Cuppa you need to stop forgetting to put ur name in the title.


Srry mang, i like to post my stuff as fast as possible : P


Fluffies Ruin Everything

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I’ve seen how much shit is on Everest. Fluffies would fit right in


That guys face is horrifying in both panels. Im gladhes dead he looked like a dickhead


Not all like to bragg.

Some few mountaineers makes it for himself, with getting permission of the local spiritual an a lot of training. They didn’t had a big expedition team and a lot of sherpas. Its als named as Alpine Style.

The problem is, the Everest is very popular by rich people an he is technically a really simple mountain. They can reach the peak without any knowledge or
experience in mountaineering, only by spending money.

Tourist expeditions can be had from 50k, the higher you go, the more luxury. There are now huge tents with rooms, beds, lounges in the base camp, with showers and toilets. this is the really sick one.

So please don’t judge everyone who died here, some were honest climbers who knew the risk and accepted it. They died for their dream. May they rest in peace


The first guy to actually climb Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary, never could’ve done it without his sherpa, Tenzing Norgay.
Norgay even saved Hillary’s life during a previous attempt, which was what made Hillary sure that Norgay was the perfect climbing partner for any future attempts.

So while climbers dying from going at it alone may not be rich brats that deserved their fate, their foolishness is not to be admired.
And let’s not forget the fact that they too are contributing to the pollution of the mountain by leaving waste on it.

The only ones I pity are the innocent sherpas who died just doing what they could to put food on the table. They are poor and are taken advantage of by the tourism industry.


issat green boots in the back

Many mountaineers now consider Sherpas to be highly respected and good mountaineers.

But the agencies and their paying customers treat them like dirt. This is absolutely disgusting behavior.

I always have to control myself so as not to kick such fagots in the face with my crampons

Good mountaineers take their rubbish with them. - leave no traces.

Without Sherpas is stupid, they are the best mountain guides on Everest.

But you don’t have to let them load a poop tent, you have to pay them decently and respect them.


Nah, green boots died face down


fluffy problably died first from the hypoxia.

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As with so many of our sports, popularity seems to increase with superfluity. A sign of deeper cultural issues, one fears.


Yeah, stop fucking up the mountain, people.

That was the reference but i didnt know it was face down

You do not understand, but that’s fine.

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I do not and prob wont, it seems like a bad way to go

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Then include your name in the hustle

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Interestingly, I read somewhere that Green Boots was reburied somewhere else on the mountain a few years ago.


Wait who the hell is greenboots, i thought you were talking about a fictional character