Hey just posting more information About Baby Craze Syndrome found in stallions because when it comes to Mares who will accidentally kill the baby in the case of stallions it would be a half-and-half type deal what this means is that with some stallions they would accidentally kill the baby due to the loss of their special friend combined with said special friend being pregnant.
In these delusional daddies’ minds, it’s projecting A lost foal onto another Fluffy’s baby what this means is that if a stallion has a similar color to that of the baby along with similar colors of their special friend in their mind their that is their child that they and their special friend were able to make, however, due to this projecting they end up either starving the little fool via the corpse of their special friend or smothering it by constant pushing of the foal into the corpse of the Mare.
Although half of the time a stallion with DBS will accidentally kill the baby the darker aspect of DBS found in stallions is lashing out when the baby mostly found in talkies rejects the abductor it’s here where the delusional daddy will call the abducted baby a bad baby even though he was the one that abducted the little Pole and is trying to force them into seeing that they are their daddy. It’s here where the stallion is trying to force the delusion that his special friend is still alive and that they have beautiful babies and if that baby does not fit that criteria and doesn’t listen to its Daddy it forces the delusional stallion into committing infanticide.
What makes this even worse when found in stallions is the combination of hormones meaning that seeing a baby with similar colors to the special friend often makes a stallion who has no history of having Effie babies commit sexual assault against infants.
The contributing factors for DBS found in stallions are first-time daddies who loved their special friend to the point that they want no other special friend and only want the special friend that they had along with the babies that they made, Unattractive stallions who want to be fathers so badly that they often abduct young babies not for sexual pleasure but simply the desire to be a father this type of disease is mostly found in alicorns and unappealing colored stallions, and can be found In stallions who have been fixed along with their special friend since they put a lot of effort in trying to make babies and when all that effort and time is not enough they resort to stealing as a means to create that family they wanted.
Interesting tidbit if a mare has BCS along with a smarty special friend the smarty will often enable the mayor’s delusion because when it comes to Smarties and their hormones they’ll often be denied sexual release from the mayor unless they’re able to get babies so for some Smarties they’re not abducting babies to have quote-unquote good feels but merely trying to get their special friend to put out and give them special Huggies
*I will put a story out one of these days when I have more free time and I have the creative juices flowing until then I want people to be able to get inspired by the ideas that I made when coming up with this disease so have fun guys
Shoutout to FluffyChimera for giving me the true name