A Bad Morning (Underbear)

A babbeh’s first feeding is the most critical. New borns that do not receive their first milkiest will die in mere hours post birth. After this babbehs can live up to a day with out milk, longer if they get water, though the stress of hunger can kill them.

Bad color babbehs often get their first feeding due to being born with little or no fluff or the exhaustion of the mummah. Some will be too tired to notice bad colors or may fall asleep shortly after cleaning them. Babbehs not intentionally placed on a teat will pick up the scent of milk and wiggle towards it. This feeding let’s the poopie babbehs live just long enough to comprehend their mother’s rejection.

A mare’s teats will hold enough milk for two feedings of an average sized litter. Interesting enough due to their physiology the milk in a dead mare will remain drinkable for up to 15 hours.



Oh no! Mummah!!




Wait she died from child birth strain?! I really thought she passed out KO


Yeah, it was pretty clear from the first image.

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Really? I didnt get that at all on the 1st pic… so confused

My guy really chose to sleep in the coochie juice.


imagine the smell


I was hoping it would be a bit clearer but that’s what I get for chasing midnight inspiration

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The first post said some mares will fall asleep with larger litter and being driven by its animal side to want to be with its kids.

Assuming the babies been going at this for a while, it can be assume there was something wrong with the mother in general.


Sorry btw if it went over my head btw havent had much sleep previous night

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Yeah i remember that about they get exhausted after that… but the death part threw me off guard cuz didn’t realise it

Haha I get that, doubles at work and I’m taking it out on fluffies lol

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I know that feeling… but im venting it thrrough commissioning an artist making a Warhammer 40k abuse series… having a mix of abuse and hugbox ending.

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Yep a little internal bleeding after falling asleep

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Daddeh either needs to find a mare he can either convince or overpower (he doesnt seem the type but when times get tough idk) and hope she aint got a herd or toughie fren nearby ooorrr.

he rolls the dice and trys to get the attention of a hoomin, at which point jesus take the wheel :concern:


You gave me an idea. I’ll see if I’m brave enough to write something.

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I hope you are I’d love to read it