i’ve been looking for stories where the bestest baby gets what they deserve and the poopie baby gets saved.
Any story by @FallenAngel007 where a bestest babbeh and poopie babbeh appear.
I’ve also written a bunch of stories like that, but I’d have to dig through to find them all.
I mean in my upcoming fluffy breeder series, bestesh babbehs are kill on sight. And in the next 40k comic, one is tortured to death to straighten out a “bitch mare.” I even have a hugbox series coming out, the fluffy hospital series, wherein one of the first cases is an abused poopy saved in the fluffy ER.
I can’t give you the one two punch though. Generally speaking, I kill poopys and besteshs in my work alike. This poopy fluffy justice trend that is popular bores the fuck out of me. I rather feed them all to the grinder.
Wish I could though. Might do it later, but that’s the exception not the rule.
That being said, if you sort all time top, one of Neku’s comics has a poopy get a house and a bestesh get fucked over, as well as it’s horrible mother and fluffy family. That’ll start you off.
Also maybe @Biorb_Biorb has that in their Clint-verse series of stories. It’s been a while since I blitzed their catalog in a week but I remember Clint being good to poopy’s and unleashing his wrath on bad fluffies. Can’t remember if it hits both of your requirements though.
Rest assured I will find more to add to the list for ya. I am really bored this weekend.
As if that’s not how most of the runt alicorn poopie white knight story goes
Oh do i got a classic for you fam: https://fluffy-community.com/t/good-manners-is-all-that-matters-by-ring-of-fire/8774
oh no fluffy is being subjected to (pick one or more): Racism, alicorn hate, bestesh babbeh bullshit, forced to dance for miwkies. Let’s go to the home depot and invest in some power tools to fuck this mare up and the rest of her non oppressed foals the fuck up. Its the right thing to do.
Nevermind that these dumb fucking toys are just going off their flawed as fuck programming/parental guidance/training or lack thereof/combination of all the above. They don’t know they are being shitty. They can barely do “two hoofies plus two hoofsies equals four hoofsies” or stack more than “twee bwockies, teehee am su smawt” at a time.
garbage in garbage out. that’s all this shit is. They are an incomplete product and a commodity. A proper fluffy, generally speaking, has yet to be engineered and/or trained to the appropriate standards. Its just not cost effective to do so when they are cute, bring in the suckers, and are expendable and disposable as fuck.
I’m gonna be blunt, the white knighting just feels like you guys want to indulge in abuse but don’t want to feel “guilty” about it despite the whole torturing dumbass pig horse creatures and their children in the most painful and sadistic ways you can think of
as long as you aren’t including me in the “you guys” category, we’re good.
I do not pretend AT ALL on this one.
In a general sense, I just always found the mental gymnastics required for white knighting to be funny but maybe that’s what some people need to get their fix of edge
That’s why I made my post the way I did. I agree with you. Some people aren’t ready to admit they like to see fluffies die outright. IMO, they need permission to like it. And the justice trope gives it to them.
I’m in for the violence and I’m also in it for the heartwarming stories that would give you diabetes through text if such a thing was possible. Yin Yang bro.
Honestly I think that ‘justified abuse’ or ‘justice for the poopie fluffy’ trope is contrary to the whole purpose of fluffies.
It’s about UNJUSTIFIED horrific abuse to a sickeningly cute thing that DOESN’T deserve it.
I guess what I should say in that in my ‘headcannon’, there is never any justice for any fluffy, ever.
Only suffering.
I know I have no right to force my headcannon on anyone else, it’s just my two cents.
Ah my mistake, don’t drink and read
And this is why my first fluffy commission brought one of the most evil beings in fiction into play with a conex box full of fluffies and a flamethrower. Deserve has nothing to do with it.
Anyway, we’ve digressed enough. Let’s give OP what they want. They’ll transition to straight up abuse or sadbox when they are ready.
Agreed but whatever floats someone’s boat. I get the appeal since it’s like reading the Punisher and hey we need more abuse since it’s feels like it’s rapidly shrinking part of the community. Personally I’m more partial to the “justice” just being a way to narratively ratchet up the violence instead of being the cause of the violence
I’ve done the justified abuse thing before, and yet I generally agree with this statement. In my defense, I’ll also say that back in 2017, when the “poopie babbeh justice” trope was trending heavily on the Booru, I wrote a story specifically designed to be its antithesis. It might not be coincidence that that’s the only one of my stories that most people remember.
I’m confused as to why anyone on this site needs to qualify things as “my headcanon” or “my opinion”. Damn near everything in fluffy pony since the pre-Booru days has just been headcanon–the community has never has enough leadership (or any kind of a hivemind) to settle facts beyond the most basic. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is full of shit, no matter how much “research” they claim to have done.
You are as entitled to state your opinion as anyone else.
The rest of the internet would’ve politly disagree with you on that one
Eh, fuck the Internet.
I really can’t stand this trope anymore, honestly. It’s overplayed and comes off as completely sanctimonious by this point. There are very few recent stories that make me want to kill the poopie less than any of the other foals.