Strawberry's Luck (Star-The-Alicorn)

Request from @SMAN97 : “Following an abandoned fluffy (from fluffy pov) would be interesting as well.”

You’re a earthie fluffy, and your name is Strawberry. You’re walking down the noisy city streets, your pink hooves clopping on the asphalt. You can’t find your owner. Why? She said she’d be right back when she left you on that street corner. Your nose is nearly pressed to the ground as you try to sniff her out. You can’t catch a whiff due to the dirty air, and the smell of so many other humans around you.

They all brush by you, without even looking down. Until a human’s boot happens to accidentally collide with your ribs and you’re sent sprawling a few feet away. The man who kicked you scoffs and continues walking, muttering “Fucking shitrats…”

You don’t know what that means, but you bet it’s an insult. You can already feel the bruise blooming under your crimson fur.

You hear the radios from the metal monsters the humans ride. You’d dance to the music if you weren’t so scared. Despite it being a summer day in the big city, you feel cold and alone. It makes you shiver.

You continue on your way, getting more and more lost. You cross streets, dodge human feet, and have to outrun a few stray dogs before night falls. You find a small alleyway, and curl up behind a trash can. The metal is cold, pressed uncomfortably against your bruised ribs. You miss your mummah, your soft warm bed, and the yummy kibble she’d feed you every day. Why did she leave you all alone? Did she not love you anymore?

You don’t sleep that night. The city is full of loud scary noises, the nearby road is filled with metal monsters and soon enough a stripey-tailed monster frightens you from your spot. It’s begun to rain by then, and soon you’re dripping wet. Hungry, cold and tired, you slink off.

You hop on the back of a low-riding fruit truck. Your eyes sparkle, and you’re astonished at your own luck. Food! Teary-eyed, you ignore the cold rain as you scarf down blood oranges, pears and nectarines. The rinds on the oranges are bitter, so you spit those out. Juice spills down your chin as you coo and chow down.

Eventually stuffed and re-hydrated, you crawl into a small empty crate on the bed of the truck and fall asleep.

When you wake up, it’s bright-time again! The rain is gone, it’s warm and your fur feels less wet. You step out of your crate and feel the wind rushing through your neon green mane. Then, you realize with a start that the truck is moving. You yelp and scramble back into your crape, shivering in fear. You don’t move from there all that day, except to relieve yourself or eat more fruit.

Once the truck stops, the sun is setting again and your fur is dry. The smell of smog is gone, and there are no tall buildings around at all. There aren’t many humans either. You hop off the back of the truck and trot around, glad to be off the moving vehicle. The big black rock you stand on is still hot from the day, and you dart off into the nearest shade.

You recognized a place like this. This is where humans came to feed their metal monsters and get food of their own. You smelled the stench of fuel, hot asphalt and rubber tires. You could hear the metal monster you rode idling, and humans talking. Soon, the fruit truck revs its engine.

The monster starts up again, and begins to noisily drive away. Not wanting to be left behind without food, you sprint after it, ignoring the burning in your hooves. Before you can reach it, it’s already driving down the road faster than you can run. You pant and slow down to a jog, whimpering. Now you know you’re lost. Nothing smells familiar.

You wander around, beginning to feel desparate. You plead with the many humans that stop by to help you, but they all turn away in either disgust or apathy. Some even shout and throw empty cans at you. Sometimes you get lucky and they’re not completely empty, so you drink from them. It’s nightfall before you know it, and you crawl off behind the big food building to sleep.

You wake up to a human in a work uniform poking you with a broom. “The hell is a fluffy doing out here?” The human wonders aloud. You whimper, your vision growing misty.

“P-Pwease nice hooman, hewp Stwawbewwy! Mummah weave Stwawbewwy aww awone, an den Stwawbewwy got wost! Nu can find home! Pwease hewp! Am su scawed!” You beg. You’re nearly sobbing by the time you’re done speaking, shivering in anxiety.

The human sighs, rolling their eyes. “Listen, thing. I couldn’t care less about where your ‘mummah’ went. I don’t need vermin like you infesting my store. So just get out, wouldja?” The human gripes. He gently smacks you with the broom.

Not expecting the human to start whacking you first thing in the morning, you accidentally wet yourself. The human makes a face, glaring. “Eugh, sick! Get the fuck out! You’ve made a big enough mess already!” He smacks you hard on the rump with the broon and nearly sends you airborne. You gallop away, sobbing in terror.

A few minutes later, you’re walking along the side of the road, in the opposite direction of the gas station. The human there didn’t even let you look through the trash for breakfast. You were aware now that most humans hated fluffies. You’d have to be careful if you didn’t want to go forever sleepies.

You walk for hours, the metal monsters hat run by not even slowing down to help you. The sand under your hooves gets burning hot, but you don’t dare step on the even hotter black rock. It hurts, and soon you’re thirsty. But there’s nothing to drink.

“Huu, huuuu…” You quietly whine to yourself. You wished there were more trees that you could sit under, but you knew you had to get out of this overly hot place soon. You had to find shelter before night fell again and the monsters came out.

Eventually, when you’re on the verge of passing out from the heat, a van pulls over beside you. You look up at it. It’s brightly colored, and nice music floats to your ears from inside. The passenger door opens, and 2 hands scoop you up.

You’re gently pulled inside the metal monster, and it’s much cooler in there. Cool air ruffles your fur, and you coo. A hand pets your head. You hear a voice.

“Well, is it alive?” It asks.

“S-Stwawbewwy am awive…” You weakly mutter. You hear a relieved sigh.

You feel a bottle of water being pressed to your lips, and you start guzzling.

“Get some water on his fur too, he’s overheating.” You feel some of the water pour over your back, and you stretch out in the human’s lap, purring. You feel much better now. You fall asleep.

You awake hours later to the sound of music, and the feeling of someone petting your back. You look around, and see 2 humans in very bright, colorful clothing. The windows on the van are covered in curtains that have a flower pattern. You wag your tail. This place was pretty!

“Oh hey, the little guy’s awake!” You get up, looking around excitedly. What was this new place?

“What am dis pwace?” You ask the colorful humans.

“This is our van, little dude! We picked you up out of the desert cause you looked like you were about to drop dead.” One of the humans explains. Oh, so this was their metal monster. It didn’t look like a monster!

“We have another fluffy, but she’s asleep right now. Wanna go see her?” You nod. You walk around, stepping on the soft pillows that line the bed of the van. You sway along to the song that’s playing.

“I don’t hardly know her… But I think I could love her…” You hear the radio sing.

Partially under one of the pillows, lies a mint green fluffy, asleep. She looks about your age, and she’s a unicorn. You feel your cheeks heat up. She’s beautiful.

“Crimson and clover…” The radio plays.

She opens her eyes, and you see a sea of orange from her irises. Your heart skips a beat.

“Hewwo.” She says, smiling.

“H-Hewwo…” You bashfully squeak. Everything about her is pretty. Her black hooves seem to sparkle and shine as she gets up, and hugs you in greeting. You freeze. You hadn’t expected this new, gorgeous fluffy to hold you like this.

“Nice to meet yoo.” She says. “Mummah and daddeh say they wan’ be yoo nyu mummah an’daddeh.” She says offhandedly. You tear up, so very happy. “Wan’ dance wif’ Seafoam?” The mare asks. You nod, feeling a little dizzy. You hold her close, and the two of you start to sway. You listen to the lyrics of the song, getting lost in the music.

“Ah when she comes walking over
Now I’ve been waitin’ to show her
Crimson and clover
Over and over”

You boop noses with her, your head feeling fuzzy. She beams. You realize with surprise you’re in love. You’d just met her, but she was so kind, and beautiful. You weren’t sure she felt the same way about you of course. So you and her continue to dance until you get tired, though once you let go your heart aches to hold her more.

You and her snuggle down on the pillows together to nap. Your right side tingles where you’re snuggled up next to her. What were you going to do with this new feeling?


If anyone’s wondering, this is the song I used:


Sweet and sour. Love it. Let me know again if you ever need ideas :wink:


It should have been the Joan Jett version.


Hippies are great folks.


Yep, they are!! Both of my parents were hippies themselves.




This was adorbs. Pardon my use of lingo but that’s the only word for a story with such a sweet ending. Nice use of music btw! :slight_smile: That’s a great love song


Thank you!! Glad you liked it.


@Star-The-Alicorn was the fluffy in this story deliberately abandoned? Or did silly strawberry wander off?

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Strawberry was abandoned on purpose. His owner got tired of him and “took him for walkies”, only to take his collar/leash off and leave him on the street corner with the promise that she’d be right back.

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Oooof many saddies. I just realized I meant to be more ambigious in my writing prompt haha.

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Dw! I had fun writing this either way.

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Hahaha well I meant to imply either accidentally or intentionally abandoned. Still a good story though!

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Thank you!!
Miiight do a continuation if my brain gets its gears turning.

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I know the feeling. Hard to be motivated to do things. Even more so with depression :confused:

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Ahhhhcthis story really hits the spot

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Thank you! :pleading_face:

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