You wake up at 6:30 in the morning. It’s a beautiful day outside, and the fluffies are still asleep. They usually wake up at around 9 when you guys go to bed at a normal time. That gives you enough time to go for a run. You suit up, putting on your running shorts (a pair of tight fitting boy shorts that say “This is not a place of honor” on them), white socks that go over the knee, a grey tshirt, your prescription glasses (thick black rims) and sneakers. This outfit started out as a bet between you and a friend, but you realized that you actually run better wearing an outfit like this. You don’t exactly look out of place in Philly, considering there are some weird people here.
You set up the baby monitor camera and microphone near your fluffies, just in case they wake up while you’re out. You put your earbuds in, go outside, and begin running.
The air is crisp and refreshing. The sunshine feels great against your face, and no matter how many times you listen to it, Close to the Edge by Yes is still a masterpiece. You’re just reaching the part where it’s super calm, the part with the lyric “do I look on blindly and say I see the way”, when your earbuds fall out. You stop in your tracks, picking up the earbuds, when you hear a strange sound.
“Huu huu, m-mummah… B-babbeh sowwy nu coud hewp…” Your curiosity is peaked. It’s coming from an alley to your left. You decide to investigate, pausing your music so you can finish Close to the Edge afterwards. You see blood on the ground, which obviously isn’t a good sign. There’s excrement near it, so you decide to preemptively rule out “You just stumbled upon a murder” in your brain.
“B-babbeh wub mummah, mummah w-wub babbeh. Babbeh a-an mummah b-b-bestes team…” You hear a tiny voice singing near your feet. You look down, and are greeted with the sight of a mare, missing both of its front legs, and a large headwound. It couldn’t have been her that was singing, right? Of course not, with injuries like this she would have died in minutes unless someone was around to treat her. That’s around the time you notice it.
There’s a small white fluffy sitting under her chin, crying to himself. As if that wasn’t weird enough, the fluffy had both wings AND a horn. Those are apparently really rare, but here’s one out in the open, snuggling with what you imagine is its dead mother. You crouch down, clearing your throat slightly to get the fluffies attention.
“Hey, uh, do you, um, do you need anything?” You realize you aren’t exactly sure what you’re supposed to do in this situation. The fluffy cowers under the chin. “P-pwease mistuh munstah hoomin, p-pwease wet babbeh go fowebah sweepies wif mummah hewe.” That’s weird. You originally thought that maybe the mare was killed by a stray dog, but it seems as if it was a human.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, little buddy. I promise.” The fluffy peeks out from under the chin, it has brilliant yellow eyes. “P-pwomise dat yu am no meanie munstah? Yu no wook wike meanie munstah fwom befowe.” You smile. “I swear on my life, my little friend.” He crawls out from underneath the chin. It looks up at you. “U-uh, nice mistuh o nice wady?”
“What? Oh, you mean the outfit. Yeah, I’m a dude. Sorry if it was confusing at first.” The fluffy takes another few steps towards you. “Mind if I pick you up, little friend?” He immediately sits down in the ‘upsies’ pose. You pick up the little guy, holding him in your hands. You take a brief moment to examine him for any injuries. “Well, you don’t seem hurt. Do you think you could fill me in on what happened?” The fluffy wipes its eyes, and sniffles slightly. “O-otay.”
It then told you its entire life’s story. From birth, to father thinking its a monster, to mom escaping with it, to life on the street. You would have clarified that you meant “What happened here” but you figured that the story was interesting enough to listen to. “Ebwyting was su happies, but den meanie munstah mistuh come. He ask mummah an babbeh weiwd tings, an had saddies. Den he gwab mummah up, an ask if mummah wan fowebah sweepies, o if babbeh wan fowebah sweepies instead.” He starts crying again, wiping his eyes with his hooves.
“B-babbeh twy tu teww meanie munstah nu huwt mummah, but he nu wisten. Den he g-gib mummah fowebah sweepies. Den he gu way. B-babbeh twy tu hewp mummah, but mummah gu fowebah sweepies. Den babbeh gabe mummah huggies, an wait tiww fowebah sweepies. W-why meanie munstah gib mummah fowebah sweepies? Huu huu!”
You’re shocked. You don’t understand why people do the things they do. “Thats… Thats horrible. I’m so sorry that all happened.” The fluffly sniffles, and hugs your finger. It’s around this point that you have an idea. “Would you like to come live with me?” The fluffy looks up at you. “W-weawwy? Mistuh wan babbeh?” You smile, and pet the little guy with your finger. “Sure, you deserve it after all you’ve been through. And I feel like you would be a perfect fit at my house.”
He hugs your finger even tighter. “T-tank yu nice mistuh! Babbeh wub yu!” Then he stops, and looks at you for a second. “D-do dis mean yu am nyu daddeh?” You chuckle. “I think it does my little friend.” He smiles at you. “Tank yu nyu daddeh.” He looks down at his mom. “B-but, babbeh wish mummah was otay.” You frown. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, there isn’t any way you’re bringing her back. Then you get an idea.
“I can’t exactly bring your mother back, but I can at least lay her to rest.” You pick up the body, pulling a plastic bag out from your pocket. “I forgot I had this.” You put the fluffy in your pocket, and put the mother inside the plastic bag. You walk over to the nearby fluffy vet and ask if they do cremations. They do, and after a short wait you now have a small urn along with your new fluffy friend.
You walk over to a nearby park, and take out your fluffy friend. “I suppose I should give you a name. Any ideas little buddy?” He looks down, thinking. “Nu, babbeh nu hab anyting.” You think for a second. “Lucas. I think I’ll call you Lucas.” He looks at you, smiling from ear to ear. “Wucas wub nyu name! Tank yu daddeh!” You give him a little pet. “I love you little buddy. How about we go home? I need to introduce you to your new brothers and sister.”
(I had to write this before the idea left my brain, please let me know what you think. And if it seems contrived, thats because it is.)