Survival of the Foal-ist Part 3: Mummah Nu Moaw. (Story by: Nundevwizer. Art by: NekuChan )

Don’t act so surprised. Apathy is the most common response in such situations, be it with stray animals and fluffies, or homeless people


Other kid should be bald, so the kids could be a Nappa and Vegeta parody.


She’s sleeping through enfies?


There will be a Nappa cameo in the pinkie story if I decide to have it made into a comic by NekuChan


I like how with the smarty we can immediately see that he isn’t a monster like most are based on him actually being sensitive to the one-eyed one’s feelings. Either that or Scarface is a fluffy badass and he is scared of him. Either way is fun.


Read The Fluffy of War story to thoroughly understand their relationship

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Technically speaking she does, but you’ll have to wait until the sequel story comes


@NekuChan awesome page! I read both the story and for that bestesh idiot.

I feel said for the other foals turned into dog food :cry:

Karma for that idiot mare now she even lost her bestest to some teen abusers

I know shes tired but damn that blue stallion face love to smack it :joy:


Damn, all this time they were in someone’s backyard?
Amazing that they didn’t get killed sooner.


God, the faces are perfect!

This was another amazing comic

I need to see the destiny of Pinky Fluffy in live color. God damn you truly make me want to commission you!.


LOL I know, that story is way too good! xD

Any idea of when the next part will be?

@Awooga honestly I have no idea. The story should continue with another series called “hewd mummah” but I ain’t see it post yet by the original autor. I’ve been kinda away latetly and he reposted some parts of the pinky story, so either is still to come or was lost during the winter reset and he still need to re-upload.

this story in particular only had three parts. the sequel will be “The Journey” which I’ll start working on once I finish “Lab Rats”.

in hindsight, I’ll have @NekuChan add a “fin” or “To be continued…” Jojo style label for whenever she finishes any future projects I arrange with her to avoid any future confusion


The pink bitch deserves a fate worse than death. And the mom deserved to be taken advantage of.

Well wasn’t this an interesting find. Did you do more of the story that didn’t get linked or is this it?

The pink foal has a story of her own by the same autor here: Pinkie Part 1 (by Nundevwizer)
For the mare I thin there’s still no news.

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Im cackling at how funny it is that she gets raped and just doesn’t wake up