TEMPORARY, a short story by Gardel, art by RQ [NEW]

"We need a new product”

That’s how it all began.

How it always begins.


Excess inventory.

Not good, not these times, not with just-in-time production.

And specially with a product that can’t be stored, that need feeding and constant care because, legally or not, its alive.

Biotoy Limited Inc. had a problem, too many production (breeding) mares, not enough foal demand.

Their brand was based on quality not quantity so dumping foals to one of the many canning companies or the lower end of fluffy store franchises like Fluffy Emporium was out of the question.

And besides it wouldn’t even cover the production costs, better to mulch them and do a write-off.

Brand is what matters, you can’t charge more if your company its known for being “cheap shit”.

“You know what? I’ve an idea” - said a junior executive.

He remembered how the guys at the labs had messed up with the refrigeration of the sperm they used to select-breed their mares for premium colors. The result was that the foals were born normally but after a while and before they could reach adulthood they simply died, some even before reaching the colt/filly stage, a few even before weaning.

It had been a disaster, thousands of returns from buyers and resellers, tons of foals dying on the feeding pens.

But now there was an opportunity, a chance to get rid of that excess mare inventory and that damaged sperm.

Enter the SOON MUMMAH SUPWISE! TM, just in time for black friday.

r/fluffycommunity - TEMPORARY, a short story by Gardel, art by RQ [NEW]

art by @RQ

The excess mares were injected with the bad sperm and sold as-is inside a box.

Branding promised good colors on the foals so kids wouldn’t be stuck with ugly poopy foals.

But best of all it gave parents what they wanted: a disposable fluffy with foals that wont grow up out of the cute phase and be left for you to care since your kids wont like them anymore. That wont have to be given away with all the hassle that involves. That you won’t have to drive all the way to a shelter to get rid of them.

As the box says the foals will be born and will live for a while, some until they are weaned, others when they become colts and fillies. Some near adulthood, but never reach the size of a normal fluffy.

r/fluffycommunity - TEMPORARY, a short story by Gardel, art by RQ [NEW]

art by @RQ

Best of all the death tends to happen during sleep, they don’t convulse or puke their guts out like other defective biotoys did in the past.

“All babbehs go to skettiland!” says the manual.

The box even comes with free “goodbye bags!” to get rid of the bodies, already labelled as biowaste with QR codes to open any of the nearby biobins reserved for dead (or alive) fluffy disposal.

It was a success, all inventory sold out in mere hours.

Despite some protests from hugbox groups the vast majority of customers loved the concept, it was the perfect biotoy for an age of diminished attention: it only lived for as long as the owners cared about it.

Once they got tired of it, it conveniently dies.

Sure some kids cried over finding the dead sleeping foals but most just understood that these were not real animals, after all “fluffies aren’t alive” is what the law says.

Lasts long enough for the holidays, for tiktok videos, for social media posts, for pictures that will be uploaded and then forgotten, for the kids to have fun while waiting for the next game to come out.

And when its over you toss it away, just like you do with an obsolete slow smartphone, out of fashion clothes or week-old pizza in the fridge.

Some mares got sent to shelters, a few got a new house.

Most were turned into ashes.

The majority went in the same ‘goodbye bags’ that their foals end up in.

After all who needs the mare to “recharge” the foals with miwkies when the foals have “shut down permanently”?

Fun time over, time to browse Amazon for more novelty fluffies.

The End


Inspired by this drawing from @RQ


It feels nice to have witnessed another piece of hivelore in the fandom!

Great story Gardel, quality bleak!


Give me convenience or give me death.


Actually, this is an idea that could quickly spread through the fluffy breeding industry and beyond, especially if they sell that well. No more overstock, and it could even reduce feral populations.

Got a mare bugging you for foals who might run away to have some? Fine. Get her a batch of the modified sperm and impregnate her with it, let her enjoy the foals for a while, then they die in their sleep one night. No muss, no fuss.

If she’s sad, then just do it again. An owner will get months of peace as she enjoys her pregnancies and raising her foals. If she turns out to be a good mummah, maybe let her have a normal litter of foals after the first litter dies.

This would also be a good way to test a mare’s mothering skills without having to worry about adding to the foal population. If she picks a bestest babbeh or has a poopie babbeh she neglects, you can blame her poor mothering on them all dying.


Realistically speaking (and I know it’s foolish to talk about fluffies realistically), this is a terrible message to give kids. They are likely to not care about “actual” animals as living, breathing things after this.