The Adventures of Hapi the Poopiest Babbeh - Part 2 (By: Miemie)

Y’all…we’ve already seen the end on the first comic. Clearly, this is going to be a sadbox comic with a hugbox ending…


My opinion stands. Put it down. Give it that last happy meal and let it go to sleep. Then snap its neck.

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I’ve been waiting ages to see someone do botflies x fluffies. :slight_smile:

Bless you.

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Holy christ this is the peak of disgusting,

…I think I’ve got enough internet for today.

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I clicked on this automatically, while I was having some cheesesandwiches.
Then my brain started processing.

11/10 on the disgustometer. Superb! Great art!

How is that foal even alive? :thinking:

Oh shit-

Ooooh i love this. The grossness, the horror of the botflies, the absolutely horrible teeth. Love this so much

Ugh I came back to look at it again.The undeniable disgust and horrific satisfaction of parasite extraction keeps dragging me back in.


As someone who watches pimple popping videos sometimes I find this relatable. The parasites are a bit too much for my poor stomoach though.

I think this was the least of the horrible things I saw yesterday. I can totally understand needing some eye-bleach.

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I couldn’t stomach watching it on youtube. I think it’s only cause it’s through the medium of Fluffies I can just get through it.


I can’t wait for an update to this one. Great work, I’m looking forward to seeing the little guy recover from what looks like an unrecoverable situation.

That said this comic was about at my limit, it’s disturbingly close to an experience I actually had… Housesitting for someone with chickens, one of the chickens got flyblown, I looked up on my phone what to do, bathed it and picked them out with tweezers… >_> most disgusting experience of my life, to this day I feel queasy when I see anything resembling a maggot


My granddad used to have horses and cattle and when any of them got botflies he would slather the opening with vasaline, like real thick, and the bots would come nearly all the way out. See, the vasaline coats the opening preventing oxygen from reaching
the bots and they start to suffocate so they have to leave the confines of the skin to breath. Makes it soo much easier to remove them.


I like how we were given the ending in the first page of the comic, so the rest of the comic is the journey to see how they managed to get to the ending. A very good storytelling technique. I look forward to the rest!!


Thats the sad and creepy part :cold_sweat::nauseated_face:

Sad this didn’t keep going :frowning:

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idk why but pulling out that fly was deeply satisfying

BotFlies are one of the most EVIL things in nature. I would not object to the use of ANY Chemical Measure to eradicate them from existence. :frowning:

Wow the poor bastard has been through such trauma to believe that these parasites slowing killing him are his only friends…that brought about some actually feels. Amazing work. I really want to see where this goes. Hopefully you continue it…pweety pwease

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Ooh, this popped up again. Geezz, the amount of work this must take to do… O_O


Hope to see the continuation soon :blush:

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