The American Dream (Part 21) by DreamMLP

“Dummeh Dweam taek homsies fwom Huwk!”

“Huu wan mummah!”

Oh my fucking god.

On the fluffy scale you were a colt, which translates to the human scale roughly a teenager. So why was it you were stuck in the forest with two babbehs? One a smarty, and one a runt, neither of which had any plans of shutting up.

“Dweam am wowstest fwuffy! Take sowwy poo-“

Before he could finish that thought you knocked him to the side. Hard enough to send him a message, but weak enough to show how little you cared about whatever it was he was saying.

“Dummeh Dweam! Huwk am bestest smawty! Huwk wiww go an stawt own hewd! Den gon’ com bac and gib worstest huwties!”

Hulk turned and ran, you didn’t stop him.

That was the end of that, you supposed. But there was still one problem: the pink earthie runt. Unlike the others, his mane still hadn’t grown in. A late bloomer most likely, unlike you. Even daddy said you were big and well built for your age, that combined with your nummie-finding skills left you not much concerned with your survival out here. The same couldn’t be said about the runt.

“Wowwipop, cwimb on backsies. Hab to mobe.”

Still crying, the foal climbed up your fluff onto your back. Nestled between your wings, you continued on through the forest. Along the way you’d occasionally stop for nummies. Mostly grass, at times a mushroom or a piece of flesh off the picked skeleton of an unfortunate creature. By the end of the day, you felt good about your future. Until…

“Huu… tummy huwties, nee miwkies!”

You forgot, Lollipop wasn’t weaned. His mother was dead, and even if she wasn’t, going back to the house was out of the question. As the sun went down you found a shallow pit at the base of a tree. Setting Lollipop down, you plotted your next move.

You had a foal that needed milkies, you can’t make milkies. Only mummahs can make milkies. You needed to find a mummah. A herd would be your best bet. There would probably be a nursing mummah with room for an extra foal. You were smart enough to be a good nummie finder, and when you were grown strong enough to be a toughie. You decided, tomorrow you would look for a herd. Until then…

You bit off another clump of grass, chewing at it for several minutes. You turned to Lollipop and spit it out at his feet.

“Dis am nu miwkies. Wewe miwkies? Nu smeww pwetty.”

You ignored him, resting yourself and closing your eyes. He wasn’t hungry enough now, but he would be later. Even then you had no idea if it would even work like milkies.

When you woke again the small chunk of mushed grass was gone. Lollipop was snuggled against you, softly kicking his leg. You nudged him awake.

“Upsies. Hab to go find hewd and nyu mummah.”

“Nyu mummah?” He lifted his head. After a yawn and some stretching, he crawled up on your back, and promptly fell back asleep.

Less noise for you at least. He didn’t seem to be complaining about tummy hurties either. Didn’t mean it was keeping him alive though, just that his stomach was full.

You spent the day walking through the forest. You hid at the first sign of trouble, kept your eye out for safe places within arm’s reach, all skills you brought back from the alleyways, albeit a bit rusty from your time in the house.

The sun was high in the sky, and beginning to go down when Lollipop stirred awake.

“Mmm… wewe we nao daddeh?”

You stopped where you were. Daddeh!? Where had that come from?

“Am nu babbeh’s daddeh. Am find yuo nyu mummah fo miwkies.”

“Buh…” the runt began to whimper, “mummah go foweba sweepies! Yuo taek cawe of Wowwipop!”

“Am taek cawe of yuo until can find nyu mummah. If can nu find mummah, yuo go foweba sweepies.”

Lollipop began to cry again at the thought of dying. You needed to find a nursing mare fast, because the sun was going down, and Lollipop’s crying wasn’t about to stop for monsters. You needed to find the edge of the forest, then you’d have a better chance at a herd.

Picking a direction, you went as fast as you could without knocking the foal off your back, looking around wherever you could for a way out.

Exhausted, you stopped, no closer to the end than you had been. The sun was going down, you prepared to settle in again for the night. You heard crying. That wasn’t going to fly, not at this time of night. Setting him down, you turned to him, seeing his red but otherwise dry eyes. You kept hearing the crying.

You looked around. Where was it coming from?

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Fucking hulk! He should have stayed let the owner deal with him as he is the cause of this disaster. :angry: Even at this crisis he still a total asshole!

Well hope Dream can fine a good herd and a miwky mare for lollipop.

Wonder what is that cryin noise Dream heard, cant wait for the next chapter.


I hope we get to learn of hulks fate


(Ironman flies down in Hulkbuster suit)
Ironman: “This might be overkill, but it’ll be fun.”


:eyes: :eyes:

time to play catchup