The American Dream (Part 22) by DreamMLP

You told Lollipop to stay put as you went towards it. Crouching down in the foliage, you slowly made your way forward, to the source of the noise.

You came out of the bushes to find a mare. Her coat was purple, her curly mane was yellow, and she was crying. You took a step forward, looking down. Next to her, wedged in the roots of a tree, was a nest. Though it was empty, you saw the speckles of boo-boo juice.

“Wat happen?” You asked.

“Meanie munstah num babbehs wen Fwuttah go get nummies huu…”

The forest did seem strangely empty since you’d been in it. The monsters must’ve been focused on the family of foals in the tree rather than the lone colt and his runt. Now that they were gone…

“Fwuffy’s name am Dweam,” you said. “Hab babbeh.”

Her head perked up at that.


“Babbeh am name Wowwipop, Wowwipop’s mummah go foweba sweepies and nao nu miwkies. Nee’ mummah wit miwkies fo’ babbeh.”

“Fwuttah am mummah wit miwkies!” She yelled, as if she came up with the idea herself. “Mummah can taek cawe ob babbeh Wowwipop!”

“Fowwow Dweam.” You told her.

You took her through the bushes and grass, to where Lollipop was “hiding” (covering his eyes under) a leaf.

“Wowwipop! Hab nyu mummah!”

Lollipop threw the leaf away, looking up to the purple and yellow mare.

“Weawy? Am nyu mummah?”

Flutter lowered her face to the runt, taking in a sniff. You could tell from her face that his smell wasn’t exactly pretty. But nowhere near the worst she could have had, especially in these circumstances. In the end, it was a baby.

“Fwuttah be nyu mummah fo’ babbeh!” She said with a smile.

“Yay! Mummah gib miwkies and huggies and wub! Can hab miwkies mummah?”

Flutter sat down, allowing Lollipop access to her milkies. The foal began to gulp down his first real milkies since his mummah had died. As he did, you looked up. The sun was going down. You remembered the bloody nest. Now that it was taken care of, the attention would be on the three of you. You waited until Lollipop had taken a decent amount and spoke up.

“Dawkie time comin, munstahs be comin too. Nee weave nao.”

“Buh Wowwipop nu hab enouf miwkies!”

“Wowwipop go foweba sweepies ib nu weave. Fowwow Dweam.”

Lollipop began to cry again at the thought of death. Yet still Flutter righted herself, letting the foal crawl on her back. They both followed you.

It was a scary night. The forest made strange sounds and you felt at times like you were watched. You took the mare and foal between hiding spots, making mad dashes. All the techniques you learned in the city. The hardest part was keeping them quiet, between the scared foal and the worried mummah, you considered it a miracle at times you weren’t eaten.

You don’t think you were ever happier than when the sun began to rise again. The faintest lights of dawn made their way through the open trees into a field crossed by a road.

“Yay! Fwuffies mad’ it! Fwuttah an’ babbeh nu go foweba sweepies! Tank ‘uo Dweam!”

She looked around, looking for the colt to thank. Going in circles and dizzying the foal on her back. He had been there just a second ago, where was he now?

“Dweam? Whewe Dweam?”

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Dream’s instinct is good and wise , move before dark comes.

Lollipop is just a damn babbeh but frustrating it is such a crybaby

He got his milk they need to move

Wonder where did Dream go? :thinking:


Almost like he is a non protagonist baby lol