The American Dream (Part 48) By DreamMLP

For a moment, nothing happened.

You stared at each other, a mixture of anger, surprise, fear, and tension.

“Dew it.” Hulk said.

The large gray tuffy turned Smarty’s head to red paste with a swift and horrible CRUNCH!

You turned to run, but the tuffy was on you like lightning. Within a moment you were on the ground, your head under the same hoof. Smarty’s blood seeped from it, onto your face, stinging your eyes.

Hulk stepped to you. Bending down so his eyes could meet yours. “Twied tu wun? Nu a gud idea.”

You heard peeps and squeals growing closer. No. Not them.

Two more tuffies approached. One held Sunny’s squealing purple foal in it’s mouth, the other, your poopie babbeh. He shivered intensely in the bigger fluffy’s jaws.

“Dese am Dweam’s?” He asked you.

You said nothing.

Hulk went to approach them. Taking sniffs at them while you struggled under the grip of this monster tuffy.

“Dis babbeh am nice babbeh,” He said, looking down the purple foal. “Wiww be gud enfie babbeh.” He looked to your poopie. “Hewd nee’ nyu poopie nummah too.” Hulk smiled.

“NU!” You finally shouted.

Hulk turned back to you. “Nu wat?” He asked.

“Nu huwt babbehs!” You said. “’Ou angwy at Dweam! Den gib foweba sweepies tu Dweam! An’ wet babbehs gu!”

Hulk stepped back to you. “Ou took ebewting fwom Huwk!” He bent his head down to meet yours. “Nao Huwk tak’ ebewting fwom Dweam!”

“Dweam nu take nuffing fwom Huwk!” You said. “Daddeh was bout tu gib foweba sweepie-“

Whack! Hulk’s hoof hit your face.

“HUWK WOUWD HAB GIBEN DADDEH SOWWY HOOFSIES! NU CAN GIB HUWK FOWEBA SWEEPIES!” Hulk said, stepping back. “Fundah wiww gib Dweam foweba sweepies, den gon tak’ babbehs fo’ enfies and num poopies!”

“NU!” You yelled. “NU TAK’ BABBEHS!”

The tuffy named Thunder began to press his hoof down on your head. You felt the pressure build.


Your eye was beginning to bulge, you heard a soft crack rattle around your head. Followed by a louder one.

Then a pop! Your eye came clean out of it’s socket, dangling in front of your other eye. There was no more you could do.

You looked to your Poopie Babbeh, the same sense of helplessness in his eyes.

This was it.

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Hulk’s gonna get what’s coming to him.

But I’m afraid he’s gonna take as many Fluffies as he can with him when he does.