The Bestest Sickie Friend Size Reversal Method (by fluffysomething)

(The camera pans on two Hasbio researchers, both of them wearing bright orange hazmat suits.)

“You’re watching Tape 1 of the Bestest Sickie Friend Size Reversal Method Documetaries, or BSFSRMD for short. I’m Dr. Harris, and this is Dr. Fields.” One of the Hasbio researchers speak after a few moments of silence, then the other one speaks.

“This is our subject. Say hello to the viewers, FV-4632.” Dr. Fields smiles at a Bestest Sickie Friend sitting on the table in front of them, as the Bestest Sickie Friend in question giggles, smiling at the camera.

“Hewwo! Name am Eff-Vee-Fouw-Siks-Thwee-Tuu!” It smiles, as Dr. Harris talks, pointing at FV-4632 as they do.

“Bestest Sickie Friends, also known as the viruses that can talk, are Hasbio’s first-line defense in feral fluffy population control. Due to their large size, they don’t function as well as other biological pesticides. What if I told you there was a way to fix this?” Dr. Harris explains, as FV-4632 looks up at them, its little eyes lit up with delight.

“In comes the BSFSRM. It only takes about five minutes to set up, and it has a 99.88% success rate. You can make the target Bestest Sickie Friend much smaller, and it comes in the form of a simple machine.” Dr. Harris smiles, picking up FV-4632 carefully and bringing it to a compact machine.

“Doktah Hawwis, why put Eff-Vee-Fouw-Siks-Thwee-Tuu in wittwe thing? Nu wike… Am tuu smaww…” FV-6432 complains, as Dr. Harris turns on the machine, whirring being heard as…

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! WHY HAF OWWIES!? NU WIKE!” FV-6432 screeches, as Dr. Harries mumbles something and speaks louder.

“This just means it’s working. Now, I’ll open the door.” Dr. Harris proceeds to open the glass door to the small machine, kneeling down as they hear squealing and high-pitched talking.

“I haven’t made FV-6432 completely microscopic for visiblity purposes. It’s now about the size of the end of a pencil. Bestest Sickie Friends who have underwent the BSFSRM will usually be very confused unto how this happened unless explicitly told so. They’re still very good, if not better, at their job. Dr. Fields, bring in Rosarie.” Dr. Harris orders, as Dr. Fields walks into another room. Dr. Harries shows FV-6432 to the camera, tapping it very gently as it giggles.

You are a fluffy! Your name is Rosarie! You think that’s a very good name! You have a mummah and a daddeh, but they tell you not to call them that. You like them, but they always follow you around with a weird thing called a ‘camera’. If you didn’t know better, you would think there’s a ‘camera’ in your safe-room, or everywhere! Your mummah is getting you from your safe-room right now!

“Hewwo! Mummah an’ Daddeh get Wosawie new fwend? Ooh, new toysies?” You question, as your daddeh brings out something better!

“SKETTIES! WUB SKETTIES!” You shout, running over to the bowl of spaghetti as it starts to… talk?

“Eff-Vee-Siks-Fouw-Thwee-Tuu get housie-fwiend? Yoo be housie-fwiend?” You hear all of a sudden, as you get so scared you make bad poopies! You’ve heard these types of voices before!

“Nu wike sickie-munstah! Whewe am it!?” You shriek, as your daddeh calms you down.

“There’s no monsters here, Rosarie. Now, eat your spaghetti.” Your daddeh reassures you, as you nod and dig into your bowl.

You do so, enjoying your meal as you soon finish and your mummah carries you back to your safe-room.

You wake up a few hours later (specifically 12, since you felt very tired), and you start to feel sick.

“Mummah…! Daddeh…! Nu feew pwett- Kaff! Pwetty…” You start coughing, as you feel very not-pretty and you lay down.

Your mummah and daddeh don’t care! They just write weird human words in their notebooks as your head starts to hurt and your tummy feels funny, making you make a lot of mouth-water.

“Blegh! Nu wike… Wosawie nu wike make sickie-wawa…” You complain, as you vomit on the floor and your daddeh groans, walking away to get things to clean it up.

“Am su sowwy… Nu feew pwetty…” You apologize, as your mummah continues to write down things in her notebook.

You lay down as your daddeh cleans up your sickie-water, your mummah carrying you to your safe-room as you cry.

“Huu-huuu… Nu wike sickies…” You sob, as your mummah places you down on the carpet in your safe-room.

You then feel poopies coming, but you don’t want to make poopies! You try to run over to the litterbox, but…

“Nu! Poopies, pwease gu bak in! Nu wike bad poopies on Mummah and Daddeh cawpet!” You whine, only making it worse by dragging your rear across the carpet in an attempt to put your poopies back in.

You notice… peeping? That’s not right! You hear chirpie-babies, but you’re not a mummah! Your mummah and daddeh won’t even let you have babies yet! You look all over for the peeping noises, and you can’t find it! You look down at your poopies, and…

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! WAI AM THEWE BABBEH SICKIE-MUNSTAHS IN POOPIES!?” You screech, as your mummah and daddeh walk in wearing funny clothes as they hold little plastic jars, putting your poopies that you didn’t smear into the carpet into the jars.

“As you can see, FV-6432 has noticeably replicated in the second subject, causing this. You can see that the size reversal is genetic, and will be passes down. Made from the same technology that created Microfluffies™️, they become even more similar to their fluffy counterparts as normally-sized Bestest Sickie Friends. From their higher-pitched voices, to their slightly lower intelligence, they can also replicate in a similar fashion as Microfluffies™️! By injecting viral genetic material from a Bestest Sickie Friend that has underwent the BSFSRM into another Bestest Sickie Friend who has underwent the BSFSRM, you can trigger a viral pseudo-pregnancy that results in hundreds of thousands of newly-replicated Bestest Sickie Friends!” Your daddeh looks at the weird thing he calls a ‘camera’, speaking to it as you sob and point your hoof at your poopies.

Your daddeh then takes a pokie-hurtie thingie from his pocket, picking up one of the sickie-monster-babies that looks a bit bigger, and putting it into it.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Nu wike owwies! Doktah Hawwis, pwease nu gif ow-” The sickie-monster squeals in pain, as it suddenly stops speaking.

If you could see it better, you would see that it’s clutching its stomach while whining about ‘inside-weiwdies’.

“FV-6432, this means you have… inside-babies now. I’ll put you in a little cup while Dr. Fields cleans up Rosarie’s safe-room.” Your daddeh walks away, as you whine, watching your mummah clean up your bad poopies with something called ‘bleach’, hearing little squeals of pain and then nothing from the sickie-monster-babies in your poopies.

You don’t like this! You still have sickies, and you’re sad, and scared!

Days pass, and you hear high-pitched crying and whining of ‘biggest owwies from mouthie-place’, then gurgling. You wonder what that is.

“You have babies now, FV-6432!” Your daddeh says from the other room, as he walks into your safe-room and shows you a cup full of little baby sickie-monsters.

“Nu wike!” You whine, as your daddeh walks away.

(The camera switches back to the main room, as Dr. Harris and Dr. Fields stand behind a table.)

“Thank you for viewing this tape of the BSFSRMD. You may take notes here, as we will give you a summary of our experimentation, and the video itself.” Dr. Fields says, as the camers fades to the Hasbio logo and text showing a summary.

A/N: I’m back! I won’t be posting quite as much, but I do want to finish my current series. I hope you enjoyed the story!


like the cut of Dr. Harrises jib - he knows how to get things done!

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