Not sure if the “hugbox” tag has reason to be here.
Y’know, on the grounds of having a foal crushed in the second panel.
The first panel is hugbox to lure people in a false sense of security ?
The orangish foal gets a hug! Sort of. A very, very intense hug.
Punishing them for not having a bestest? The fluffies just can’t win.
As God intended.
Ah, there’s just something about the suffering of an innocent fluffy that makes me tingly inside.
Yeah that hugbox tag seems like it’s been misplaced
huh, glasses lady must be the deepest abuse character you’ve writen so far backstory-wise, kudos to that
i love happy endings
So that’s why you weren’t posting anything, great comic, love a bit of backstory.
Who mentioned babbehs?
The one time a fluffy is a good mother, she comes up against a human where that is a disadvantage.
I love it.
I hate Karens. Wonder if she had a bad past.
Gawd, you’re so good at imitating other artist’s style, I thought it was a piece by BadRoomie at first!
Had to get rid of the hugbox-ish tag because it only lasts for 1 panel as a lead-up to gratuitous violence.
But hey, nice. This is good stuff.
Know the difference!
OK. Now I got it
Du the Gong!