The End of Fluffybooru (Author:Anonymous) (4chan post)

The first thing I want to state is that what happened on the discord was definite. The following is definite:

(a) Fluffycommissions content was deleted manually
(b) Pawn was originally blamed for it, with Guzziman claiming that the IPs were “traced to him”
(c) people on Techi’s server were of the opinion “he did it”. However, Pawn had his defenders who vouched for him
(d) Guzziman eventually decided to absolve Pawn of the blame, and removed the link to both discords

and lastly

(e) Wetfluff mentioned Guzziman became more silent after the incident and hardly spoke.

@MunstahMummahcan point out the one time she messaged Guzziman, and he stated that he was not going to gut the booru - but he ended up doing so anyway.

You’re free to question the sequence of events, but people on the discords, myself included, have enough screenshots of the events that transpired during the time, at least on the discord.


Like I said half truths and roomers all he has is anecdotal first hand knowledge of one incident from their he created his narrative of how the booru died , spreed the bullshit thick and wide sprinkle it whit a bit of truth and soon enough the bullshit becomes the truth

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Ok, then what is the truth? You seem to know it so why not share.


No one knows the whole truth because the the people,person who made the decision never said why the decision was made I could tell you guzziman killed the booru because his dick grow an extra foot long and it would be just as valid as oculus’ s theory


I’ll admit, it’s good to have more then one source for this sort of thing. I agree that the evidence is a bit lacking but your treating it as an insult. Probably better if things were split into a what we know and what we can guess sort of thing. Sadly it’s what we have.


McGee has a point, so I’ll say this. I have not provided the screenshots because I consider it a private matter, and the last thing this fandom needs is more drama. But people who were on Pawn’s server, and also know Wetfluff, such as @Virgil and @Mister-Shitrat were also witness to some of these events. And, if @Pawn wants to share his side of the story, he is more than welcome to, as he took his fair share of screenshots.

Of course, end of the day, the person who really knows is Guzziman. And he remains silent


the truth can be found with the empirical method. in most criminal cases, the only person who knows the whole truth is a criminal. this means that investigators must rely on the half-truths, like clues and testimonials, to solve the case. If you arrange the half-truths in the right order, you will find the truth.


It is an insult dragging in out side drama to try and spin it to his vision for what head pats the booru is dead and no one really knows why it died


I’d like to make it clear I agree with you, but sadly we dont have anything else to go off of. Speculation is all we can do. Even oculus is saying you have a point.


The thing is people want to know. By saying that people shouldn’t look into it all and it’s an “insult” to even present a view or side of an argument is just another form of gatekeeping.


Last thing it needs is more drama so you decide to bring up old drama and make it new again. Once again all oculus has is one incident from which he constructed a narrative for his vision spin the ending any way you like and it is just as true


At the moment, I’m not sure if the screenshots should be shared. I know people want to know, but a lot of this information may also be considered confidential.


It’s fun to speculate, if you found a skeleton with a spear head in the skull you wouldn’t just say “well no need to bring up old drama” of course not you’d want to know what happened. And you’d have to speculate based on what you can find.

Point being, people want to know. People love drama for one and it’s also an important part of some members lives. It’s not the ancient past to alot of people here it happened what a year ago?


Yes of course. Privacy is extremely important. I was more speaking to Mcgee in how shutting down any investigation or discussion is gatekeeping.


To add on to this, people used the demise of the booru, as well as comments from Wetfluff about “the old guard getting harassed” as a means to put the blame on the CLick and/or his fans for the demise of the booru. I know enough people who disliked the Click and blamed Guzziman’s decision of The Click’s actions. But, I don’t think its fair because there was a longer thread of events. McGee is free to question if its the cause, but I am saying its not the Click as there was a lot more to it.


Hell, I was on the booru I wasn’t vocal but when it went down first thing I thought was what the fuck what happened?


We don’t know only one person knows and he said nothing fuck drama this a place for fluffy content


it’s not drama. it’s an official investigation


At the end of the day the Booru is dead and that’s old history. But history is important especially in something ephemeral like the internet. And there’s value in examining that. By excusing it as drama and detrimental to the fandom you’re denying the past and the parallels it has to the present and future. Because if the Reddit has anything to say about it those problems do come crawling back and people want to know why.


the one who doesn’t know his past doesn’t have a future