The First Sgettis - Part 1 (EzPete)

Parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

You felt your chest heavily rising and falling as you struggled to breath. “Suu many tummeh huwties!” you tried to cry out, but instead you just let out a long rasping breath as your dry mouth struggled to form sounds. You were soo thirsty too.

Your poopie place burned, the milkies you had drank upset your stomach and exited as a constant stream of liquid. You were no longer a little chirpy baby and the delicious milkies the nice humans had fed you now made you want to vomit anytime you drank them.

They tried feeding you little brown balls they called kibble, but you couldn’t chew on them. They smashed them all up into a powder but after your brother choked and went forever sleepies they took them away.

One of your front hooves burned as well. A weird tube was stuck in it and hooked to a bag of wawas hanging above the table you were laying on. The nice humans told you not to chew on it since it was giving you wawas. Why they wouldn’t let you just drink wawas, like most things in your life, was a complete mystery.

The table you laid on was cold. it was shiny and grey like the scary boxes they kept your brothers and sisters in. The nice man put a white blanket under you which helped a little but not by much. It made you miss the scary box you were in.

You were so tired, so hungry, so thirsty, so cold, and so sad. The beeping you heard constantly started speeding up. “Hey, come here.” The nice human sitting next to you said. He was blurry in the bright light that shone down overhead. Your see places could no longer focus on anything and everything was just colors and basic shapes.

“What is it Thomas?” The taller human said. “I think she’s code blue.” Tom said back with concern. “There’s not much we can do at this point. If they can’t eat solids they are just going to get worse. Let her go.”

You didn’t understand any of what they said. The beeping just got faster, and you found it harder to breath. A wave of anxiety swept over you. Something bad was happening. You could feel it. You wanted the nice human to give you a hug like when they held you as foals. You reached your legs towards him desperately. Hugs would make everything better.

But your legs barely moved. He was still talking to the other man. Everything was muffled and distant now. He was still blurry in your rapidly darkening vision, but you could tell his head was turned. You try to chirp to get his attention but all you can let out is another dry rasping heeeeeeeee Everything felt awful. The beeping stopped and then turned into one long beep.

Your last moments of consciousness were of him turning back and reaching for you. The sensation of apprehensive fear still coursed through your blood. You waited for the sensation of huggies. The sensation of his hands against your fluff was always so nice. Huggies would make everything better. Everything turned black before his hand could reach you.


I really enjoy your wrote <3

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