The Fluffy Discipliner - Season 2 - Chapter 2 [by LenexTLI]

Previous Part: The Fluffy Discipliner - Season 2 - Chapter 1 [by LenexTLI]

The sun shined into Michael’s bedroom, sending a ray of light onto his sleeping face. He groggily got up, rubbing his face with his hand, noticing that left arm was unable to move, glancing over to it. He saw Charlotte lying there on his arm, naked, her skin glistening in the sun. He looked at the clock, it reading 7:21 AM.

Maybe 5 more minutes? He thought as he laid back down next to Charlotte, she nuzzling into him as she noticed his presence in her sleep. This made Michael’s heart flutter.

Ray groggily wiggled in his bed as the morning sun embraced him with its glamorous warmth. He didn’t want to get up, considering how comfortable and warm he felt right now, but then he felt something that immediately ripped him out of the serene feeling, he had big tummy hurties.

He quickly jumped up and ran for the litterbox, squatting over and releasing a good amount of shit. The pain faded as the poop did too out of his body. With his back legs he kicked sand over the turds, making sure to bury them, before jumping out of the box. He proudly walked away, he had made a good poopie!

As he was about to go back to his bed, he noticed a Fluffy sitting by the window looking outside. It was Hazel, and she noticed he was awake, turning to face him with a big smile.

“Gud mownin’ Way, hab nice sweepies?” Hazel asked.

Hazel’s light brown fluff glistened in the morning sun, with rays of light shining past her and making her look like a goddess. Ray stared at her with wide eyes, he had never seen a more beautiful Fluffy. Suddenly, he felt his special humps twitch and his no-no stick feeling weird, realizing what was happening, he quickly dropped to the floor, embarrassed.

The floor was padded, but also cold, and felt uncomfortable pressing against his hard penis. Hazel, confused at his sudden drop, quickly jumped down from the window area Michael had built for them, and ran over to Ray.

“Am Way otay’, hab huwties?” Hazel asked, concerned, “Nee’ huggies?”

Hazel hugged Ray, pressing his face into her fluff. Ray breathed in Hazel’s smell. She smelt so incredibly good that it almost was sickening, but it made his heart have the biggest happies ever, and he felt his no-no stick get even harder and his special humps starting to hurt now.

“Way am otay’, nu nee’ huggies!” Ray exclaimed, embarrassed. Pushing Hazel away, to her shock.

“Uh, otay’…” Hazel sadly responded, walking away, not understanding why Ray didn’t want to hug her.

Ray watched Hazel walking away. Starring intently at her behind and tail, it swaying back and forth as she walked, revealing her special place ever so slightly.

He wanted to have special huggies with her…

This sudden realization shocked Ray. He wanted to have special huggies with Hazel? No, that couldn’t be! She was like a sister to him and had been around him since he had his eyes open, taking care of him, playing with him, hugging him when he was scared, and sleeping with him when he had bad dreams about his mom.

But as much as Ray tried to deny it, he wanted to have special hugs with Hazel, and he wanted to have babbehs with her. He continued to lie on the ground till he finally calmed down, but the uncomfortable feeling in his balls did not disappear.

After a short while, the other Fluffies finally all woke up too.

Crimson was drinking from their shallow water bowl, when Lavender walked up beside him.

“Gud mownin’ Cwimson!” Lavender greeted him with a warm smile.

“Gud mownin’ Wabendah!” Crimson greeted her back, “Am Wabendah an’ Wintew otay’?”

He had asked her because both Lavender and her daughter Winter suffered occasionally from nightmares about their incident in the garden. He didn’t know what exactly happened to them, but he only knew that she would sometimes cry at night, to then wake up in a frenzy and panicked state, grabbing Winter tightly and her head darting around the room, before realizing she was safe and quickly going back to sleep.

Lavender smiled at Crimson, giving him a gentle lick on the cheek, which caught Crimson off guard and made him blush, “Wabendah an’ Wintew am otay’, nu hab many bad dweams nu mowe!”

She walked away, leaving the speechless Crimson behind. He felt his heart beating fast in his chest, and something else, his no-no stick twitch?

The green foal in the garden also awoke now. Stretching and yawning at the morning sun, it helping a bit with the cold wind that pieced deep into his bones. He groggily got up, taking a step out of the bush and into the winter ridden garden. The snow beneath him felt painful to the touch, but he had gotten used to the pain at this point, so he kept walking, making his way towards his father’s corpse for breakfast.

A pushed his head into his father’s open stomach, taking a chunk of flesh out of the intestine, chewing it thoroughly before swallowing. Yet again, it did not taste good, but it kept him satiated. He kept chewing ay, the intestine becoming smaller and smaller with each bite, until eventually he decided he was full.

As he made his way back to the bush, he felt a rumble in this stomach, quickly waddling over to a nearby bush, and walking inside. He squatted, squinting as he pushed a pile of shit out and onto the ground, staining it brown.

Now relieved, he walked out of the bush and was about to head back into his bush, when he had an odd noise coming from somewhere along the wooden fence of the garden.

“Nu can mobe wock, Smawty!” a voice called out in despair and annoyance from beyond the fence.

“Dummeh fwuffie nu stwong nuff, wet Smawty du it!” another voice scolded the other one, a noise of grunting and struggling quickly following after.

The green foal just watched in confusion as the big rock which was lying against the fence moved ever so slightly, eventually forming a small crack on the side through which the green foal was able to look through.

He saw a large Unicorn Stallion with orange fur and red mane pushing its entire weight against the rock. Behind the Stallion was a group of Fluffies. There was one Earthie Pink one, a Earthie Brown one, a Pegasus Purple and Red striped one. Both the Earthie Pink Fluffy and Purple Pegasus were mares, carrying small chirpy babbehs on their backs, who were cuddling into the mares fluffs.

Suddenly, the Brown Earthie Fluffy noticed the green foal inside the garden.

“Dewe am fwuffie!” He spoke, his words a bit slurred and not seeming that normal.

That made the red and orange stallion stop pushing, looking through the crack now too and at the green foal, who just sat there watching them struggle.

The Stallion puffed his cheeks up as he started speaking, “Dummeh fwuffie mobe wock fo’ Smawty an’ hewd!”

The green foal didn’t respond at once, but just tilted his head, “Why?”

The red and orange Stallion squinted, “Why?!”

“Yesh, why fwuffie hab to mobe wock fo’ hewd?” the green foal asked, clearly acting dumb but enjoying this situation a lot.

“Cus’ Wocket am smawty an’ wan’ gawden fo’ nummies an’ nestie!” The red and orange Stallion, whose name turned out to be Rocket, declared angrily.

“Nu, dis am fwuffie gawden an’ wand, nu wan’ dummeh smawty an’ dummeh hewd hewe!” The green foal declared with a grin, walking away.

As he walked away, he heard Rocket shouting at him, threatening him, and much more, but he knew that it was useless, as they couldn’t get into the garden anyway. He went back into his bush, rolling into a ball and smiling as he fell asleep. This entire experience had made him feel very good and proud.

However, as the green foal fell asleep, he did not notice Michael walking out into the garden and over to the fence, removing the rock.

Michael had placed the rock there to fuck with the fluffy family when they had entered his garden a month ago, but considering that the Stallion was dead, and Lavender and her child Winter were inside now, there was no point in having the rock there anymore, plus it might allow some other feral fluffies to come in and he could do the same thing again.

As Michael placed the rock to the side, revealing the hole in the fence, and made his way back inside, the heads of a few fluffies peaked through the hole, unbeknownst to the green foal who was sleeping in blissful ignorance.

Michael walked into the saferoom, a chorus of ‘daddeh’, ‘huggies’, and ‘wub’ coming at him as he refilled the Fluffies food and water and cleaned their litterbox. After saying good morning, he left them to play with each other and made his way to the kitchen, retrieving two cups of coffee and walking back upstairs. He opened the bedroom door, seeing Charlotte still lying there half asleep.

He leaned in over her, giving her a kiss on the forehead, which pulled her somewhat out of her sleepiness.

“Morning.” He grinned as Charlotte rubber her eyes, slowly getting up and taking one of the coffee cups.

“Morning!” she smiled at him, giving him a kiss on the lips back.

Downstairs, in the saferoom, the Fluffies were playing. Joy and Crimson were playing with Lavender and Winter, whilst Hazel and Ray played tag on the other side of the room. Hazel and Ray chased each other as quickly as their little feet could go, eventually Hazel catching up to Ray and tackling him to the ground.

The two landed on the floor, giggling.

“Got 'ou!” Hazel giggled, as she hugged Ray tightly.

Ray giggled back as he hugged her back, smelling her fluff. She smelled so good. Unbeknownst to Ray, his penis was getting hard again, but he was too immersed in playing that he did not notice, however, Hazel did notice as his penis slightly pushed up against her stomach.

“Why am Way no-no stick pokin’ Hazew?” she asked, confused, not yet fully aware of what was going on.

“Wut?” Ray asked, still giggling and looking down, seeing his erect penis up against Hazel’s stomach.

He quickly snapped back to reality, pushing himself away from Hazel, embarrassed, hiding his erection with his hooves.

“Sowwy, Way nu mean to du that!” he quickly apologized, clearly embarrassed and ashamed.

Hazel got up now too, tilting her head, “Buh why am no-no stick hawd?”

Hazel was aware that male fluffies had no-no sticks and female fluffies had special-places, but she did not know why his no-no stick was so big now. It greatly confused the very innocent Hazel.

“Ehm, Way nu knu’…” Ray stammered, trying to explain himself, “Way nu-nu stick nu wisten to Way! Nu-nu stick nu fee’ dat gud!”

Hazel was still confused, but she understood that this was something uncomfortable for Ray.

“Way wan’ huggies to feew bettah?” she asked, thinking that if she hugged him his uncomfortable no-no stick would go away.

“Ehm…” Ray stammered, not knowing how to respond when Hazel suddenly jumped at him and hugged him tightly.

She giggled as she hugged him tightly, accidentally brushing up against his erect penis. A shiver running down Ray’s spine. Before Ray was even able to understand what was going on, instincts took over, and he slowly started rocking his hips towards Hazel. Each time he brushed up against her a shiver of pleasure rushed out of his penis and up to his head.

Hazel was oblivious to this as she kept hugging him.

Ray continued, a soft ‘enf, enf, enf’ muttering out of his mouth as he began more softly, yet rapidly, humped her stomach. He continued, until eventually another new feeling started appearing, and his brain took over.

“Gud feews!” he softly moaned under his breath, as he came all over Hazels stomach.

At this point now, Hazel noticed, and looked down.

“What am this?” she asked, Ray noticing now as well, as the euphoria left his body, and he was now able to think rationally again.

“Way am sowwy, nu mean to du dat’!” he quickly apologized, frantically, not knowing what to do next.

Hazel licked the weird white stuff on her belly to clean it, “Wuck! Nu taste gud!”

Ray flinched at her words, quickly leaning down, beginning to lick the white stuff away and off Hazel. It did not taste good at all, but he knew that he had no right to complain considering what he had just done to the poor Hazel. Hazel giggled as Ray licked her stomach.

“That tickwes!” she giggled, when suddenly she felt a bit weird.

A warm feeling was forming in her stomach as Ray continued to clean her stomach. She didn’t understand why she was feeling like this, but she liked it. However, Ray quickly finished, apologizing again before quickly waddling way out of shame and wanting to drink something to remove the disgusting taste in his mouth.

As Ray waddled away, the feeling in Hazel’s stomach did not fade. She noticed how strong Ray looked, now that he was no longer a baby, and how looking at him made her tummy and special-place feel funny.

The wheels in her head slowly starting to turn as she questioned why she felt like this.

The rest of the day the Fluffies spent playing, cuddling, and just being normal Fluffies. However, unbeknownst to Hazel and Ray, Crimson had noticed what had happened between the two of them, and also Hazels wandering and curious eyes whenever she looked at Ray now.

Crimson was fully aware of what was going on.

“That am nu gud…” Crimson muttered as he sat next to Lavender, who was watching over the sleeping Winter.

“Wat am nu gud, Cwimson?” Lavender asked, looking at him.

“Way an’ Hazew goin’ to hab speshuw huggies soon…” Crimson muttered, concerned.

“Speshuw huggies?” Lavender gasped, looking over at them.

She knew that both of them were no longer babbehs, and now were young foals that slowly became adults, but so soon?

“Cwimson teww daddeh that Hazew an’ Way goin’ to hab speshuw huggies?” Lavender asked.

“Yesh, nu wan’ daddeh angwy if hazew hab babbehs!” Crimson replied, clearly worried about what would happen if she had babbehs without daddehs permission.

However, it was already late in the evening, and Crimson knew that Michael would come to them again in the morning, so he had to wait. He only hoped nothing would happen at night.

It was not late in the night, and everyone in the house was sleeping. Except for Ray, he was unable to sleep due to the guilt he felt after what he had done in the afternoon. How could he have done something like that to Hazel! Was he a bad fluffy?

He sat on the window platform, looking out at the winter night sky, the moon illuminating the outside and inside of the saferoom a bit. However, before Ray was able to feel more guilt, he had his name being called.

“Way?” Hazel asked, slowly walking up beside him onto the window, “Nu can sweepies?”

Ray looked at Hazel. She looked beautiful in the moon light. But as soon as these thoughts entered his head he quickly turned away. Yet again ashamed by this thoughts and feelings.

Hazel noticed he was acting strange around her, but at this point the wheels in Hazels head had turned enough for her to figure out what had happened this afternoon, and why she felt the way she did.

She sat down beside Hazel, “Way wan’ speshuw huggies?”

Ray now looked at her, flabbergasted, “Wut?”

“Hazew askin’ if way wan’ speshuw huggies an’ be speciaw fwiend?” Hazel asked, clearly a bit embarrassed by her question.

Ray felt his penis becoming hard again, but then she shook his head, “Nu can hab speshuw huggies wiff Hazew! Hazew am wike sissy, nu can hab speshuw huggies an’ be speciaw fwiend!”

He continued, “Way feew nu wan’ gib owwies tu…”

But before Ray was able to finish, Hazel licked his cheek.

“Hazew know that Way wub Hazew, am otay’ wiff speshuw huggies!” she smiled at him, “Wan’ speshuw huggies wiff Way!”

She gave him another lick across the face, making Ray twitch in pleasure for a quick second, before getting up and turning around, lifting her tail, revealing her vagina to him.

Ray was now looking at her special-place, it illuminated in the moonlight. He could feel his instincts taking over again as he got up, and gently sniffed her, her scent filling his nose and brain. Hazel shuddered at the feeling of Rays snout gently rubbing against her special-place, it made her tummy feel incredibly warm and comfortable.

She flinched, but then felt another shudder as she felt Ray mount her, his penis rubbing against her vagina, before quickly going inside her.

Ray felt a rush of euphoria and pleasure as he entered her, his hips at first going slowly in and out, before becoming quicker, him letting out soft noises of, “Enf, enf, enf, enf, enf!”

Hazel was in bliss, her heart racing and her special-place and tummy feeling incredibly warm and nice. She loved Ray being on top of her, and the feeling of him inside her. And eventually, she heard, “Gud feews!” from behind her.

A warm feeling suddenly flushing into her stomach as Ray pressed himself hard into her. It was a feeling that was indescribable but filled to the brim with pleasure and happiness.

In the morning, Crimson awoke, yawning, seeing Hazel and Ray sleeping together in their bed as they always did, cuddling with each other. He was happy that apparently nothing had happened that night.


For someone like Michael to have all these fluffies and none are spayed or neutered is surprising. Unless he purposely leaves them intact


I did think about that fact during my break, but I do love chaos :3

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He’s gonna have so many foals. All the foals


This season has me just as invested as the last season… im curious how the garden oart will go especially when Michael now has a Smarty herd invading his garden.


Ah nice, love is in the air.

Ah shit, love is in the air.

Hopefully Michael blames himself for not thinking that far ahead rather than taking it out on Ray and Hazel. But I suspect Ray’s got a trip to the vets planned soon.

(And if you want to be REALLY cruel, that feral herd can attack Hazel, causing her to miscarry after Ray’s neutering)


Crimson could’ve said something sooner, but it’s too late. And Rocket and his shitty herd are going to certainly fuck up the garden. Hope they kill that dad eating bestest baby before Michael eventually kills them.