Whelp this whole story was a fun one to write. I’ve gotta use Dr. Branovich and Vincent more often. Anyways I hope ya folks enjoy.
~2 months later~
The second generation of inbred foals has been born. There were at least 2 stillborn in every litter. Unlike the last time the mothers didn’t bother eating them. They just left them there to decompose. The only SBS foal still alive from the last batch is the brown foal they made devour their excrement.
“Ya know doc you could just write down “forced to eat their shit”. Ya don’t gotta make it sound all fancy.”
Vincent laughs looking at your notes.
“Yes yes I know. Gotta make it sound professional though. Sounds better in the records.”
You continue jotting down your notes.
“How many do you think are retarded?”
Vincent asks.
“SBS Vince SBS. Not allowed to put retarded in the records. Doesn’t look good in court. Also I figure about half of them will atleast show symptoms of SBS.”
You watch the cameras. They’ve made decent progress into the food. They’ve managed to uncover the feeding station. Not that the regular foals need it. They’re all so fat the mothers make more milk than the foals could ever drink. The SBS Fluffies mother tries to get it to drink from the milk station instead of eating fecal matter but it seems he won’t listen. In fact he’s started almost guarding the feces. I’ve heard tell of Fluffies that suffer from “poop madness” but I’ve never seen one up close.
Suuuuuu manneh babbehs! Gwassies wub dem aww. Gwassies babbeh’s babbehs hab babbehs! Nao dew wots ob fwuffies in sketti wand. Gwassies gweeny babbeh am smawty ob nyu hewd. Bwu babbeh nu wike but gwassies nu caw. Wub aww babbehs. Eben if dey nu babbehs nu mo. Gween smawty fin somefin stwange undew dwy kibbwe Nummies. It wook wike miwkie pwaces. Miwkies eben come outsies wen ou dwinkies. Babbehs nu nee moa miwkies. Hab wots ob Nummies su fwuffy mummahs can make wots ob miwkies foh aww babbehs… Weww… Cept fo Speciaw bwown babbeh. We show him miwkie pwace buh he nu dwinky. He hab da poopie cwazies. It gib gwassies saddies. Gwassies knu he poopie fwuffy but hab suuuu many Nummies he can num bof poopies an normaw Nummies. Eben hab wimitwes miwkies. On bwight side. Nu moa poopy babbehs haf ta num poopies. Onwy Speciaw poopy babbeh num poopies.
Gwassies stiww wub babbehs. Aww kins ob chirpies ebewywew. Maybeh gwassies hab moa babbehs. Gwassies miss Speciaw fwen. Nu wan babbehs ta be Speciaw fwen, but gwassies wan moa babbehs.
“Bwu babbeh! Ou wan be mummahs Speciaw fwen!?!”
Bwu babbeh wook at mummah stwange.
" Buh ou am mummah. Nu can be Speciaw fwen."
Ou huffy puff.
“Hmph. Ou make sissy Speciaw fwen.”
An wike dat. Bwu conbince. Bwu gib Speciaw Huggies.
“Alyosha I mean I know there are no laws on Fluffies doing this but uhh. I think mother son incest is a little… Much.”
You laugh
“We’ll call the blue one Chris Chan.”
Vincent laughs.
“To jail with you blue!”
He shouts.
~2 weeks later~
“Just as I predicted.”
You say.
“Almost exactly half of the foals are SBS.”
You watch on the camera as the regular foals (some of which now have oddities like an extra horn or a third wing) play together in the dry kibble while the SBS foals stay by there mothers drinking milk. They make a series of chirps and yells when they have to relieve themselves. Their mothers struggle to carry them to the corner they designated as the poop hole. A couple have discovered the foal feeding station but seems to prefer their mothers milk. Another week and they’ll have to rely on the feeding station.
“Seems the original brown foal is still kicking. Ironically only eating the excrement he seems to be the fittest of the bunch.”
Vincent says.
“I figured. He has to wait on his … I don’t even want to call it dinner but that’s what it is. While the others stuff their faces constantly. If he wasn’t SBS he could easily be the smarty.”
You say before taking a sip of coffee.
You wonder about the possibility of SBS litter pals but given the constant screeching of SBS foals you doubt they’d sell to anyone besides abusers.
“Man he really guards that stuff huh?”
Vincent asks staring at the shit eater.
“Poop madness. Honestly I’m glad he is. We haven’t really had the chance to study the effects of this condition. Better yet on an SBS fluffy.” You’ve noticed he kicked the other brown foal out of their makeshift latrine and now guard his stash of excrement fiercely.
~1 month passes~
The SBS Fluffies have now taken full advantage of the feeding station. Their mothers milk dries out last week. The mothers are all already pregnant again for a third batch of inbred foals.
Huuhuuhuu aww ob gwassies babbehs came outsies wif fowevew sweepies. Gwassies am bad mummah.
Hab ta num babbehs HUUHUUU! Dew am su many Speciaw babbehs. Dis nu wight. Nu fwuffy wisten ya gwassies. Gwassies say nu moa babbehs but dey teww gwassies dat gwassies am stoopies huuhuu. Dey say gwassies nu awowwed ta hab moa babbehs. Gwassies nu wan moa babbehs. Aww dese babbehs am BAD!
Dew babbehs wif fowevew sweepies ebewywew. Mummahs nu eben num dem nu moa. Gwassies nu wike sketti wan nu moh. Miss hewd. Miss Speciaw fwen. Miss owd babbehs… Wai… DAT smeww sniff sniff… Dat… “SKETTIS!!!”
~2 Days later~
Two ob da Speciaw fwuffies fin skettis and meat bawws! Dey nu can num sketti so dey was pwayin wif it. Nu hab skettis since fiwst babbehs was babbehs! Smawty ob couws nummed da skettis but twy to get Speciaw fwuffy to fin moa! Speciaw fwuffy nu undastan su smawty make wule.
“Nu waww miwkies unwess fin moa sketti”
Gween smawty says. He make toughies gawd da waww miwkie pwaces an nu wet any Speciaw fwuffies dwinky unwess fin skettis.
Speciaw fwuffies nu undastan at fiwst su smawty show dem sketti den point at miwkie pwaces. Dey finawy undastan and cwawl into a wittew Howe dey make in kibbwe. A wittew watew an dey cum backsies wif sketti! Gwassies wub Speciaw fwuffies!
“They found the freeze dried spaghetti Alyosha. Or should I say the SBS Fluffies did by mistake. It seems they’re now charging the SBS Fluffies spaghetti for using the feeding station.”
You stare at the screen in a bit of disbelief.
“… Currency… They’re using the freeze dried spaghetti as a form of currency. Remarkable.”
You start jotting down everything in your notes.
“Yeah remarkable. Also fucked up. They’re only making the SBS Fluffies pay. Everyone else eats regular food except them.”
Vincent remarks.
You understand his cynical point. If your calculations are correct with one more generation the SBS Fluffies will outnumber the regular Fluffies.
“Things are getting exciting Vince.”
~2 weeks later~
Huuhuuhuu gwassies nu wike gween smawty nu moa. Thwee Speciaw fwuffies took fowevew sweepies. He nu wet dem hab miwkies cuz dey nu fin skettis.
Gwassies twy to teww gweeny dat dey nee miwkies buh gweeny nu cawe.
“Smawty nu cawe mummah. Smawty an hewd wan skettis. Nu skettis nu miwkies.”
He says sternly.
“Buh… Buh smawty babbeh. Speciaw babbehs nee mi-”
Smawty babbeh say an stomps his hoofsies.
Gwassies sit back an watchies. One Speciaw babbeh twy to sneak in an be miwkie thief. Smawty babbeh catch him an gib wowstest hoofsies tiww Speciaw fwuffy thinky pwace tuwn into booboo juice.
Huuhuu… Dey woll Speciaw fwuffy inta poopie Howe. Speciaw poopy fwuffy sniff him den will him back out ob poopy Howe. Udda fwuffies afwaid ob Speciaw poopy fwuffy. Wast bwight time he bweak a fwuffies pwetty weggie cuz he fink udda fwuffy was twying ta take his poopies.
Gwassies miss owd wife. Miss owd awwey nestie. Miss Speciaw fwIE- “SPECIAW FWUFFY NU! NU WAN ENFIES! NU WAN! SCREEEEEEEEE!”
Speciaw fwuffy n-nu stahp. He… He gif wowstest Enfies in gwassies Speciaw pwace huuhuu.
He nu stahp. Wai he nu stahp."
He finawy stahp. Huuhuu nu wan moa babbehs. Pwease nu wet gwassies hab moa babbehs.
~2 weeks later~
“Well looks like 0436 is pregnant again. Let’s see if these ones live.”
Vince says.
“From what the camera showed the father is an SBS fluffy. Though it’s starting to get hard to tell them apart. A couple more generations and the dumpster will be full.”
You watch as the normal Fluffies force the sbs Fluffies into what you’ve taken to call the sketti mines. A bread line has formed in front of the feeding station. The SBS Fluffies giving the normal Fluffies saliva covered spaghetti in exchange for a belly full of milk. You kick yourself for not putting cameras in the bottom of the dumpster. They apparently have tunnels under the food now. They’ve been using sourdough pretzel sticks as support beans keeping the kibble solid while in the tunnels. Every now and then there will be a collapse and one more SBS fluffy to never surface again. A few of the less lucky SBS Fluffies have tried to take a bite of the brown fluffies fecal matter only to receive a bloody and misshapen snout in return.
The last litter of foals were all dead upon arrival. The mother just kind of kicked them to the side. Now completely immobile from the amount of fat on her bones. They looked more like blobs than Fluffies now.
It’s only a matter of time.
~3 months later~
Today it happened. The last normal fluffy besides 0436 died of a heart attack. 0436 has actually lost weight since she stopped eating 2 months ago. Her last batch of foals like the first we’re completely dead. Mangled even.
Hoofs and wings sprawled in every direction. The SBS foals now rule.
Aww babbehs gone. Speciaw fwuffies onwy. Gwassies wast wittah ob babbehs aww hab fowevew sweepies. Gwassies sit wiff Speciaw pwace agains metah waww su Speciaw fwuffies nu enf. Su much heawt huwties. Nu fwuffy use poopie Howe nu moa. Speciaw fwuffies make bad poopies ebewywew wif nu mummahs to hewp.
Gwassies tummeh has wowstest owies buh nu wan nu moa Nummies. Gwassies su wonewy. Sniffle gwassies hate Speciaw fwuffies. Hate dem su bad. Hate aww ob dem. Dey gib bad Speciaw Huggies and make poopies EBEWYWEW! Gwassies nu wan be in sketti wand nu moa. Gwassies wadda be back in awwey boxie nestie.
Den sumtin gwab gwassies. Gwassies make scawedy poopies.
“Bad upsies bad upsies!”
I scweam. Den I see what hab me. A hooman.
“So we’re saving 0436?”
Vincent asks
“Yes. No use In wasting her. Multicolored foals plus a brown foals all in one litter. I’ve arranged for her to be put in the nursery with the other breeding mares.”
Vincent chuckles.
“I thought you said no interaction?”
You continue to write down notes.
“Let’s not act like the SBS foals realize what’s happening. Vince could you please press that orange button?”
Vincent looks down.
“The one that says emergency kerosene release. Do not press?”
He smirks.
“With pleasure doc!”
Vincent presses the button and a sprinkler system spews kerosene all over the inside of the dumpster. Then a little robotic claw with a lit match extends over the dumpster and lets it go. Within seconds the whole dumpster lights. Screaming can be heard through the microphone as all the mentally deficient Fluffies screamed in agony. Finally the screaming stopped after about ten minutes the real sprinklers came on and put out the fire.
“Vince. … I… Don’t believe my eyes… Am I seeing this?”
You ask
“… hold me Alyosha I’m scared!”
Movement in the dumpster. In the corner where the poop hole was a rather large pile of what looks to be burned excrement is shaking. Then like a xenomorph breaking free from someone’s chest there he was. The brown SBS fluffy. He seemed to be sleeping under the excrement when the fire started. Apparently shielding him from the flames.
“… I think… I think he’s earned the right to live.”
You say while filing a report to send the brown foal to bio for more observations.
Gwassies suu happeh ta be out ob metah sketti wand. Nice hooman take gwassies ta pwetty safe woom wif mummah fwuffies an dey Speciaw fwens. Nice hooman teww gwassies dat if am good fwuffy gwassies can hab Speciaw fwen an babbehs tu. Gwassies am suuuu happeh!
“Grassies. Don’t forget it’s SKETTI NIGHT!”
Nice Doctah awyosha says.
At the mention of skettis insert gwassies having flashbacks to Vietnam
Gwassies hide undew tabwe.
“Did you really have to do that al? You know she’s traumatized.”
Janice the caretaker of the nursery says angrily.
“I just can’t help myself.”
You respond.