The Fluffy Popping Chronicals: Chapter 1 by SnakevsFluffy

Aisha loved fluffies. Holy SHIT did she love Fluffies. Adored them. Charished them. Thought about them every day. Fluffies were one of her favorite things in the world!

To torture and kill. Aisha LOVED to torture and kill fluffies.

Something about them was just so…torturable. They were cute, sweet, bratty, greedy, kind, and so so so stupid. During her daily shifts at home depot, she would daydream about how to kill and torture them somemore. She knew she was an edgelord, but she cared not.

Her sociopathy gave her joy and comfort, and thats all that mattered.

Aisha was always looking for more ways to hurt the little guys. She often browsed forums to find new techniques to inflict pain. But sadly, most of the techniques themselves were stuff she had done dozens of times already. Powertools, starvation, drowning, flaying, she’d done them all before. Not that she couldn’t do them again and again, but every girl needed a break from monotany, you know. Logging off, she decided to relax with some good old Dragon Ball Z.

Aisha had been working through the series and was loving it. Currently she was in the Buu saga, which she was…meh on. It just wasn’t as good as the previous three sagas in her opinion. In this episode Goku was fighting against a frog like monster named Yakon. The saiyan was currently wiping the floor with the stupid monster when suddenly Yakon began to…devour Goku’s light? Huh, that was new.

And then Aisha saw it. Her new method.

To defeat Yakon, Goku began force feeding the creature light. So much so, that Yakon began to balloon and inflate. His belly bloated up, puffing into a tight sphere. Eventually he was nothing but a round green ball until…KABOOOOOOM!

Yakon burst!

Aisha grinned madly. She had her idea.

A few days later Aisha went feral hunting in her neighborhood. The suburbs weren’t the best place to find fluffies compared to the city, but it was all she had to work with and she didn’t feel like dropping money on some store bought fluffies. Work was currently being stingy with hours. Fucking cocksuckers. Someday she swore she’d shoot the place up.

Soon enough, she found a small herd of fluffies to torment. 5 babies, 2 stallions, 2 mares, and…1 very fat smarty.

Fucking jackpot.

“Hey little guys, what’s up?”

The herd instantly screamed and jumped in shock.


“No huwt babbehs! Onwy widdle babbehs huhuuhuuhuuhuuhuuuuuu!”

“No huwt smawty!”

Aisha smiled and shook her head, outstretching her hands to show she was harmless. “Guys, guys. Calm down! I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m a friendly human, I wanna be your new mommy infact.”

At this the stupid creatures perked up, stopping their scaredy poopies and crying. The smarty looked up at Aisha with suspicion, but also arrogance. “Yuu…no huwt fwuffies? Gib nuu homesies and nummies?” Aisha nodded. “Weww…gud! smawty wud hab gib wowstest owwies if yuu didn’t! Beat yuu up and make booboo juice!”

The crazed woman tried not to laugh at the fat bully infront of her, the yellow blob wobbling with his threats. She was TOTALLY gonna save him for last. For now though, she played along. “I-I-I wouldn’t want that to happen, mr smarty! You look so strong and big that you’d probably bowl be over in an instant! I’ll do ANYTHING to not get worstest owwies!!!”

The yellow fuck grinned and laughed. “Den take us too yuu wand and gib it too smawty. NAO NAO NAO NAO!” Jesus fuck, this asshole was throwing a tantrum even when he was getting everything he wanted. It took all of Aisha’s willpower to not sink her teeth into his face at that moment. Instead she lead the way, the fluffy herd following her home. She personally carried the babies, despite the mares and staillions protests of “Too widdle!” “Gib babbeh back!” “Wewe bestest babbeh go?”. But she assured them she was hugging them and giving them human magic that would make them grow up to be super fluffies! That calmed the mares and stallions down.

Eventually, they all got back to the house, where the fun would begin…

Gonna let you guys pick what method of popping should be used first!

  1. Overfeeding skettis

  2. Pop rocks and soda

  3. Plug up anus and let the shit build up

  4. Too much milk

  5. The classic bike pump


Cork their butts and let them inflate with shit. Then make the survivors eat the mess.




ALWAYS a fan of too much mwilkies! Pop rocks and soda is a damn close second though.


put in a plug, they’ll be begging their own assholes to crap- “pwease poopie pwace, pwease wet poopies out, fwuffy nee make poopies hu hu hu”

as they slowly go septic, living way long into it, they slowly start to hate their own butt- “Meanie poopie pwace! Wet poopies out!”

to finally -“Meanie poopie pwace am Worstest poopie pwace eba! FWUFFY HATE U POOPIE PWACE! FWUFFY HATE U!”

they might even try to attack their own anus, or if they’re a smarty, order their toughies to attack it for them- “Tuffies, gib meanie poopie pwace wowstest huwties!”


Obviously we need some babies to explode from too many milkies, but I’d also love to see a foal turned into a balloon (helium optional)


Surprised that there is not more inflation fetish porn in the fluff community, really.
Not my mouthful of helium, but from a technical perspective:
1): Is thematically appropriate, as is
4): though that may incur queer intrusions.

& then there is
Z): The lost “ability” of fluffsplosions. Will Aisha rediscover it? Can it be induced in a hormonally altered stallion? Would there not be inflation fetishists that have kept fluffs with the trait from extinction, perhaps in a hidden valley with agreeable wind conditions?

She works at the Home Depot she should know all about air compressors and their dangers, True story time, Tails from Second Shift, part 8,476, One hot and sweaty night one of the wetalldid temps was blowing him self off with the air hose at the ass end of the shift and such was his skill in doing so he blew his eye ball out, it dangling there on his own dirty shirt like a little pendulum he was screaming and had shit all over him self he was wearing shorts so it was everywhere. " Well it’s Time to call you an ambulance!" I said knowing that he was too damn broke to even afford one, “NO! DON’T DO THAT!” he cried “TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL IN YOUR CAR!” the fucked soggy jap school girl hell that was going to happen so I drove him to the hospital in his own car, and I told him that I would leave it for him back at work. The whole thing I was driving him he was screaming and throwing up and some of his puke got on his dangling eyeball and burned it. Well I dropped that fucktarded dumbass off and drove back to work and the smell from the shit and puke was too much for me and I was outside of the car by now and then I was just like if I am going to have to puke it is clearly going to be in that asshole’s car and that’s what I did then I went home and played Battlefield bad Company 2 and went to bed. So in conclusion an air hose would be a good idea for hurting fluffys. Also I think think the book was called And A Hard Rain Fell, a Vietnam war journal where some special forces guys used a fire truck hose to take a shower and kill a vc woman in a clean way. That book was cool.

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I like your sense of priorities, my friend. :heart:


Save the bike pump till the character is inspired by Dig dug. :slight_smile:

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Depends. Number 4 is always lovely. Killing the smallest shit rats makes for great pleasure. But they will lose all hopes if that’s done too early. If the babbehs are chirpies, number 4 is prioritary.
But if they are talkies, number 1 sounds good to get their absolute trust.
