Those Babbehs Nee Miwkies! (By FJ668, a tribute to Foalout4)

“Huuu…mummah am sowwy babbehs. Nuu can find nummies tuu make miwkies~” The mare said to her poor 5 foals.

“B-buh Babbeh nee miwkies!” The mare’s bestest whined, trying to knead milk out of the mare’s dry teats.

After the baby said this both the babies and the mare’s prayers were answered. A light on the side of one of the buildings in the alleyway started flashing red. Along with that a loud speaker started to blare, causing the mare and her foals to make scaredy poopies in response.

“THAT BABBEH NEE MIWKIES!” The speaker blared as loud as was legally possible inside of the city.

“Huuu! Tuu woud mummah!” A foal shouted.

Not long too long after a black truck screeched to a stop in front of the alleyway and a tall man quickly hopped out of the car. The babbehs and their mother watched as he ran to the back and pulled out a large tank of white liquid from the back of the van. He put it on his back and held one of the hoses in his right hand.

“This is Officer F-O-4. Have identified the babbehs. Can confirm that it’s no false alarm. Those babbehs nee miwkies.” The man said into a walkie talkie before clipping it back on to his belt.

He quickly ran his way up to the mare, expertly tossing a plate of sketties in front of the hungry female. After starving for so long (3 hours) she didn’t hesitate to devour the pasta. This gave Officer F-O-4 enough time to pull the bestest out of the mother’s fluff so that he could examine it more clearly.

“NUUUU! BESTEST BABBEH TUU WITTWE FOW UPSIES!” The young foal shouted, up until it noticed that a few drops of white liquid were pouring out of the nozzle of the device on Officer F-O-4’s back.

“D-Dat miwkies! Pwease nice mistew! Babbeh nee miwkies!” The bestest cried out for the glorious creamy liquid.

Officer F-O-4 didn’t hesitate to stick the nozzle into the babies mouth and quickly turn a valve on his device. A rushing torrent of Miwkies steadily poured out of the nozzle, quickly filling the foal’s belly. However the nozzle wasn’t pulled out of the foal once it was filled. No, that babbeh still needed miwkies.

“MMRFFGGLL!” The bestest babbeh tried shouting for its mother.

Thick creamy miwkies started to come out of the baby’s nose due to lacking anywhere else in his stomach or throat to go. The miwkies were even starting to dribble out of the foal’s anus. Soon Officer F-O-4 realized that he’d need to up the pressure to get the babbeh the miwkies he needed.

“MRRRRGLMRRRR!” The babbeh once more used its last breath to try and call out for its mother.


The babbeh exploded from all the miwkies in his belly. A harsh red and white torrent covered the mare, her other foals, and even Officer F-O-4. However he knew that it was a part of the job, just like the next thing that happened.

“BABBEH NUUUUUU!” The mare shouted, finally having finished off her sketties to watch her bestest babbeh explode.

“WUN BABBEHS! MISTEW AM MUNSTAH DADDEH!” the mare shouted to her foals again causing the multi-colored balls of fluff to pathetically try and scramble further into the alley.

There was of course no where to go, the alley was a dead end. However Officer F-O-4 still had to follow protocol and deal with any fluffies trying to run in the proper way.

“Babbehs are being belligerent. Officer in pursuit.” He spoke into his walkie talkie before reaching to grab a few balloons that were attached to the side of his utility belt.

Each balloon was filled with four days worth of miwkies for the foals, about the size of each of the foals themselves. Officer F-O-4 eyed the two babbehs who were closest to reaching the dead end walls. Right as they realized that there was no escape and they turned around Officer F-O-4 flung two balloons with the force of God behind them at the foals.

The balloons broke nearly every bone in the foal’s bodies once they made impact. Usually a fluffy could take a water balloon with only minor severe trauma but these were babbehs who needed miwkies. A tidal wave of miwkies covered their broken bodies causing the foals to hack and cough as to try and clear their lungs.

PEEP MUMMAH! SABE BABBEH! CHEEP” One of the foals tried to call out for their mother.

“Huuu huuu…tuu scawy babbehs!” The mare cried as she huddled up into the corner.

It was at this time that Officer F-O-4 noticed the poopie babbeh. It was emaciated enough to the point where a single rib was visible from its chest. Officer F-O-4 knew that this babbeh would only have mere days to live if it didn’t get miwkies immediately. He switched out the nozzle of the miwkies machine on his back for a much finer one and immediately went to work.

“NUUUU! P-PWEASE NUU HUWT BWOWNIE!” The poop colored foal cried out seeing Officer F-O-4 approach.

The Officer got down onto one knee and pinned the foal down with his hand before turning up the valve to his miwkies machine. What was once a steady stream of miwkies became the fluffy equivalent of a fire hose, absolutely blasting out miwkies with ceaseless fury. The Officer had no hesitation in pointing it at the baby’s face, he had gloves on to make sure it wouldn’t get on his hand.

“MMMRUUUMLLAH! SBBRRGLLAAAVE!!” The foal tried to call out but soon found its lungs too full of miwkies to say anything.

Slowly the babbehs’ fluff was peeled off by the high-pressure stream of miwkies. This however visibly wasn’t enough, causing F-O-4 to further turn the valve. The pressure was now enough to start peeling off the very skin of the foal, giving the miwkies that flowed off the fluffy’s face into a pinkish hue. This however still wasn’t enough.


Finally he turned the valve as far as it would go. The dials on the side of the container were all in the red and the torrent of water became like that of a pressure washer. The babbeh could only shake its head in a panicked state as not only the skin of its body was peeled off but the muscle was shorn from the bones. Before long the babbeh’s skull collapsed underneath the pressure of the water.

“Alright, only two left. The mother and her last foal.” Officer F-O-4 said into his walkie talkie before heading back to his van.

Seeing the man walk away made the mare hesitantly uncurl. She and her foal stared in wide-eyed horror at the carnage that the man had unfurled upon their babies. One was popped, two were currently choking to death on their own boo-boo juice, and one no longer had a face. However at the very least the nightmare was~

“BLLLRRUUUGH!” The mare shouted as she was taken off her feet by a absolute tidal wave of miwkies.

Officer F-O-4 had put the repurposed fire-hose onto the Milk Tank on the back of his truck and was making double sure that the babbehs got the miwkies. The mare had absolutely no chance at standing from the pressure of the water, her fluff was being peeled off and the impact with the wall had broken at least two of her legs.

Not long after Officer F-O-4 managed to pick up the last foal and hold it above the water cannon in his hand.

“NUUUUUU! HAFF WASTEST HAFF BABBEH!” The mare shouted to no avail.

The Officer dropped the babbeh into the ungodly powerful stream of miwkies and watched as they carred him past the tops of the four story apartment buildings they were surrounded by. He wasn’t sure where the babbeh would land but it was certainly far enough away to where he couldn’t hear it anymore.

He was just about to put the equipment away before he heard the sound of hooves.

“SPWOWIN BABBEH BACK MUMMAH! Babbeh fin’ nummEEEEEEEE!” The baby screeched as the fire hose was once again turned on. The foal and the apple core that it was carrying were quickly washed into the sewer by a torrent of delicious miwkies.

Finally the deed was done, those babbehs had the milkies they needed. The Miwkies Man made sure to give the alleyway a once over with the fire hose. Every last bit of cover or shelter that the mare could call her home was flushed out into the streets. Officer F-O-4 quickly stuck a water-proof business card into the fluff of the barely conscious mare once he was done.

“If your babbehs EVER need miwkies again, just give us a call.” The officer said. The mare didn’t respond, she was just trying to breathe.

Officer F-O-4 finally got back into his car, only to hear a CB Radio on his dash give him another warning of a mare in need of help. There were always more babbehs who were in need of his help. The job was never over. He quickly peeled out, unknowingly crushing a fluffy in his race to the next alleyway.

“Those babbehs need miwkies!” Officer F-O-4 sped to his next job.


Dose babbehs got miwkies!




It never gets any easier…


sigh they need a Different kind of Milk, officer~


This was a roller coaster and I loved every moment.


I loved this.

Now anytime I see a piggy little foal or mare imma gonna think “dat wittew fuckah needs miwkies”


Not sure if this is Aggressive Hugbox to the power of moronbox or not…


Very weirdbox to me.

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“I encountered a place where captive foals are starved to death. Yes officer, its the one that says Fluffmart.”

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Am miwkies man. My miwkies am dewicious.