The Folly of Despair (EzPete)

Inspired by @infraredturbine’s Folly of Hope series and @Ace’s downer fluffs.


tap tap tap

Kevin went to the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone, which meant that it was probably a fluffy. They would go away eventually but they were more annoying than a windshield repair man, or a meat salesman, or a solar panel installer.

tap tap tap

Kevin sighed and went to the door. Opening it quickly and preparing to tell the indeterminate number of fluffies he wouldn’t adopt or feed them.

“Hewwo nice Mistah! Pwease kiww fwuffeh?” A cheerful orange and white stallion asked.

“Sorry, I don’t have any… wait what?” Kevin was taken aback by this otherwise normal looking fluffy.

“Pwease kiww fwuffeh! Fwuffeh am twashies!”

“You can’t say that. Did your owner teach you those words?” Kevin wondered to himself, did an abuser teach him these phrases as a prank? was he secretly watching from behind a bush and filming? He scanned the street. Not a single person besides himself was in sight.

“Nu teech fwuffeh! Fwuffeh jus wan die!”

“Why? You look fine and you have good colors.”

“Meanie man says dat tuu! Meanie man pwomise fwuffeh and spechow fwen skettis but den gib speshow fwen an bestest babbehs wowstest huwties an foweba sweepies! Fwuffeh hab bigges heawt huwties an wan die nao!”

“B-but you could get a new special friend and have more babies!” Kevin found himself arguing with the strange fluffy.

“Nuu! Spechow fwen am spechow! Fwuffeh nebah wepwace! Jus’ nee tu gu foweba sweepies nao!” He stomped his hoof as he spoke for emphasis.

“Whoa there buddy! I don’t take demands from fluffies.” Kevin was a bit angered that a feral was trying to boss him around, even if it was as strange as this.

“Buh dummeh nee tuu kiww fwuffeh! Fwuffeh nee’ wowstest huwties an foweba sweepies!”

Kevin’s hand clenched in a fist as he grew frustrated with the orange shitball. He caught himself and realized he was just going to play into the fluffy’s hooves.

“Look, how about I give you some skettis instead to cheer you up?”

As he said this he wondered if the fluffy was conning him with reverse psychology but quickly dismissed the thought. Fluffies weren’t that smart, and the average person would quicker give into his demands than try to cheer him up.

“Fwuffeh nu am wan sgettis! Wan skettiwand! Pwease nice mistah jus nee kiww fwuffeh! Gib fwuffie dwownies! Ow Buwnies! Ow take poiwtie dingie an make manneh boo boo joosies!”

Kevin looked down at the fluffy’s big glossy begging eyes. “Skettiland? Look! look! Do you have a name at least?”

“Fwuffeh nu hab name annehmowe! Fwuffeh am twashies nao! Iwf fwuffeh nu gu foweba sweepies den nebah see spechow fwen ow bebbehs ebah agaiwn!”

“Wait?” Kevin was completely taken aback by the fluffy’s reasoning. “You want to die to see your family again?”

“Yis! Nice Mistah finawwy un-unda-… wight tinkie pwace tinkies! Su kiww fwuffeh nao?”

“Noooo! I’m not going to kill you! That would be wrong. Besides, it’s not hard for a wild fluffy to die. Why haven’t you tried to kill yourself?”

Sadness finally betrayed the fluffy’s cheerful demeanor.

“Fwuffeh twy… Num fowebah sweepie bewwies buh jus make tummeh huwties! Wawk in bwack vwoomie munstah pwace buh vwoomies gu awound fwuffeh! Eben twy to be bawky munstah nummies buh dey jus wan pway huggie tag!”

Kevin was at an impasse. He wasn’t going to kill the fluffy, but he knew he wasn’t going to change the fluffie’s mind himself.

“Look, how about I take you to a shelter. They can help you.”

“Yus! Fwuffeh wub tu gu to shewtew! Shewtew smeww wike foweba sweepies! Gib suu manneh fwuffies saddies an huwties den fowebah sweepies! Dank you nice Mistah!”


Cool to see someone do something with downer fluffies…even cooler to see you do art again, love when you do.

I envisioned downers as not actively trying to seek death but losing any interest in life and trying to convince other fluffies they are in fact trash just like they are. Interesting to see your take though.


I’m not actually sure I would call him a true downer imo. He’s close enough that he understands he won’t be happy again and acknowledges that he exists to be abused to death, but its not like humans care about them enough to properly diagnose or treat their mental health issues.


I have art ideas in the wings but right now it takes so much time that I prefer to write.


So, the worst thing to do is give him a good home, feed him sketties twice a week, and give him a loving special friend.

I CANNOT wait to see how this goes.

(Ooh, hypnotise him, give him a whole new happy life, and the moment he bonds with his new foals, break the spell. Watch him lose his mind and fail to die.)


This would be a puzzler for an abuser. As was already pointed out, the worst thing to do to this fluffy is to prolong his life rather than bring it to an end.


I have art commissioned from 2 artists and I need to finish those stories too. So much to do.


Ideally, we’d have the time to recreate those traumatic times and change things to fuck with its mind, like mummah didn’t get run over this time etc.

Perhaps one day it would start to question its very basis for having that attitude. And on that day, you take it all away and leave it in the life support sorry box.


Prolong its life and give it never-ending hurties.

In Creamsicle’s case, torture him on a daily basis and keep him fed with a tube. Remind him constantly of his special friend and foals, how he let them down, and how it’s all his fault that they died in agony. Maybe even imitate their voices and insult him. Make him think they hate him from the afterlife for letting them die. Force him to exercise daily, make him live as long as possible. Let him know that him losing his will to live was entirely his own doing, and that he will never get the sweet release of an early demise.


Downer fluffy!! A rare treat!


The ultimate way to abuse this particular shitrat would be torture it within an inch of its life and then stabilise it before it expires.
It’s ironic, a creature so pathetic that it’s unable to die properly.

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I’m personally of the opinion that hurting him but not killing him would only validate his beliefs. Getting stuck in a hugbox saferoom with an owner constantly trying to cheer him up would make him even more miserable because he’d be given a ball and respond with “bebbehs wouwd hab wub baww…” Spaghetti with “spechow fwen wouwd wub skettis an make bestest sketti miwkies!”

He can’t enjoy creature comforts because it is a reminder of the promise of finding a good home for his family that he failed to keep.


I’m not sure an abuser could make the mental leap that giving it a peaceful, hugbox life would actually be the worst torture for this fluffy.

It would be an interesting experiment to try though. Like gaslighting that never ends.

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I mean a delusional hugboxer adopting him and trying to “huggies an wub” him back to normal


Alguien me traduce que es lo que dice el fluffy?

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he just like me


(google traductor)

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I would lure him into my torture basement, make him think I’m gonna kill him, then bring him right back, every time. Give Sprinkles a new friend!

“Depression isn’t real. You feel sad, you move on. You will always be depressed if your life is depressing. Change it. Have a drink, cigarette, cup of coffee, back in the game. SNAP SNAP

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What is this from?